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Amir Abdollahian: The trial of Gaza’s criminals should be placed on the serious agenda of the international community

In the high-level meeting of the Security Council regarding the implementation of Resolution 2217, in which he failed to participate due to the lack of visas, the Minister of Foreign Affairs called for the trial and execution of justice for the perpetrators of crimes in Gaza by the international community and for Iran's support for the legitimate and legal movement of the nation. Palestine insisted on liberation from occupation.

According to the foreign policy group of Fars News Agency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran was supposed to attend the high-level meeting of the Security Council regarding the implementation of Resolution 2217 and give a speech, which was unsuccessful due to the delay in issuing visas by the United States. He failed to attend this meeting.

On Wednesday, December 8th, on the sidelines of the meeting of the government delegation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs referred to the invitation issued to him to participate in the UN Security Council meeting about Palestine said that the American government delayed issuing visas to me and the other Iranian delegation, and this made us unable to participate in the meeting that is being held today at the United Nations. He added: “The Americans gave me and my colleagues a visa early this morning, and due to the meeting being held at 09:30 in New York, it was practically impossible for me to attend this meeting.

According to Fars report, the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran in New York is going to register the text of this speech in the United Nations.

The text of Amir Abdullahian’s speech, which was to be read in this meeting, is as follows.

* The United Nations and the Security Council have so far failed to fulfill their legal and moral responsibilities towards the Palestinian issue. >

In these words, he stated that holding this meeting today, that is, November 29, which was designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day of Solidarity 46 years ago It is named with the Palestinian people, we take it as a good omen, he said: The purpose of holding this meeting is very important and valuable to draw attention to the humanitarian disaster imposed on Gaza, but only if such meetings can be considered really useful. To lead to concrete measures to reduce the suffering of the oppressed Palestinian people and to permanently stop the ongoing process of genocide of the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza.

The foreign minister added: We must openly and courageously admit that the United Nations and especially the Security Council have so far failed to fulfill their legal and moral responsibilities regarding the Palestinian issue. This failure is mostly caused by the unquestioning support of the United States to the occupying regime and the prevention of any effective measures to hold Israel accountable. This is a moral failure for the international community and the United Nations system, but the main responsibility lies with the powers that persistently prevent the Security Council from playing its role according to the United Nations Charter.

In the speech Amir Abdollahian has been mentioned: Today, more than ever, Resolution 2217 is referred to, although it was issued very late and with weak content, it is considered a small step in the right direction, which needs to be seriously strengthened. The natural expectation of the international community was that the Security Council would intervene immediately after the start of indiscriminate attacks against Gaza and prevent the continued killing of innocent people. Who can hide that the occupation regime’s full-scale encroachment on Gaza, which is considered one of the most densely populated areas in the world and has been under complete siege for the past 17 years, and the killing of thousands of innocent people, more than 70% of whom are women Are they children? Wasn’t it a threat to international peace and security?

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the intensity and volume of killing civilians during the 50 days of Israel’s attack on Gaza was unprecedented and the number of children And the number of women killed in Gaza alone is more than the total number of women and children who have been killed in various conflicts in the past year around the world, including the conflict in Ukraine. This is despite the fact that the repression and killing machine of the racist regime has killed or wounded more than 3,100 Palestinians in the West Bank at the same time and during the same two-month period (according to the description of the New York Times on November 25).

* How can the inaction of the Security Council be justified regarding the terrible humanitarian disaster in Gaza?

Amir Abdullahiyan noted: Who can ignore the fact that the blind and indiscriminate bombing of Gaza using 2000 pound bombs and other prohibited weapons including phosphorous bombs, which no place includes It did not exclude hospitals, mosques, churches, and schools, it has all the elements of serious international crimes, including war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity? How can the inaction of the Security Council be justified regarding the terrible humanitarian disaster in Gaza?

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Security Council and its members are now facing a very serious test. In a situation where Gaza has been under occupation and siege for 50 days under the most severe military attacks and has lost more than 16,000 of its children, 6,000 of whom are children and 4,000 of whom are mothers, and in a situation where more than half of the north Gaza has become a pile of dirt, nothing short of guaranteeing a complete halt to Israel’s criminal attacks will compensate for a small part of the international community’s moral shame against the Palestinian people and the Islamic world.

He stated that he should be careful not to turn the humanitarian crisis, despite its usefulness, into an excuse to purify past crimes and an opportunity to prepare new crimes, and added: The tragedy of Palestine as a human, moral and legal issue with global dimensions, from 7 October did not start. The occupying regime and its supporters and defenders should not be allowed to marginalize the long reality of occupation, oppression, humiliation and genocide of a nation, which has continued continuously for more than 8 decades. Violence and conflict in the Middle East was not the choice of the Palestinian people and the nations of the region. Violence is a commodity imposed on the region by the occupation and the superior racial self-concept of the Zionist ideology. The continuous and repressive occupation that started in 1920, was institutionalized in 1948 and caused the forced migration of one million Palestinians, and in the following years was expanded through aggression and military force, and has continued until today through the confiscation of Palestinian lands and the construction of new settlements. It is a reflection of a supremacist and racist mentality that does not give equal human rights to the people under occupation. , has pointed out: This is a legal and moral duty according to Article 1 of the Geneva Four Conventions of 1949 and the Genocide Convention of 1948. Criminals should not be allowed to avoid accountability to the international community by making the crimes that others have committed decades ago in another continent against the Jews, or by accusing critics of anti-Semitism, and to the genocide of the Palestinian nation. continue The legitimate and legal resistance of the Palestinian nation to gain the right to self-determination and defend the human rights and human dignity of the Palestinians is an accepted right according to the United Nations Charter and international law, and no person, country, or organization can deprive the Palestinians of this right. Describing the Palestinian nation’s legitimate struggle for the right to self-determination as terrorism is a clear and conscious violation of the United Nations Charter and the mandatory rules of international law, and it is an immoral and reprehensible practice.

* We continue to support the legitimate and legal movement of the Palestinian nation to get rid of the occupation

The head of the diplomatic service title has done: The Islamic Republic of Iran, within the framework of its principled policy of opposing aggression and use of force in international relations, occupation, racism and racial discrimination, as well as in line with its responsible policy to protect regional and international peace and security, supports The legitimate and legal movement of the Palestinian people to get rid of the occupation and apartheid imposed on the Palestinian land continues. The United Nations Security Council and all governments should ensure a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, prevent the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland, and immediately deliver humanitarian food and medical aid to the people of Gaza, connect electricity and fuel. All Palestinians, including 7 million displaced people and Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, are directly and indirectly mourning their lost loved ones. Most of the population of Gaza lost their homes and properties during the Israeli attacks. The world cannot remain indifferent to this obvious cruelty, which is a gross violation of human rights and humanitarian rights and an example of the most severe international crimes. The impunity of designers, executors and perpetrators of atrocity crimes is a license and incentive to repeat these crimes. Based on this, the trial and execution of justice for the perpetrators of these crimes should be placed on the serious agenda of the international community. Governments that have declared themselves as claimants of human rights and humanitarian rights for decades and have repeatedly committed human rights violations – on a very small scale and incomparable to what happened in Gaza – have resorted to using international mechanisms as a tool to discredit developing countries. have failed the test of honesty and true belief in their claims. Hypocrisy and double standards in relation to human rights distort the rule of law in international relations and make the field more ready for criminals and violators of international law.

He concluded by stating that This is not something that any responsible and pacifist government likes, he said: in the hope of liberating the Palestinian people from the yoke of the occupation and oppression of the occupiers.

end of message/


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