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Kharazi: Iran’s solution to the Palestinian crisis is to create a single state

In an interview with France 24 Españoli, the head of the Strategic Council for Foreign Relations said that Iran's solution to the Palestinian crisis is to create a single state.
– International News

according to the foreign policy group Tasnim news agency, Sidkamal In an interview with France 24 Español, Kharazi, the head of the Strategic Council for Foreign Relations, explained Iran’s approach to the Gaza war and also outlined the future of the region after this bitter historical event.

Full text This interview is as follows:

Question: The topic of this conversation is the situation in Gaza and Iran’s position towards it. From the beginning of this war, Iran announced that it was not involved in the attack by Hamas, and when the time passed, Iran announced that it would not enter the war, unless Israel attacks Iran’s territory. In the meantime, many things have happened. We saw that Israel caused heavy damage to Gaza and many people were killed. What is Iran’s position now after weeks of this war?

Kharazi: We were not informed that Hamas has such a plan. . The resistance has always been supported by us and our policy towards the Palestinians has been to support them in defending their rights. Iran was not involved in this war and even the actions of the resistance axis in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq were their own decisions. Therefore, Iran’s position has been that the war should not expand, because if the actions of the Zionist regime continued, there would be no obstacle to its expansion, both the axis of resistance and the countries of the region would participate in it. In this case, a large regional war would occur. That’s why we always insisted on establishing a ceasefire and put pressure on America and other countries in the region, including members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, to establish a ceasefire, otherwise there was a possibility of the war spreading.

Our policy has not been to develop war

Question: Iran has supported the axis of resistance for years and has demanded the elimination of Israel and the defense of Palestinian rights, as well as the withdrawal of America from the region. This is the main demand of the axis of resistance. But in Palestine Square, we see placards calling for an end to the war. Isn’t that strange? Iran wants war and always invites Palestinians to fight to defend their rights, but now it wants to stop it. If the Palestinians stop fighting, what will their future be like?

Kharazi: Firstly, the rights of the Palestinians are the only thing we support. Because their rights have been violated. Their land is occupied by the Zionist regime. That’s why we fully support them. But the issue of spreading the war is a completely different matter. Our policy has not been to expand this war, but we support the Palestinians in the war against the Zionist regime to get their rights.

The time has come for the crimes of the Zionist regime to stop. I must say that their reaction was completely calculated. Hezbollah has been active. So far, 108 Hezbollah members have died and 40 civilians have been killed in southern Lebanon. The Houthis have also fired missiles from the south of Yemen, and Hashd al-Shaabi has attacked American positions in Iraq and Syria. These have been fully calculated. How can this situation get out of control? What are the red lines?

Kharazi: It remains to be seen what will happen after the agreed break. I believe that the brutality of the Zionist regime will continue and will continue to kill civilians including children, women and the elderly in Gaza and will destroy Gaza even more. In this case, a new situation will be created. That’s why Iran’s foreign minister has said that we are on the border of developing war, and it completely depends on America and the Zionists, how far they want to go. There is this concern and the future depends on the Zionists. The time has come for the crimes of the Zionist regime to stop and the war to end and to think about the future of the region. But if the war spreads, the situation will be completely different, so that other countries will also enter this conflict. This will not be in the interest of America or any country in the region.

They want to forcefully move the Palestinians of Gaza to Egypt or the Palestinians of the West Bank to Jordan. This action creates new conditions. Naturally, Egypt and Jordan will not agree to this action. So we have to wait and see what will happen after this break.

Hamas has proven that it is is in control

Question: Netanyahu has said that Gaza will be free of Hamas. They want to destroy Hamas and change the status of Gaza so that international forces or Fatah take over its administration. What is Iran’s position regarding the future of Gaza?

Kharazi: This is the only wish that the Zionists have, but it is not possible. We are sure that the Palestinians will not pay attention to what others dictate and will defend their rights. What matters is the result on the field. So far, Hamas has proven that it is in complete control and has caused heavy damage to the Zionist regime in Gaza, including killing soldiers and destroying military equipment of that regime. They are completely determined to fight and continue to resist the Zionist regime. It is true that Netanyahu has made such claims about the future of Gaza, but I am sure that the future of Gaza will not be as he said. They cannot destroy Hamas or the Palestinians in any way. You saw how different countries reacted in this war in support of the Palestinians and against the brutality of the Zionists. Public opinion should be considered.

The goal of Hamas is to liberate their land

Question: We remember Iran’s foreign policy philosophy as Mr. Zarif once said about it. That diplomacy and field are together. I think Iran knows very well what this means because I have read about it in numerous articles. When Hamas committed such an attack, it must have pursued a goal. What was the ultimate goal of such an attack? Because many Palestinians have been killed by this attack. A lot of damage has been done and many people have suffered. It should be a big goal. What was the goal of Hamas? Or what is the goal of the axis of resistance?

