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Resigned member of the US State Department: We are two-faced and we give weapons to Israel without any reason

Josh Paul, a retired member of the US State Department, strongly criticized the country's participation in the brutal slaughter of the Gaza war and the opening of Washington's weapons depots to Tel Aviv.

According to the monitoring report of Fars News Agency International Group, the member of the US State Department who resigned from his post on October 18 (October 26) in protest against the aid of weapons to kill Palestinians, “opening the doors of arms to Israel” condemned.

Josh Paul worked for 11 years in the Office of “Political-Military Affairs” of the US Department of State, whose main task is to send weapons to America’s partners and allies. Is. On Monday evening (last night), he interviewed CNN anchor Christian Amanpour and explained to his questions about his reasons for resigning. It was done on October 7th (October 15th), he stopped working for the US State Department and took a strong position against sending weapons to Israel. The US defense minister went to the Gaza war and asked Josh Paul why the US defense minister used the word “defeat” to warn Israel.

US defense minister Lloyd Austin yesterday in A conference held in the state of California declared: “If Israel does not protect civilians in Gaza, it will face the risk of strategic failure.” Austin, referring to Israel’s attacks on Gaza said: “In this kind of battle, the protection of civilians should be given importance. If you leave them in the arms of the enemy, you will replace strategic defeat with tactical victory. I have reminded Israeli leaders several times that protecting Palestinian civilians in Gaza is both a moral duty and a strategic imperative.” Christian Amanpour asked Josh Paul: “Tell me. What is your analysis of his (US defense minister’s) statements?”

The resigned member of the US State Department said: “I think he is right, and I think what we are witnessing is the tension between Those of us who have worked in the political and military spheres in the field about the Middle East and are the cadre members of the ruling defense apparatus who understand that these measures will not work and will not lead to the results that Israel wants to achieve, but will prolong the suffering of the Israeli people. And Palestine will be for other generations”.

Josh Paul, a retired member of the US State Department. And Britain criticized Palestine, saying: “I cannot remember another time when there has been such a disconnect between our values ​​and actions, or a disconnect between the approaches of our political leadership and the realities on the ground.”

Christian Amanpour asked: “May I ask you how, when and how you drew this line of distinction? This is not the first time that Israel has gone to war with Hamas in Gaza, and it is not the first time that it has caused negative reactions around the world. What made you say it was so different (from other wars) that it made you resign?”

Josh Paul replied: “A number of facts made it so. . First of all, it is the scope (of this war). We now see that the conflict has been going on for two months and we see that three times as many children have been killed in Gaza than were killed in Russia’s two-year war in Ukraine. 6,000 children were killed in Gaza. We saw that more than 50 journalists were killed, more than 100 UN aid workers were killed, more than 2,000 medical personnel were killed. Do you know how hard it is to become a doctor in Gaza?” confirm these weapons; The weapons that are being transferred to Israel right now, and these weapons are causing these killings.” Secretly and defiantly, this is non-partisan politics in America and has a history of several decades. Israel is America’s strongest and closest ally in the Middle East, and America provides the largest amount of aid in the world to Israel. What was so different about this time that it made you publicly resign?” Josh Paul said. As for Israel, I was involved, there was always an opportunity to talk, you could raise your concerns, about how these weapons are going to be used, are we confident that the laws of war and the principle of proportionality will be respected. , whether we have concerns about some of the military units that are going to get the weapons or not… but here (sending weapons to Israel after the Al-Aqsa storm operation) what was different was that there was no discussion. He didn’t have and there was no opportunity to conduct such a dialogue, and it was basically the case that the doors of the weapons warehouses (America to Israel) are open and it is still the same now. “The door to the (U.S. weapons depots to Israel) is still open, and although I am encouraged by the (recent) words of Vice President Kamala Harris and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, as long as the doors to the weapons depots are still open, I don’t see why Israel should heed these warnings. To take it seriously?”

CNN anchor, in the continuation of this interview, read the position of the US State Department regarding Josh Paul’s resignation, which states: “Regarding this criticism In particular, we have clearly said that we strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself. We will continue to provide the security assistance they need to defend themselves. The foreign minister and the president have spoken clearly about this, that we expect Israel to adhere to all international laws while defending itself.

Josh Paul in response “I think we, as the bigger and more powerful side in this relationship, have a responsibility to advise and step forward when things are going right, and when we say we are committed to defending Israel,” he told Amanpour. We should look at the situation in the field and say, is this really what is happening? Is Israel more secure as a result of our aid, or has our military aid caused Israel to continue to develop settlements in the West Bank and to continue the blockade of Gaza and take actions that ultimately endanger Israel’s own security?”


Christian Amanpour and Josh Paul

He continued: “What is happening right now is not only a disaster in Gaza, but a foreign policy disaster for the United States throughout the world.” The Arab world, and to be honest, it’s all over the southern world as well.” Paul added: “We look like hypocrites when we criticize Russia for violating human rights, but this We don’t do it for Israel… the second thing is, we have levers (to pressure Israel),… we have many levers to put Israel on a better path and end the brutal killing in Gaza, but we use these levers. We don’t”.

end of message/






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