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Developments in Ukraine How serious is the possibility of military conflict between NATO and Russia?

The cautious admission of the NATO countries to the defeat of the Ukrainian army, the opposition of Kiev and the Baltic countries to Lavrov's company at the Skopje meeting, Ukraine's negotiation with Italy about security guarantees, and Moscow's warning about lowering the nuclear threshold by NATO are some of the important events surrounding the war.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, “Sergei Ryabkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, in an exclusive interview with “Izvestia” newspaper, which was published this morning, Wednesday, expressed his opinion that the possibility of a military conflict between Russia and NATO is not ruled out, but the possible escalation of the situation is completely dependent on the actions The North Atlantic Alliance depends.

In response to the question whether we can expect a military conflict between Russia and NATO in the future, he explained: “The future course of the situation It depends on the actions of the North Atlantic Alliance. The choice is entirely with NATO officials. As it has been proven so far, we are ready to defend the national interests of the country with all the means at our disposal. Ryabkov pointed out that the endless aggression against Russia’s interests are “a dangerous policy” for the country, he added: “Those who continue to test our power seem to believe that there is no limit to their own ‘gamble’ and play with increasing stakes.” But they may lose in this dangerous game.”

Ryabkov believes that Brussels’ policy on continued eastward expansion is set and unlikely to change. And in such a situation, relations between Moscow and Brussels are unlikely to be revived in the near future.

A day earlier, Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty, emphasized in a press conference in Brussels that NATO has two main tasks. The first one is to continue supporting Ukraine, and the most important task is to prevent the worsening of the situation and prevent this conflict from turning into a full-scale war between Russia and NATO. According to him, such a confrontation will bring more suffering, death and destruction and it should be prevented from happening. Stoltenberg’s words reminded: “NATO considers Russia to be its enemy and the architecture of this alliance was built in such a way that it was a tool to deter our country and it has not given up on this goal.”

Next, you can follow the developments related to the six hundred and forty-fourth day of the Ukrainian war:

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Koleba: the West will protect Ukraine like a herd of elephants

Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmitrii Koleba, used the comparison that Western countries defend Ukraine like a “herd of elephants” because they consider it a member of their country.

He used such a description in response to a reporter’s question who asked whether he sees signals from the West, especially to start negotiations with Russia, and at the same time the fatigue of the allies West compared the Ukraine conflict to an “elephant in the room” that everyone notices, but no one talks about.

Koleba continues this metaphor. He stated that this term, in his opinion, is unfair to elephants, which are very wise and caring animals. He added: “If you are part of a herd of elephants, they always protect each other, no matter what the situation is. First, all the good elephants are right next to us. And secondly, we are also a member of this herd, which means that the elephants will protect us as much as we participate in protecting them.”

At the same time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine emphasized that he does not feel any pressure on Ukraine to start negotiations with Russia.

Many Western countries are running out of resources to support Ukraine, and Hungary and Slovakia may be the first to abandon Kiev.

-align:justify”>Peter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, announced last night that his counterparts from NATO member countries recognized the failure of Ukraine’s counterattack at the Brussels meeting. He told reporters: “The goals and hopes related to the counter-offensive of Ukraine have been nullified, because there has been no significant change in the battlefield situation and no progress since it began.” This fact has been quietly, timidly, but honestly recognized by many authorities.

According to him, the participants of the Brussels meeting agreed that the results of the counterattack of the Ukrainian army were significantly lower than they expected. Szijjártó recalled that only one minister considered the results of the counterattack successful, but no one supported him.

The Hungarian foreign minister also said that he asked his colleagues to follow the previous decision Adhere to not turning NATO into a side of the conflict with Russia. At the same time, he emphasized that some participants in this meeting continued their warlike attitude and insisted on the continuation and expansion of military aid to Ukraine.

The Baltic countries boycotted the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe because of Lavrov’s company

Foreign Ministers of the Baltic Sea Republics – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia decided not to participate in the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which is being held in Skopje (the capital of North Macedonia) and which is to be attended by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. This issue was clarified in the joint statement of the ministers of the three countries, which was published last night on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania.

