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Afghanistan is the focus of talks between Chinese, UAE and Tajikistan officials

China's special representative for Afghanistan discussed Afghanistan in a meeting with the deputy foreign minister of Tajikistan and the senior adviser of the UAE foreign ministry.
– International news

According to the regional office of Tasnim news agency, “U Xiaong, China’s special representative for Afghanistan, announced his separate talks with Farhad Salim, Deputy Foreign Minister of Tajikistan, and Salim Al-Dhabi, Senior Adviser of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Afghanistan.

He added that in these meetings, constructive and comprehensive discussions were held regarding joint efforts to help Afghanistan.

This Chinese diplomat did not provide more details of his meetings.

China was one of the first countries to activate its embassy in Kabul after the Taliban regained power.

Tajikistan rejects establishment of Chinese military base near Afghan territory
Afghan products entered Chinese markets
China, Iraq, UAE, Afghanistan and India; The main buyers of Iranian goods

New reports of the interactions with the Taliban with the countries of the world show that the officials of different countries of the world since the recapture of power by the Taliban have so far more than 1200 have interacted with the Taliban.

According to these reports, China had the most interactions with Kabul authorities with 185 contacts and meetings, followed by Turkey with 185, Iran with 178. Qatar with 145 and Pakistan with 129 meetings and interactions are in the next positions. “clearfix”/>


Publisher Tasnim News
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