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Developments in Ukraine The West is trying to hide its fatigue from the conflict with Russia

The reason for Germany's support for Ukraine from Putin's point of view, Kiev's re-emphasis on the absence of any negotiations with Moscow, NATO's recognition of Russia's missile power, Kiev's claim to be ready to join the European Union and the future NATO-Ukraine cooperation plan are some of the most important events surrounding the war.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, Mikhail Podoliak , the adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, last night once again emphasized that there are no peace talks between Kiev and Moscow and there cannot be.

Podolyak pointed Regarding the fact that Russia wants to guarantee its position of dominance in the European continent with a military attack on Ukraine, he wrote on his Telegram channel: “For this reason, not in February and March 2022, nor at any other time, and especially in In the current situation, “peace talks” did not exist, does not exist and cannot exist. There is no need for illusions to achieve peace through dialogue.”

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, also reminded yesterday at the end of the Ukraine-NATO Council meeting in Brussels that The coalition member countries do not put any pressure on Kyiv to start peace talks with Moscow. In his opinion, apparently, Russian President Vladimir Putin is not interested in talks about Ukraine.

At the same time, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said at a press conference in Brussels. He assured that among NATO member countries there is no fatigue in continuing to support and provide assistance to Ukraine. He emphasized that the United States and its partners in the North Atlantic Alliance are ready to continue supporting Ukraine. The international community on the military conflict in Ukraine can lead to deadly developments and Russian attacks become more brutal than before.


Zelensky’s order to strengthen Ukraine’s defense lines for fear of Russian military attack

Bloomberg news agency reported early today, Thursday, that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, called for the acceleration of the construction of defense structures due to the dire situation on the battle front and the fear of a possible new attack by Russian forces. .

According to this information, after his meeting yesterday with key military and security officials, Zelensky called for the faster creation of key defense lines in view of stopping counter-attack and confrontation operations. Effective with possible Russian attacks. He also asked the local people to participate in the defense of the country and promised to pay them for this effort.

Bloomberg believes that such a request from Zelensky It may be related to the fear of the conflict spreading to the regions outside the eastern and southern Ukraine. Lavrov traveled to Europe for the first time after the military conflict in Ukraine. Kurd

Sergei Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, this morning to participate in the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which will be held on November 30 and December 1 will be held in Skopje, entered North Macedonia.

Greece and Bulgaria, as members of the European Union, closed their airspace to Russian aircraft in February 2022. But Greece opened its skies to Lavrov’s plane last night, but Bulgaria did not allow the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ plane to pass through its airspace due to the presence of Maria Zakharova.


In this regard and in protest of Lavrov’s participation in this meeting, Ukraine, followed by Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia announced that they will boycott the Skopje meeting.

On Wednesday, the spokesperson of the French Foreign Ministry said that the Russian Foreign Minister at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Skopje does not mean that Moscow will get out of international isolation. In response to these words, Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, called Russia’s claim of isolation a relic of France’s colonial habits and recalled that recent international events have shown that Moscow is connected with all countries of the world.

Putin: Berlin supports Kiev because it is not independent

Vladimir Putin, President Last night, Wednesday, in a meeting with the participants of the Congress of “Young Scientists” of this country, the President of Russia expressed his opinion that Germany does not have its own sovereignty and that is why this country has agreed to finance Ukraine and other positions of its “NATO allies”. .

According to Putin, the West has blocked easy access to Russia’s cheap energy sources. With such actions, the countries that have severed their relations with Moscow are harming their economy. and it is very important that people have a clear idea of ​​who they are and where they come from, based on realistic and serious research.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg last night, Wednesday, at a press conference in Brussels after the meeting The Ukraine-NATO Council at the level of foreign ministers announced that Russia has gathered significant stockpiles of all types of missiles before winter arrives. According to him, Ukraine and NATO should prepare themselves for long and difficult battles “to push back the Russians”. The Ukrainian armed forces admitted to the battlefield with Russia and their heavy losses and losses, despite the continued supply of arms and other support from the coalition.

The uselessness of delivery of F-16 to change the situation of the battlefield in Ukraine In this press conference, the NATO Secretary General also mentioned that the delivery of F-16 fighters to Kiev will not fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield.

