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Karzai: The education of girls is very important for the people of Afghanistan

Referring to the closure of girls' schools, the former president of Afghanistan stated that the education of girls and women is very important for the people of this country.
– International News

According to the regional office of Tasnim News Agency, “Hamid Karzai”, the former president of Afghanistan, referring to Education of girls and women in this country, he said, “I hope that the differences regarding the education of girls and women will be resolved.” >Karzai emphasized that the education of girls is very important for the people of Afghanistan and I have discussed this issue with all officials of the Taliban government. Comprehensive means national discourse, and this means that the country must be governed by the will of the people, and this does not mean the presence of all the people in the government, but the national laws and measures need to be agreed upon by the people.

He stated that after The security situation has improved after the Taliban came to power, but we have not yet reached lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan.

The United Nations once again called for the reopening of girls’ schools in Afghanistan
Karzai: Closing girls’ schools is a big obstacle to progress and self-sufficiency
Statement 27 countries about the reopening of girls’ schools in Afghanistan

Karzai stated that we are looking for a national discourse in Afghanistan, a discourse in which the people of Afghanistan consider themselves to be a part.

President The former president of Afghanistan said that the way to save Afghanistan is to establish a balance of power between the great powers, and if this issue is not respected, we will face a challenge. clearfix”/>


Publisher Tasnim News
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