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Haqqani: Palestine will be freed from the occupation as a result of resistance

The Interior Minister of the Taliban government said in a meeting with the Islamic World Scholars that Palestine will be freed from the invaders as a result of resistance.
– International news

According to the regional office of Tasnim News Agency, “Serajuddin Haqqani, the Minister of the Interior of the Taliban government, in a meeting with the delegation of scholars of the Islamic world, considered the trip of this delegation to be a good point connecting Afghanistan with the Islamic world.

According to the announcement published by the ministry Referring to the situation in Palestine, Haqqani expressed his hope that as a result of the Palestinian resistance, the land of this country will be freed from the hands of the occupiers and emphasized that helping the Palestinian people will be a great honor of the Afghan people.

He added: The struggle of Afghans against the invaders proved that any attacker, no matter how well equipped, cannot resist Iman. Now it is in the hands of the scholars, and the scholars understand the benefits and priorities of the country very well. Haqqani continued: In the last two years , the fight against narcotics has been done well and the treatment of addicts is still being done properly, security is well provided, economic stability and progress is developing every day, and the reconstruction of the country continues rapidly.

“Ali Qara Daghi” also said in this meeting on behalf of the board of scholars: “Palestinian problems are the common pain of the Islamic Ummah” and assured about the continuation of aid to Afghanistan.

“Nawaf Takruri”, the head of the Palestinian Ulema Society, also said in this meeting: “The oppressed nations of the world are inspired by the struggles and successes of the Afghans, and now the struggle of the Palestinian people and Mujahideen against the oppressors continues, but the responsibility of all Muslims is the world to defend and support the oppressed Muslims. It is obligatory for the people of Afghanistan in the current situation

Afghanistan’s criticism of the countries’ silence Islam for the Palestinian issue

end of message/.


Publisher Tasnim News
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