This document states: Sergey Lavrov allowed to personally attend the 30th meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Skopje, sorry. We, the foreign ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, will not participate in this event and will not share the responsibility for the consequences that this will cause.

According to them, as a result of its actions in Ukraine, Russia is no longer part of the European security structure, and they believe that Russia’s participation in European events only “provides another opportunity for propaganda.”

Ukraine also boycotted the meeting of ministers in Skopje because of Lavrov’s company

Dmitry Koleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, It boycotted the meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) because Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will attend it. This issue was announced on Tuesday by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

According to Kiev officials, Russia is apparently trying to destroy the unity of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and prevent Consensus on the main issues on the agenda of this organization.

The OSCE meeting will be held on November 30 in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia. European Union Foreign Policy Spokesman Peter Stano previously said that Lavrov’s planned visit to North Macedonia to participate in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ministerial meeting is not considered a violation of European sanctions.

Stoltenberg’s refusal to comment on Lavrov’s participation in the Skopje Council of Ministers

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, also announced last night that this The coalition cannot make recommendations to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) regarding the participation of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the ministerial meeting in Skopje.

He said: The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe organizes its own meetings. This organization has played an important role for years, and NATO members, as independent countries, are also members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which organizes its meetings. So I don’t have any advice about that.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky won the “Dreamer of the Year” category, according to Politico. This issue was revealed this morning in a statement published on the website of this publication.

This is not the first time that the leader of Ukraine has won Politico awards. In 2022, the newspaper named Zelensky the most influential person in Europe. This year, former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk was voted the most influential politician in Europe. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and German Foreign Minister Analena Barbuk were also on the final list of this award. Ukraine

Greek newspaper Ekathimerini reported on Tuesday that the US government plans to buy more than $47 million worth of ammunition from Greece to send to Ukraine. slow The article states: “The United States is negotiating with Greece to sell 75,000 artillery shells from the stockpiles of the Greek Armed Forces as part of replenishing Ukrainian ammunition.

A news source mentioned that the negotiations are in the final stage. The total value of this deal is estimated at more than 47 million dollars.

Russian diplomat: NATO activity has reduced the nuclear threshold

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Groshko announced last night that the actions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization have reduced the nuclear threshold, and this includes the transfer of military scenarios to nuclear scenarios in its initial stage.

He said: “The Russian Federation has long warned that joint nuclear missions carried out within NATO, which include the participation of non-nuclear countries, are a serious violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. It is nuclear. NATO’s activities lower the nuclear threshold and the transfer of military scenarios to the nuclear phase is at an early stage.” Groshko emphasized that even in NATO military exercises, the use of The nuclear component has become more tangible.

The deputy foreign minister also paid attention to the issue of NATO activity near the borders of Russia. Regarding the military-political activities of Finland in connection with joining this coalition, he emphasized that these actions contain accusations of instability and force the Russian side to adopt appropriate military-technical precautions.

Putin: Russia is now at the forefront of creating a more just world order

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday On Saturday, at the general meeting of the National Council of Russian-Speaking People, he recalled that Russia is fighting for the freedom of the whole world during “special military operations”. He said: “It is precisely our country and the Russian world that has blocked the way of those who today claim to dominate the world and monopolize them. We are now fighting for the freedom not only of Russia, but of the whole world. We are openly saying that we are witnessing the dictatorship of a hegemon in the world, everyone can see it now, this situation has messed up the world and is simply dangerous for all of humanity.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office announced yesterday that Italy and Ukraine have started negotiations on an agreement on security guarantees for Kiev.

The message published in this regard states: “By order of the president and the head of the office of the head of state [Andrey Yermak], the first round of consultations with the Republic of Italy regarding the conclusion of a bilateral agreement in the field of security guarantees has begun. »

It is known that the Ukrainian delegation was led by the deputy of Zelensky’s office, Igor Zhukova. The office of the President of Ukraine also mentioned that in this meeting the parties will discuss their approaches to the content and format of the future document and will agree on the schedule of further negotiations.

In this statement, it is mentioned that Kyiv is negotiating with all the member countries of the Group of 7. In mid-November, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said an EU delegation would travel to Kiev in December to discuss possible security guarantees for Ukraine.

