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Developments in Ukraine US threat: We will not allow Russia to win this war

The NATO Secretary General's warning about the deterioration of the situation in Ukraine, the European Union's difficulty in convincing citizens to continue helping Kiev, the decrease in Ukrainian exports due to the blockade of the Polish border, and the criticism of the mayor of Kiev against Zelensky for authoritarianism are some of the most important events surrounding the war.
– International news

according to the international group Tasnim news agency, “Lloyd Austin”, the US Secretary of Defense announced last night that the United States intends to prevent Russia from winning the military conflict in Ukraine and aims to continue helping Kiev with its military needs.

Austin said while speaking at the Reagan National Defense Forum, which is being held in California these days: “We will not allow (Palestinian movement) Hamas or (Russian President) Putin to win. We will also not allow our enemies to divide us or weaken us.” It maintains the sending of aid to multiple theaters of military operations simultaneously, which currently includes Israel and Ukraine. He added: “The United States is the most powerful country on earth. There are nearly 3.4 million people currently serving in the United States military. We can do a lot together.”

Austin called Russia’s military actions in Ukraine “a challenge to NATO allies” and a “direct attack on the rules-based international order,” and said, “So the outcome of this struggle will determine global security for decades to come. Therefore, we cannot stand on the sidelines and do nothing.” It shows more investment in their production”, adding: Therefore, compared to the defense budget five years ago, we have invested almost 50% more in the production of ammunition and during the current administration, the production of artillery ammunition has quadrupled.

While John Kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications in the National Security Council of the White House, warned yesterday that the financial support of the United States to Ukraine is at a critical moment. And the aid package to Ukraine is awaiting the approval of the Congress, otherwise Washington will be in trouble in 2024. At a press conference in Skopje, the Russian Foreign Ministry said: “Right now, the priority is not to keep quiet and not let the West defeat us.” He called the aggression against Russia part of the “crusade” of the West against this country and pointed to the role of the United States in trying to destroy “everything related to Russia in Ukraine”.

Next, you can follow the developments related to the 648th day of the Ukrainian war:


Stoltenberg: We should expect bad news from Ukraine

Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, believes that the situation in Ukraine may worsen due to the reduction of aid from Western countries.

In an interview with a German TV channel, the Secretary General said: “We need to hear

Convincing citizens about the need for help Kiev has become difficult for the European Union

Vira Eurova, the vice president of the European Commission, revealed in an interview with the “Le Monde” newspaper that the leaders of the European Union countries for They have difficulty convincing their citizens of the need for financial and military support from Kiev. According to him, however, in the long run, Ukraine should win the conflict with Russia and join the European Union. They need a strategic discussion about the future of Ukraine so that they can continue to support this country.

Eurova reminded about the deadlines announced by the European Commission on the progress report of the countries applying for EU membership, based on this document, expected at the December summit If all the conditions are met, a “political agreement” will be reached regarding the admission of these countries to the Union, and the accession negotiations will begin in March 2024 after a new evaluation.

He said: “In the next two weeks, the European Commission will inform the European leaders whether Ukraine has all the conditions for the immediate start of accession negotiations.”

A Ukrainian TV channel reported that Hungary blocked the passage of Ukrainian trucks on the border with Slovakia. blocked Other sources also confirmed that trucks with Ukrainian license plates are not allowed to cross the border.

A day before, Andriy Demchenko, the spokesman of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, noted that approx. 1,600 trucks are standing in line to enter Ukraine through Hungary and Slovakia. /strong>

Mikhail Podoliak, adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, announced that the strike of Polish truckers at the border does not affect the supply of military weapons to Kiev.

He said in a TV interview: No, this crisis does not affect the supply of weapons. All this is within the framework of the clear strategy of the Warsaw authorities for military assistance to Ukraine. In this regard, no restrictions are imposed and only commercial shipments are blocked.

Podoliak reacted negatively to the blocking of the border, but assured that military supplies will pass through Polish soil. continues. He also mentioned that Ukraine plans to hold negotiations to remove the border blockade with the new Polish government, which is expected to be headed by Donald Tusk, the leader of the opposition.

Vladimir Zelensky also said last week that Ukraine has faced serious problems on the border with Poland due to the “political steps” of some of its neighbors.

Ukraine’s exports to The reason for the border blockade in Poland decreased by 40%

Yulia Svirdenko, the Minister of Economy of Ukraine, announced that due to the blockade of the border by Polish truckers, the export of The country decreased by 40% to European countries.

He said: “In November, the export volume of Ukrainian products reached 9.2 million tons. Cargo transportation was 783,000 tons. The largest export volume was carried out from the Polish border reached 282 thousand tons, and this volume is now 40% less than before after the strike of Polish transport companies.” that in some checkpoints, exports have been completely frozen or reduced by half. He emphasized that the Ukrainian authorities are working to solve this problem and Kiev has reasons to hope that the situation will be resolved thanks to bilateral dialogue.

According to some reports Media, due to the protest of transport companies in Poland, Ukraine has lost more than 400 million euros. It is said that 12 Ukrainian non-governmental organizations have approached Polish authorities and non-governmental organizations to help end the blockade.

New demonstrations in Ukraine to stop the mobilization law

Some Ukrainian media reported that a rally was held in the center of Kyiv on Saturday in support of the exemption of the military forces mobilized after 18 months of military service at the front. became. According to reporters, hundreds of people took part in a demonstration in Kiev’s Independence Square, mostly relatives of military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces stationed in the war zone.

The gatherings were reported A similar one was held in other Ukrainian cities in different regions of the country, especially in Lviv, Odessa and Sumy.

Ukraine’s current law “on conscription” does not specify the length of service for those who are mobilized during martial law, so protesters are calling on the authorities to solve the problem as soon as possible.