Kharazi: The goal of Hamas is to liberate their land and that is why we support them. Their land is occupied by the Zionist regime since 1948, 1967 or even after the Oslo agreement. They are right in defending their cause, which is the freedom of Palestine. Iran’s position and solution to the Palestinian crisis is to create a single state, so that it includes Muslims, Christians and Jews who originally lived in this land. Based on this, a referendum should be held on the future of Palestine. This is the only democratic solution that can bring peace to this land, otherwise any other solution will be impossible and the war between Palestinians and Zionists will continue. Therefore, Palestinians have the right to defend themselves and it is our duty to defend them.

Question: I always believed that Iranians in politics Foreigners are pragmatic. The two-state solution that is now being brought up again and everyone is talking about as an option is generally difficult…

Kharazi >: It is impossible at all. The Zionists themselves do not believe in it either.

Question: Here is my question. If this is impossible, the one-state solution seems more impossible. How to reach a solution?

Kharazi: It is resistance that will determine the final result. No one thought that the apartheid regime in South Africa would one day be overthrown, but it happened, and the same applies to Palestine. If the resistance continues, there will be no other option than a democratic solution, that is, the creation of a single government.

For 75 years, the Zionists have been brutalizing Palestinians

Question: But my opinion is different. We will witness more decades of violence in the region. Because the resistance is getting stronger every day. For example, in 2006, Hezbollah was not as powerful in southern Lebanon as it is today. But at the same time, hatred will increase in Israel and the government will become more militarized.

Kharazi: Yes; But the Palestinians are ready for it. When you watch TV, you see how Palestinians in the West Bank support Hamas. This shows that the Palestinians are ready to continue to resist despite all the losses and casualties. If they are ready for such a situation, why should we stop them? It is their right and will to resist. For 75 years, the Zionists have been brutalizing the Palestinians. A group of Jews from Europe and other countries were taken to this land to occupy the Palestinian land. During these years, extreme brutality has been applied against the Palestinians, and the Palestinians have only been busy defending their rights. As long as they are ready to defend themselves, there should be no worries.

Question: But there are those who say that it is easy for a country like Iran. to take such a position. Because Iran has not recognized Israel since the establishment of the Islamic Republic and Israel has been its enemy. Iran has supported Hamas and resistance groups. This situation will be more worrying for the future. Of course, the situation will be good for Iran. What is your answer to the critics?

Kharazi: It was not Iran that pressured the Palestinians to defend their rights, it was their own will. to continue to resist and defend their rights. Iran has only helped and supported them. The initiative was in the hands of the Palestinians, not Iran.. Iran was only a supporter.

About Egypt has also announced that we are ready to improve relations. Question: Let me mention another issue. Different countries participated in Riyadh with different positions. What is the status of Iran’s relations with other countries in the Middle East, especially with Saudi Arabia, or with the UAE, which is normalizing its relations with Israel?

Kharazi: Our relations with them are improving, because after years of conflict, countries have come to the understanding that Iran is a regional power and there is no other way than to normalize relations with Iran. That is, the countries of the region have reached such political maturity that it is in their interest to improve their relations with Iran in order to improve the situation in the region and spread peace in the region. We have supported this approach and improved our relations with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and others. Even in the case of Egypt, we have announced that we are ready to improve relations. All this shows that after a long time of differences between the Arab countries and Iran, it is time to normalize relations.

Question: Iran What does he expect from the countries of the region regarding Palestine?

Kharazi: To support them. This is the reason why we demanded to hold the summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other countries also supported it. The meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation was held in Riyadh to announce the support of all Islamic and Arab countries to the Palestinians.

Question: But their positions are different. was, especially regarding what actions should be taken in the future.

Kharazi: Naturally, there are differences of opinion, but there are also common positions. There is. One of them is that the support for Palestine and the Zionist regime should be condemned for its brutal behavior against civilians. Question: Are the disputes related to the future of Fatah? Was it also in Gaza and the political future of Palestine?

Kharazi: As long as Fatah supports the resistance, we will not fail to support the Palestinians. I believe that the main issue is resistance against the invaders. There are various ideas in Palestine, including between Fatah and Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others. There is a difference of opinion. But as long as they support the resistance against the invaders, naturally we will support them.

Question: Let me return to Hamas. . During the Syrian war, Hamas fought against Bashar Assad and the Assad government.

Kharazi: No. Hamas did not fight against Bashar al-Assad. They just moved their office from Syria.

Question: But they said their positions are not the same as the Syrian government…

Kharazi: Yes, they said that, but later they realized they were wrong and returned to Syria. This trend was the product of the design of the Americans and some Arab countries in the region to create differences between Hamas fighters and Bashar al-Assad’s government. But this plan failed and now Syria is in place and Bashar al-Assad is in power. Therefore, Hamas has returned to Syria, because it needs Syria’s support. : The Security Council has so far failed to fulfill its responsibilities towards Palestine

Amir Abdallahian: The agency must disarm the occupying Israeli regime

All those who to resist the invaders in a country they are supported by us God exists, does Iran have Hamas? Hamas is completely different from Hezbollah. They share the common goal of destroying Israel, but Hamas is Sunni and the majority are Shiite resistance. Do you have the same trust in Hamas?