Jens Stoltenberg then emphasized: “But the supply of the F-16 will allow us to inflict damage on the Russian military, but this fighter is a “silver bullet”. It is not that it will solve all the problems by itself and allow us to fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield.

NATO Secretary General: There is no pressure on Kyiv to negotiate with Moscow

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced in an interview with the BBC yesterday that the member states of the alliance will not put any pressure on Kyiv to start peace talks with Moscow. When asked if any NATO members were pressuring Kiev to start talks, he denied it.

Stoltenberg said. : “No. The message is that we should give military aid to Ukraine because that is the path to peace. We know that the stronger Ukraine is on the battlefield, the stronger it will be at the negotiating table, and that’s the goal.”

Moreover, he believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin is apparently not interested in talks about Ukraine.

New training course for the crew of the Russian Navy to combat naval drones

An informed official in the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced that the combat training program of the crews of surface ships of the Russian Navy includes a new training course – repelling attack by unmanned boats . According to him, the new combat exercises have already been tested in all fleets to ensure that they can engage these unmanned boats visually and electronically with electronic warfare devices or with artillery or heavy machine gun fire at a safe distance. to destroy them.

Experts of the Ministry of Defense emphasize the importance of training the crew to fight against naval drones in the situation where the armed forces of Ukraine attack Russian naval vessels using Unmanned boats have relied, they know it’s important.

The German foreign minister called the decline of interest in the conflict in Ukraine deadly

German Foreign Minister Analena Barbock reminded last night that the concern of the international community about the armed conflict in Ukraine is rapidly weakening and that this situation can lead to deadly developments.

The German Foreign Minister wrote on X social network: The disappearance of Ukraine from the public mind is very dangerous and may lead to Russian attacks becoming more brutal than before.

At the same time, Barbok stressed, Ukraine has chosen a path towards membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union and “made its choice in favor of peace, freedom and security has done.” According to him, the future of Ukraine is certainly in the European Union and NATO.

The foreign minister also reported that Germany allocated an additional amount of 11.5 million euros to the Ukraine-NATO joint fund.

Blinken sees no sign of fatigue among NATO countries in supporting Ukraine

Anthony Blinken, the Secretary of State of the United States last night at a press conference in Brussels, expressed his opinion that there is no fatigue among NATO member countries in supporting and providing assistance to Ukraine. Blinken told the Associated Press: “I don’t see any signs of fatigue or a tendency to back down on this path.” He emphasized that the United States and its partners In the North Atlantic Alliance, they are ready to continue supporting Ukraine. The US Secretary of State added: “Some have raised the question of whether the US and its NATO partners should continue to support Ukraine or not. But today’s answer at the NATO meeting is clear and unwavering: we must and will support Ukraine.”

He also raised the issue of Ukraine joining this alliance. And he reminded that this country will join NATO when all the countries of this pact agree to this and all its conditions are fulfilled.

Koleba Ukraine’s armed forces are practically called NATO’s army

Dmitry Koleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, on Wednesday at a press conference together with Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the alliance in Brussels , where the Ukraine-NATO Council meeting was held, expressed the opinion that the armed forces of Ukraine are effectively becoming NATO’s army.

He said: We are increasing our military cooperation capabilities with NATO. To a large extent, taking into account our capabilities and management principles, we are practically becoming NATO’s army. The alliance is helping Ukraine move from former Soviet-made equipment to NATO standards. According to him, this will make the armed forces of Ukraine fully compatible with the Western armies. The coalition indicated that in its opinion it is “closer than ever” to this alliance.

Latvian foreign minister called Russia the only external threat to Europe

Kristianis Karinš, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia claimed that Russia is the only external threat to Europe. Karinsh said that he, along with his Estonian and Lithuanian counterparts, decided not to participate in the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which is scheduled to be held in Skopje, and where Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is also present.

He wrote on the social network X (former Twitter): The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe was established to ensure cooperation and security in Europe, while today the only external threat to Europe comes from It is Russia’s side.

One ​​day before that, it became known that the Foreign Minister of Ukraine also boycotted the Skopje meeting in protest against the participation of the Russian Foreign Minister in this meeting.

NATO and Ukraine signed a cooperation program for 2024

Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty, announced that NATO and Ukraine have signed a cooperation plan for 2024, which includes issues of energy security and training of the Ukrainian armed forces.

