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The development of missile power and air defenses of the Lebanese resistance / the rise of Hezbollah’s power changed the deterrence equation

The development of the missile power and air defense of Lebanon's Hezbollah 17 years after the 33-day war of 2006 will increase the restrictions of the United States to directly intervene in the Gaza war.
– International news

According to the Arabic website Tasnim News Agency

, based on the messages exchanged between Lebanon’s Hezbollah and the war decision centers in the United States, a clear message has been given to the American aircraft carriers stationed in the Mediterranean Sea.



Sayed Hassan Nasrallah said this time: We have also taken the necessary measures regarding the fleet with which you are threatening us. During this period, he also emphasized on increasing the strength and capabilities of the party’s missiles and drones, to the extent that it gives it the ability to face the US intrusions and aggressions in the region.

Syed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, changed the previous equation of balance against the Zionist regime in Lebanon’s favor and by verbally attacking America instead of Israel, considered Washington to be the main designer and leader of the Gaza war.

حزب الله لبنان , کشور آمریکا ,

Israel has established and adds: These rules will prevent attacks and increase the enemy’s aggression against civilians, as well as bombing points behind the resistance front.

During ten years The past that passed in Syria and due to the need to preserve quantitative and qualitative military information, Hezbollah gradually unveiled a part of its missile system. In the field of Syria and South Lebanon, Hezbollah displayed its new weapons. The most important message of the display of these weapons was to emphasize being ready for the coming war from a defensive or offensive position. In the air field, the resistance has not only mentioned this several times, but has also shown the power of its air defense. Hezbollah uses its power to shoot down drones and counter intrusions by drones and other electronic systems at the border.

Anti-ship missiles and Anti-aircraft, along with air defense systems to deal with drones, attack and spy drones are added to Hezbollah’s tens of thousands of guided missiles; that the Zionist regime has learned about the technology of some of them. Especially the Iranian Fajr, Raad, Barkan and Zelzal missiles, which Hezbollah also uses. When Lebanon arrives and the Americans enter the field, the resistance will naturally have the necessary interaction with this issue, and this interaction will include not only frigates but also other issues in the region.

Hezbollah has surpassed the Kornet missiles that grounded the legendary Zionist Merkava tanks in Wadi al-Hajir in 2006. This time, Al-Tawam Square in the northwest of Gaza showed a new picture of the hunting of Zionist armored vehicles, especially “Al-Nimr”.

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The 82nd day of “Al-Aqsa Storm”| Israel: We must assassinate Mohammad Zaif/ Hezbollah fired rockets at Kiryat Shmona

On October 29, the resistance shot down an Israeli drone with a surface-to-air missile. The Zionist bases along the northern borders were crushed by the firing of the “Barkan missile”. The Zionist regime knows very well that Hezbollah can make the air defense of this regime enter an erosion process. Hezbollah’s drones and missiles will definitely penetrate deep into the Zionist regime.

end of message/


Publisher Tasnim News
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