Kharazi: Each of these members of the resistance axis have their own policies, ideas and goals. As long as they are members of the resistance axis, they can count on our support. There is a difference of opinion between Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis in Yemen or Hashd al-Shaabi, and this is natural. Its roots go back to the geographical conditions, ideology, needs and goals of each one. But as long as they are in the axis of resistance and anti-occupation, we are ready to support them. You said that Hamas is Sunni. This proves that the policy that Iran is seeking to create a Shiite crescent in the region has failed. Now, Iran not only supports Shia fighters, but also supports Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which are not Shia. The issue is not Shia or Sunni, but the defense of legitimate rights. All those who resist the invaders in a country and are Shiites, Sunnis, Christians or have any other religion, are supported by us.

Question: Let me refer to domestic issues. During the years of demonstrations, we heard that people chanted the slogan “Neither Gaza nor Lebanon, I will sacrifice my life for Iran.” But due to economic issues, these slogans have been heard. But in the recent demonstrations, we have seen that the participants in the demonstrations are mostly those who are dependent on the government. We do not witness the presence of all sections of the society. When we visit social media, we even see Iranians who support Israel. This is a reality in this country. Why has the Islamic Republic not been able to bring the whole society together around one goal, which is to support the Palestinians? They support Iran’s policy against the Zionist regime. If there are opinions against this, it shows democracy in Iran that they can express their opinion. The majority of Iranians support Palestine, like the millions of Iranians who participated in the recent demonstrations in support of Hamas. At the same time, those who are against the opinion of the majority are also against the brutality of the Zionist regime that kills civilians, children and women. No one in Iran supports the Zionist regime in killing civilians. Therefore, although some may have a different opinion, they are not the majority. The majority of Iranian people have shown their support for this policy by attending the marches.

Question: I disagree. Because I have been in Iran for many years and participated in various demonstrations. I have also participated in the Quds Day marches. In the first years that I was here, it was an interesting day for me, because many Iranians could be seen in this ceremony supporting Palestine. I don’t see anything like that these days. I honestly ask, why has this happened?

Kharazi: Political changes are a natural thing. If you compare these days with the beginning of the revolution, there have been changes. But this should not be confused with the support of the majority of the country’s policies against the Zionist regime. Your conclusion is not correct. When you see millions of Iranians coming to the streets on Quds Day, it shows that the majority of people support Iran’s policy against the occupation.

We are ready to return to the JCPOA if America and Europe return to their commitments

Kharazi: We signed the JCPOA and fully adhered to it. When America left it. It was natural for us to reduce the implementation of our obligations. That is why these things happened. If America returns to JCPOA and Europe fulfills its commitments, naturally we will also return to our commitments. Therefore, everything that has happened in these years has been caused by the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA. They not only withdrew from JCPOA, but also imposed more sanctions against JCPOA. Therefore, it is the other side that must answer why such a situation has been created. We are ready to return to the JCPOA if America and Europe return to their commitments.

Our policy is this. not to go towards nuclear weapons

Question: Experts say that a country that does not want to build a nuclear bomb does not need It does not have 60% enrichment. Because when you have 60%, you can easily make a bomb.

Kharazi: Not necessarily. 60% enrichment can have many other uses. There is nothing wrong with enrichment. Our policy was not to go towards nuclear weapons, although we have such a capability. But we have not made this decision, because making such a weapon would be against the fatwa of the supreme leader of the revolution. Therefore, this question should be asked to America and Europe, why did they not commit to their signature and change their policy? If we went to increase the amount of enrichment, it was a reaction to their actions. If they come back, we come back. But apparently the US does not have such a decision and the Europeans continue to impose sanctions on Iran, including the issue of the missile embargo, despite the fact that Iran was removed from the Security Council sanctions in October, but they have the continuation of such an embargo on their agenda. Therefore, if they return to the negotiating table, we are also ready.

Question: But a new agreement must be created. Because that agreement dates back to 2015 and cannot be revived today.

Kharazi: Why can’t it be revived? This agreement is signed and should not be subject to the fulfillment of other conditions. This agreement has been signed and must be implemented.

Question: I have another question regarding this agreement. What situation will the region face if Trump becomes the American president again?

Kharazi: Catastrophic. It will be the same not only for the region, but also for America itself. If you compare the politics and prestige of today’s America with the past, for example, the era of Jefferson and Washington, you will see what has happened to America. It will be very funny if Trump becomes president. Such a situation will be disastrous not only for the region, but also for America.

Question: But what will be the situation in Palestine if Trump return to power base?

Kharazi: The resistance will continue.

Question: If the Americans leave the region, will the resistance have a reason to continue on its path?

Kharazi: This will be good news. If the Americans leave the region, the countries in the region will be mature enough to run their own countries and cooperate more, because the main issue is foreign interference in the region, and if this is removed, peace and a more stable situation will prevail in the region.

Question: But what will happen to the resistance?

Kharazi: The resistance will continue, because the Zionists are the main problem in the region. It is the right of the Palestinians to defend their rights.

Here I want to thank the people of Latin America for participating in demonstrations against the Zionist regime and supporting the Palestinians and killing civilians, including They condemned children, women and the elderly. These actions should be appreciated. There is a long distance between Latin America and Palestine, but this proves that they support human ideals.

end of message/


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