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Pakistan’s interior minister’s warning about possible threats in the election rally

Pakistan's interior minister warned against terrorist threats against the country's political leaders on the eve of national elections.
– International news

According to the regional office of Tasnim news agency, “Sarfraz On the eve of the country’s national elections, Pakistan’s Interior Minister Bugti warned against possible terrorist threats against political leaders, especially Maulana Fazl-ur-Rahman, the leader of Jamiat Ulema Islam.

He said that the presence of political leaders in election rallies is one of the important challenges of the upcoming elections in Pakistan. style=”text-align:justify”>Bugetti also pointed to similar security threats and pointed out that in the past some political leaders of Pakistan were targeted during election activities.

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After the dissolution of the Parliament of Pakistan, “Anwar Haq Kakar” was sworn in as the interim prime minister to prepare the preparations for holding national elections in this country.

end of message/.


Publisher Tasnim News
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