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Special Taliban facilities for businessmen and industrialists who return to Afghanistan

In order to deal with the affairs of refugees returning to Afghanistan, the Taliban High Commission announced that it has distributed land to returning businessmen and industrialists and provided them with tax exemptions.
– International news

According to the regional office of Tasnim News Agency, “Abdul Salam Hanafi, the administrative deputy of the prime minister of the Taliban government, met with the officials and members of the committee to create facilities for migrant businessmen and artisans of the High Commission for Handling Migrants. » The Minister of Industry and Trade and the head of the committee to create facilities for businessmen and artisans of the High Commission for dealing with the problems of immigrants and the members of the mentioned committee gave explanations about the activities and functions of this committee.

It should be said that the High Commission for the Handling of Migrants was established after Pakistan started the mass deportation of Afghan immigrants.

Held a coordination meeting to manage the challenge of expelling Afghan refugees from Pakistan
Kabul’s special arrangements for refugees deported from Pakistan

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