Japan plans to help Ukraine in demining

Kyudo news agency on Tuesday, citing government sources. He said that the Japanese government plans to help Ukraine in the field of mine clearance and cyber security.

According to the report of this agency, Tokyo may join the aid program initiated by a group of countries supporting Kiev. It’s about the so-called Defense of Ukraine Contact Group, which is chaired by the United States.

In July, Lithuania presented a plan to help Kiev clear mines. . This proposal was sent to countries that have the ability to provide funding for demining and training of Ukrainian deminers. Germany’s budget problems

Olaf Schultz, the Chancellor of Germany, announced on Tuesday in his speech in the Bundestag that Ukraine needs more financial and military support from Germany. and despite the problems in the German budget, these aids will continue.

He said: “We will provide this support as long as it is necessary.” This support is of vital importance for the Ukrainians, and this is understandable, and its importance is ultimately understandable for us in Europe as well.”

Since the beginning of the military conflict in Ukraine, Germany hosted hundreds of thousands of refugees from this country. According to him, it was the “right thing”, although it became a “heavy burden” for the German people.

Kremlin: NATO is sticking to its goals of deterring Russia. It is

Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian president, announced on Tuesday in a gathering of reporters that NATO considers Russia to be its enemy and that this alliance is entirely for The containment of this country has been established.

Pskov said in response to a question about the risk of escalation of the conflict between Russia and this military bloc: “NATO considers Russia an enemy.” NATO, I always repeat this, is an alliance that was created as a tool of confrontation and its architecture is such that it was a tool for deterrence of our country, the main purpose of the alliance is this. And so far he has not given up his plans in this direction.” The main goal of the North Atlantic Alliance is to prevent the escalation of military tension with Russia, he commented.

Andriy Yusuf, the spokesman of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, confirmed the news that the wife of the head of the Main Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, was poisoned with heavy metals.

He said: “The previously published information about this is true and Mariana Alexandrovna Budanova was indeed poisoned with heavy metals. She is now undergoing treatment.”

Early yesterday, the Ukrainian media wrote about the poisoning of the wife of the head of the State Intelligence Service, Mariana Budanova, with heavy metals. It was found that she was immediately hospitalized, and doctors confirmed that she It is poisoned by heavy substances and through food. Later, information appeared that, in addition to Mariana, several other employees of the intelligence service were also poisoned. No signs of poisoning were found in Budanov’s body.

Bloomberg: Ukrainians are tired and desperate of the conflict anymore

Bloomberg news agency wrote on Tuesday, citing statements from Ukrainian citizens it spoke to, that Ukrainians are increasingly frustrated by the failed counteroffensive and the lack of prospects for a quick end to the conflict. They are tired, desperate and disappointed. It is noted that the people of Ukraine have begun to understand the possibility of a prolonged conflict.

Bloomberg, citing a public poll, noted that the popularity of President Volodymyr Zelensky in this regard Ukraine among its citizens is also decreasing. It is also known that there are currently signs of hesitation among NATO members in supporting Kiev.

Previously, the Spanish newspaper El Pais also wrote that people Ukrainians admit that they are really tired of the conflict with Russia. According to one person, his compatriots are very worried about the future of conflict with Russia.

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Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that Finnish authorities did not submit a request for NATO support because of the migration situation at the border with Russia.

He told reporters at a press conference last night: I welcome the decision of the European agency Frontex to support Finland in this situation. Of course, we have not received any request for support from the Finnish authorities. Border security is the responsibility of the member states of the Union, I am sure that Finland can cope with this situation and make the right decisions.

Previously, Petri Orpo Finland’s minister announced that the country will close all border crossings with Russia to asylum seekers from November 30 to December 13. According to him, Russia has caused this situation and can end it by itself.

The Ministry of the Interior of Finland also announced on Tuesday that from now on the only asylum request It will be accepted at the airports and ports of this country.

For his part, Alexander Grushko, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, called such a decision unreasonable. According to him, the citizens of this country will primarily suffer from the decision of the Finnish authorities.

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