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An explosion at a nickel factory in Indonesia left 12 dead

An explosion in a nickel production and processing plant in Indonesia left at least 12 dead and 39 injured.

According to Fars News Agency International Group, an explosion in a nickel production and processing factory in eastern Indonesia left at least 12 dead and 39 injured.

This The factory, which was established with Chinese capital, is located in a government industrial estate.

The incident happened around 5:30 am local time at “Singshan” Steel Company in “Morwali” Industrial Park in the capital of Sulawesi province.

“Dedi Kurnovan”, the spokesperson of Morvali Industrial Park, says that the number of victims is 51, 12 of whom died at the scene of the accident, and 39 are hospitalized with moderate to severe injuries. .

Among the dead, there are 7 Indonesians and 5 foreigners, but their nationalities have not yet been determined.

An official said: Preliminary investigation shows that the explosion occurred during the repair of the furnace, which ignited a flammable liquid and then caused the explosion of nearby oxygen tanks.

Indonesia is the hub of nickel metal production and processing, which is used to make electric car batteries and stainless steel.

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