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Seyed Hassan Nasrallah: We are witnessing the real humiliation of Israel on the southern front

The Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon gave a speech this afternoon (Friday) at the seventh ceremony of "Al-Hajj Muhammad Yaghi" which was held in the city of Baalbek in eastern Lebanon.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the seventh death ceremony of “Al-Hajj Mohammad Yaghi” nicknamed “Abus Salim”, former Executive Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah and former member of the Lebanese Parliament, this afternoon (January 15) at Hazrat Khola Court. Q) It was held in the city of Baalbek and Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon, also gave a speech.

At the beginning of his speech, the Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon once again mentioned the martyrdom of pilgrims at the court of Martyr Qassem Soleimani in He condoled the terrorist explosions on Wednesday and also the martyrdom of Al-Hajj Abu Taqawi, one of the commanders of al-Hashd al-Shaabi, in the US attack in Baghdad yesterday.

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, in the first part of his speech, discussed the life and career of the late Alhaj Mohammad Yaghi and said that from the period Young people have been active together in Lebanon. Nasrallah said that the late Abu Salim was fond of Imam Musa Sadr and martyr Muhammad Baqer Sadr. I have known him since he was young in 1978. From the first hours of our acquaintance, brotherhood, friendship, affection and complete trust were established. From the beginning of his youth, he was a mujahid, active and revolutionary person in Baalbek, and the first person who inspired Haj Abu Salim was Hazrat Imam Seyyed Musa Sadr. He himself said that he used to ride in a car with the late Abu Salim from village to village and from city to city, lecturing and analyzing issues, and that he became a member of this resistance group with the establishment of Hezbollah, and according to Seyyed Nasrallah, “melted in “This new path” and devoted the rest of his life to this movement and its cause.

670 attacks in three The month against Israel’s positions

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, in another part of his speech, addressed the attacks of Lebanon’s Hezbollah against the positions of the occupiers and the activities of this resistance group and said “Since October 8, we entered the battle with the enemy on the southern front, and until today, when more than 90 days have passed, this front has been oppressed by the media. During this period, all the border positions and positions deep in the enemy’s soil and settlements were targeted, and during the past three months, the resistance carried out more than 670 operations, and in some days the number of operations reached 23.

According to the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, 48 border headquarters of the Zionist regime, 11 positions deep in occupied Palestinian territory and 17 Zionist settlements have been targeted. They claim that Hezbollah only hits Israeli masts; He said: “These are either uninformed or ignorant; We target the equipment on the masts, which are worth hundreds of millions of dollars and cover information control over a large part of Lebanon.” The vehicles of the Zionist army spoke and emphasized that now all the tanks and military machines of the enemy are in the sight of the resistance forces and Hezbollah has good information about the positions of the Israeli forces.

He added: “From the results of this The confrontation that has been going on for three months has killed and injured a large number of enemy soldiers and officers. These operations have become exhausting for the enemy, but they have adopted media confidentiality in stating their casualty statistics and do not announce the actual number of their dead and wounded; The resistance has almost 90 videos of the destruction of tanks and machines and Israeli military headquarters. Today, some enemy sources, citing sources in the Israeli Ministry of War, say that the number of soldiers who have been disabled since October 7 may reach 12,000. ».

The Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon further said that the resistance forces discovered that more than 2,000 Israeli soldiers were injured by hacking the information of eight hospitals in Israel, so that a large number of them suffered They are dangerous injuries, or the doctors have given up hope on them.” Hassan Nasrallah added: “We know that hiding the casualties is part of the enemy’s psychological war in order to feel defeated in front of our society. And don’t be ashamed, because what is happening is the real humiliation of Israel on the southern front.” It was the Arab countries that suffered displacement and refugees, but this time the mass flight from the settlements has imposed a psychological, political and security pressure on the Israeli government. He himself said: “We said from the first day that the purpose of this front was to put pressure on the enemy and wear down and tire the enemy in order to stop the invasion of Gaza and also to reduce the enemy’s pressure on Gaza; Have these two goals now been achieved on the Lebanese front? Yes; When the enemy became afraid of developments on the Lebanese front and the progress of events towards an all-out war, he had to bring a hundred thousand troops to the border of Lebanon; Now we have complete information on the forces and brigades stationed on our borders, the forces that the enemy has been forced to prevent from being sent to Gaza.” Nasrallah then raised the question whether this amount Hasn’t the loss of the Zionist regime and the destruction of its machinery caused pressure on the government of this regime?

The Secretary General of Hezbollah then addressed the enemies of the resistance inside Lebanon and said that they have not read the contemporary history of Lebanon. And they don’t know that since 1948, Israel repeatedly attacked villages and houses and committed crimes, and it was always the people of southern Lebanon who were displaced, and if Israel can achieve its goals in Gaza, its next target will be southern Lebanon. /p>

He said that if one of these attacks that are being carried out on Israeli positions happened in the past, Israel would have targeted Beirut, but now the Zionist enemy does not have the courage to do so and this It is the same equation of deterrence that the resistance imposed on the enemy years ago.

Hassan Nasrallah also addressed the Israeli settlers and said that if they want an end to this situation, they should ask their government. They want to stop the invasion of Gaza and there is no other option to stop the attacks of the Lebanese resistance.

Let’s not give up Saleh al-Arouri

Lebanon’s master of resistance continued to point to the assassination of the martyr “Saleh al-Arouri”, the deputy of Ismail Haniyeh in the south of Beirut, and called it a “big” aggression. and dangerous” from the enemy and emphasized that this assassination will never go unanswered by Hezbollah. He said: “I tell you that this [assault] will never go unanswered. and be punished, we will never use the phrase “at the right time and place” and our response will be definite, we cannot remain silent in the face of such a great violation, the amount of corruption and depravity that lies in silence in the face of this terror, the danger of any reaction It is higher”.

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah further discussed the issue of Iraq and targeting the positions of Al-Hashd al-Shaabi and said that now is a historic opportunity in front of the Iraqi government, the parliament and the people of Iraq to expel There are “criminal occupiers” who are shedding the blood of Iraqis.

He added: “One of the blessings of the Iraqi Islamic resistance operations to help the people of Gaza is that it is a historic opportunity to get rid of the American occupiers. And from this American lies and ignorance came into existence”.

Lebanon’s Secretary General of Hezbollah further discussed the terrorist explosions in Kerman and said that the Americans used ISIS in Iran and now they say that they have nothing to do with the explosion in Kerman.

He said: “It was your handiwork that committed the crime; Who has kept ISIS active in Syria these days? Are they looking to target the American forces?”.

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah then pointed to the reaction of some Arab countries to the operations of the Resistance Front and said that some Arab regimes and their media are trying to cover up. Relying on their defeat, humiliation and silence, they attempt to mock the resistance front’s actions. they give; Some Arab countries and media accuse them of trying to rebuild their image with these works; Ansarullah, Seyyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi and the government of Sana’a were only seeking God’s approval from the first day, and when the Yemenis expanded their operations and took them to the Red Sea, the organizers remained silent and rather stunned.

The leader of the Lebanese resistance emphasized that the Yemenis have been able to impose their deterrence equation on the Israeli enemy and that is why Israeli fighters are not seen in Yemen’s sky.

End of message /


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