In November, demonstrations were held twice in the capital of Ukraine and other regions demanding the release of military personnel who have been on the front for a long time. .

The reason Poroshenko’s travel ban was explained, his intention to meet Orban

Ukraine’s security service announced that Petro Poroshenko, the former president of Ukraine, was banned from traveling abroad due to his intention to meet with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

The agency claimed that Russia’s special security services were apparently preparing a special intelligence and psychological operation to reduce support for Ukraine among foreign allies and create divisions in society. are.

According to the information of the counter-espionage organization of Ukraine, in this context, there is information related to the planned meeting of Poroshenko, the head of the European Solidarity Party, with Orban, who is generally anti- It was received by a Ukrainian who is a friend of Russia and wants to cancel the sanctions against this country. In this regard, the Security Service asked the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Supreme Parliament to take this information into account when organizing and coordinating foreign business trips of politicians. Meanwhile, foreign policy issues are handled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Poroshenko said on Friday that Ukrainian border guards did not allow him to leave the country. According to him, his exit permit was signed by Ruslan Stefanchuk, Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament. Poroshenko mentioned that during this trip he planned to hold “dozens of dialogue meetings” in Poland and the United States to solve the country’s problems.

Klitschko: Because of actions Zelensky, Ukraine is moving towards dictatorship

The mayor of Kyiv, Vitaly Klitschko, in an interview with the German magazine “Spiegel” on Saturday expressed his opinion that Ukraine is on the way Authoritarianism has set in, and due to the actions of President Volodymyr Zelensky, there are almost no independent institutions of power left in this country.

In a conversation with this publication, he emphasized that now the only independent institutions left in Ukraine are local municipalities, which are under severe pressure. Thus, in several large cities, elected mayors were removed from their positions by simple court decisions. Klitschko believes that the Zelenskiy government sees mayors as an “atavism”, which are an obstacle to the centralization of power structures in the country, and thus Ukraine is becoming is an authoritarian state.

Furthermore, the mayor pointed out that since the beginning of the Russian military offensive, he has not had a single meeting or phone conversation with Zelensky, although the municipal building Kiev is located only a few hundred meters from the presidential office.

For the first time since 2022, Russia has become one of the five largest grain suppliers of the European Union

Eurostat data has shown that for the first time since March 2022, Russia has become one of the five largest suppliers of grain to the European Union, and this The maximum purchase volume was eased from March last year.

According to the results of this study, the main supplier of grain to the European Union is Ukraine. In addition, last month, the supply volume of these products increased by 1 percent, but during the year, the total volume of Ukrainian grain supply to the EU decreased by a quarter and reached 1.2 million tons.

Brazil ranks second in terms of grain supply to Europe; During the month, it increased its export volume by 1.8 times to a total of 1.1 million tons. Turkey, which sent 204,000 tons of grain to the European Union, ranks third, and Canada, with the supply of 139,000 tons of grain, ranked fifth in terms of supply, which decreased by a third.

Ukrainian people trust Zalogheny more than Zelensky

Ukrainian people trust Valery Zalogheny, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces Ukraine has outgrown its president Volodymyr Zelensky. This issue was revealed in the results of a survey conducted by the sociological group “Rabe”.

According to this study, 63% of respondents completely trust Zalogeny. And 19% almost trust him. Thus, the overall level of confidence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is 82%. While the level of public trust in Zelenskiy is 72%, of which only 39% of Ukrainians completely trust the Ukrainian president, and another 33% “almost trust”.

In the third place is the head of the Main Information Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, whose trust level is 54 percent.

The results of the survey also It showed that if the presidential elections were held in this country, neither the current president nor the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Ukraine could win in the first round. According to this information, Zelenskiy won 47.4% and Zalognyi 30.7% of the votes in the first round. they did. In the second round, 42 percent of respondents will vote for Zelenskyi and 40 percent for Zalozheny.

At the same time, the majority of Ukrainians (76 percent) are convinced that Presidential elections should be held after the end of the military conflict with Russia.

Ukraine Developments| Zelensky’s concern about the reduction of Western support for Kyiv/ the ineffectiveness of the US and European strategy regarding Ukraine
Ukraine developments| Increasing dissatisfaction among the military / the crisis of American financial support for Kiev
Ukraine developments| Kiev reached out to NATO: we need more military and political assistance /strong>

“Ras Atom” company on Saturday after the meeting between Alexey Likhachev, the general manager of this Russian state-owned company and Rafael Grossi, the general manager of the International Agency Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that the parties have planned full-scale consultations on the status of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in January-February 2024.

According This information will focus on issues related to ensuring nuclear safety and operation of the nuclear power plant.

It is also recalled that the conversation between Likhachev and Grossi about the activity of the International Agency’s mission Atomic energy in the power plant and the process of the next rotation of agency experts, which is scheduled to take place on December 5, 2023.

In this meeting, Likhachev supported the agency’s actions for energy development. He confirmed peaceful nuclear as a sustainable source of energy in the world and said that “Ras Atom” company is ready to continue cooperation in this direction.

Warning Medvedev about Russia’s decisive response to interference in its internal affairs Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy head of the Russian Security Council, emphasized that the Moscow authorities will not interfere in the affairs of Russia. The interior of this country will respond decisively to the aggression and, if necessary, asymmetrically. “We will respond to any attempt to interfere in Russia’s internal affairs and support pseudo-oppositions that want the collapse of Russia, in any way necessary and proportionate to the scale of the invasion, and even asymmetrically if necessary.”

Medoved also noted that in relation to friendly countries, Russia will continue the principles of good neighborliness and non-intervention, and in relation to countries with hostile tendencies Against Russia, the strategy of “just plan of power” can be used in all military, economic, cultural, etc. fields.

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