He told reporters last night, Wednesday, at the end of the meeting of the Council of Ukraine and NATO at the level of foreign ministers: We have signed an extensive cooperation plan for 2024, which includes interaction on energy security and increasing the compatibility of Ukrainian and NATO forces.

Stoltenberg also recalled that the parties discussed the measures that Ukraine should take to get closer to NATO, which include reforming the defense procurement system and reforming the intelligence services.


Earlier, it became clear that the same disagreements regarding the continuation of military aid to Ukraine still exist between the member states of the North Atlantic Alliance, which existed at the July summit. .

Hungary: Ukraine’s membership in NATO is the beginning of World War III

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó stressed that Ukraine cannot become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization at the moment, because it would lead to the third world war, and also because Kyiv violates the rights of national minorities in its country. violates and this treatment is not in accordance with the rules of the alliance.

He said: Ukraine’s membership in NATO is untimely for two reasons. The first is the Washington Treaty establishing NATO, Article 10 of which states that only countries that contribute to the security of the North Atlantic Ocean can join the alliance. It is now obvious to everyone that a country at war does not contribute to the security of the region. Instead, Ukraine’s joining NATO will lead to the threat of direct conflict between NATO and Russia. There is a clause on the rights of national minorities in this country and Budapest will seriously monitor its implementation, adding: The second reason that Ukraine’s membership in NATO is timely is that NATO is a community of values. This issue is clearly stated in the Washington Treaty. Therefore, it is obvious that there is no place in the coalition for a country that constantly violates the rights of national minorities.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s statement that Western countries would provide ships to Kiev showed Grants that the militarization of Ukraine will not stop for a minute.

He said: “And for this purpose, any motive is used.” The stated purpose of protecting grain ships with warships is an absolute cover for possible military adventures by Kiev and its Western backers in the Black Sea.”

Earlier, Zelensky At a press conference with the leaders of Switzerland, Latvia and Lithuania, he said that Ukraine has agreed with its partners to receive warships to protect ships moving along the grain corridor in the Black Sea. According to him, receiving these ships is a matter that can be realized in the near future. Meanwhile, Western countries have not yet announced their intention to transfer warships to Ukraine.

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Kremlin rejected Ukraine’s new accusation against Russia

Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman of the Kremlin, reminded about the statement of the special security services of Ukraine about Moscow’s alleged involvement in the poisoning of the wife of the head of the main intelligence service of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov. that the authorities of Kiev blame Russia for everything that happens in this country and this attitude has become normal. Peskov said: “In my opinion, Ukraine even blames Russia He is also to blame for his existence. This is a common accusation.”

A day before, Ukrainian media reported the poisoning of Mariana Budanova. According to sources, we are talking about poisoning with heavy metals, with which several other employees of the State Intelligence Service of Ukraine were also poisoned. Andriy Yusuf, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said that the investigation into the poisoning of the wife of the head of the Intelligence Service is ongoing. No signs were found of Kirill Budanov’s own poisoning.

President of the European Commission: Ukraine has almost met all the requirements for membership in the European Union

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, announced on Wednesday that Ukraine has met almost all the requirements set by the European Union to start accession negotiations. has done. “They met all the requirements for almost all the seven steps we asked them to take in becoming a candidate country,” von der Leyen said.

The EU is expected to announce the start of accession talks with Ukraine, which received candidate status in June, after a summit of European leaders in mid-December in Brussels. In early November, von der Leyen said that Ukraine had completed more than 90 percent of the EU accession steps set out last year. For Ukraine, they include continuing to fight corruption as well as making reforms to protect the rights of national minorities. Another border

The bilateral agreement between Russia and Ukraine on how to cross state borders by residents of other border regions is no longer implemented. The relevant document was published on the Russian legal information portal on Wednesday. This document mentions that this agreement was terminated on November 9, 2023.

This document is about how residents of border areas cross the border between Russia and Ukraine in 2011 was signed in Donetsk. According to this document, residents of border areas can cross the border at the local checkpoints of the area where they lived and stay in the territory of the neighboring country in the same area where they crossed the border.

In addition, on November 14, 2023, the agreement between Russia and Ukraine on the coordination of rail transport activities of the two countries was also terminated. This bilateral agreement was also signed in Moscow in 1993. .

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