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A painful interview for the head of the Central Bank of Türkiye

Erdoğan's team tried to turn the head of the central bank into a hero of the fight against inflation by arranging a populist and populist interview, but his words brought many mocking and sarcastic reactions.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim News Agency, the interview with the head of the Central Bank of Turkey with one of the famous journalists of this country, like a news bomb, attracted the attention of the media and activists of the Turkish cyber space. has attracted And in the situation where the economic crisis and 3-digit inflation have made life difficult for millions of Turkish households.

The publication of controversial statements about the livelihood of the head of the Central Bank of Turkey and his complaint about the housing rental situation in Istanbul met with many negative reactions. Meanwhile, Erdogan had commissioned one of Turkey’s most important journalists and editors to divert the attention of Turkish public opinion from inflation and 29 lira to the dollar by conducting a controversial and promising interview.

کشور ترکیه ,

Is the head of the Central Bank of Turkey a tenant? He was born in Istanbul and after completing his bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering at Bogaz Ichi University in Istanbul, he went to America to continue his studies and in 2005 he graduated in the field of financial engineering and research in financial operations. and the work of Harvard and Stanford University, researched and at the famous American banking and financial services company Goldman Saks started his work. banking and insurance in the United States and is a member of the board of directors of “Tiffany & Co” jewelry, and according to the research of the San Francisco Times magazine in 2018, she was the only woman under 40 years old who was the president or CEO of the 100 largest American banks. Was.

This educated lady with such a record This year, according to the proposal of Mehmet Şimşek, the Turkish Treasury Minister, he was introduced as the head of the Central Bank of Turkey. Before he returned to Turkey, the minister assured him that he had spoken to Erdogan and promised him not to interfere in any way with the decisions of the central bank governor.

This promise, contrary to Erdogan’s usual political tradition, raised bank interest rates as much as possible to add water to the fire of inflation. But these solutions still did not answer and a famous editor was scheduled to interview her and give such a message to the people of Turkey: the head of the central bank, a very qualified and capable woman, and in addition, she has a good influence on the economic and living conditions of the Turkish people. supervises, he himself lives like a normal citizen and does not even own a government building or property! =””/>

Ahmed Khaghan Joshkon, the editor of Hurriyet newspaper, who accompanies Erdogan on most of his foreign trips, in a newspaper interview, described the head of the Central Bank as follows: has done:

1. He is a She is a very competent and capable woman who has studied in the best universities in the world and in addition to having a good understanding of economics and financial management, she is a simple person who is aware of pain.

2. The head of the central bank, who lived in America for a long time, announced that housing rent in Istanbul is even more expensive than rents in fancy apartments in Manhattan, New York, and he has to go and live with his mother!

3. The goal of Arkan, not even one English word confuses his words and lives just like a Turk.

4. The head of the central bank, with the janitor of the building where his mother lives named “Dadash” Sadeq”, has close relations and whenever he sees him, he says: “Khan Dadash! Did you see that we lowered the prices? Sadiq also says: No, my sister. did not come down If you don’t believe me, I will give you an address, go to the market and ask the prices of onions and potatoes.” It is here that he goes to the market in a disguise on the advice of Sadegh Bey and sees firsthand that some prices do not match the rates announced by the Turkish Statistics Agency and more efforts should be made!

5. The head of the central bank is busy in the bank from 7 am to late at night He is very friendly and honest with his assistants and staff.

Ahmed Khaghan with these explanations, trying to entertain Turkish people by presenting a populist image. But many journalists and critical analysts of Erdogan criticized this interview and called it demagogic.

Morad Yetkin, one of the famous journalists of Turkey, says: “I am happy that the head of the central bank asks the prices from the janitor in a modern way! But apparently we need a few more honest brothers! We should put an honest brother next to Mr. Erdogan and hire an honest brother for the Treasury Minister Mehmet Shimshek to provide them with the real prices!”.

One ​​of the Turkish newspapers announced that the reference to the central bank chief being a tenant is a funny rumor. Because Hafiza Ghaye Arkan in America received a salary of one million and 300 thousand dollars annually and in Turkey, in the worst conditions, her salary reaches 180 thousand liras per month, which is equivalent to 3 thousand US dollars, and with such an income, one can In the best place in Istanbul, he rented a luxurious apartment with a large area!

کشور ترکیه ,

The ultimate goal What is a media game?

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the leader of the Justice and Development Party, in the past forty years, as a professional politician, has learned the ways to use the media correctly, and now that he has no solution to overcome the economic crisis, he is trying to use Media tactics and public opinion engineering will throw the ball in other people’s court.

He answered the reporters about “I don’t interfere in economic issues,” he declared when inflation ended. Ask Mehmet Big. Economic decisions are with him.

He introduced Şimşek as the main person responsible for economic decisions, and now by proposing the name of the head of the Central Bank of Turkey as an important and decisive figure regarding the dollar rate and the fight against inflation, he is doing something to make people believe that the president is omnipotent. It is not, and part of the country’s economic problems are the work and mistakes of others!

At the end, it is necessary to point out that in any case, the action of the head of the Central Bank of Turkey in giving up the salary of one million two hundred thousand dollars and returning to the country with many problems and responsibilities And a much lower income is a clear example of patriotism and sense of responsibility of elites who can live a prosperous and peaceful life abroad but prefer to return to their country and serve the people.

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Publisher Tasnim News
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