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Developments in Ukraine America no longer has money to help Kiev/Biden threatened the Republicans

The meeting between the foreign ministers of Ukraine and France, Kiev's claim to be able to defend England against Russia, the difficult situation of the Ukrainian military due to Russian drones, London's proxy war against Moscow and the continued reactions to the death of an American journalist are some of the most important events surrounding the war.
– International News – Joe Biden , the President of the United States last night threatened the members of Congress from the Republican Party who are still against the allocation of a double budget for aid to Ukraine.

He said: “If If my Republican colleagues do not allocate the necessary financial aid for Ukraine, they will have to pay a heavy price for this.” p style=”text-align:justify”>Currently, the United States is no longer able to send military weapons to Ukraine, because the funds allocated by Congress have run out. John Kirby, the strategic communications coordinator of the National Security Council of the White House, announced a few days ago the suspension of sending American weapons and military equipment to Ukraine due to the lack of funding from Washington. He pointed out the critical importance of this issue for the US government that Congress approves more funding. , the armed forces of Ukraine will be forced to retreat. American experts have also warned about the disastrous consequences of cutting off aid to Kiev.

According to the results of the latest poll conducted by the “Daily Telegraph” newspaper in January A third of voters in six states believe Washington officials have spent “too much” to support Ukraine. A significant number of respondents in five states insist on a general reduction in aid in the future. Has not been. Now, Britain, the largest supplier of military aid to Kiev after the United States, is trying to “save” Ukraine. On Friday, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, in a meeting with Vladimir Zelensky in Kiev, signed an agreement on security guarantees for Ukraine for a period of 10 years.


Trump’s son defined the version of the end of the conflict in Ukraine in two words: Stopping aid

The only way to end to the military conflict in Ukraine and the beginning of peace talks, the termination of funding to this country, Donald Trump Jr., the son of the former US president, expressed this opinion on his page on the social network X.

He said, “Stop giving money. This is the only way to start negotiations. We (the US) are literally creating a class of billionaire oligarchs in Ukraine, whether we’re talking about Volodymyr Zelensky or anyone else. And this is while the men of this country are being forcibly sent to the front lines to fight as cannon fodder.” According to Trump Jr., if the United States cut off aid to Ukraine, Zelensky “will have no choice but to sit at the negotiating table.”

Furthermore, Donald Trump’s son all the rhetoric about the success of the troops Ukraine’s armed forces called the war with Russia a lie, because in practice it has become clear that Ukraine has not won anywhere, and probably was not even expected to win.

The former president’s son warned that the only thing that American financial aid has led to is the death of hundreds of thousands of people. Trump Jr. concluded: “What is happening now in Ukraine is truly disgusting and must stop.”

Western media are increasingly pointing to the fact that The United States and the European Union are tired of the crisis in Ukraine, and financial and military support for Volodymyr Zelensky is weakening. Russia will defend Britain

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmigal has claimed that the bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Britain indicates that Kiev is ready to support from London if it is attacked by “Russia”.

He said in a TV interview last night: “It is very important that this is a fair and bilateral agreement.” And it is collaborative. Not only Britain must react within 24 hours if it invades Ukraine, but Ukraine also defends its ally and partner within 24 hours and will react in any way to support London, if Russia wants it. attack our friend, partner and ally.”

He also expressed confidence that other countries will sign similar agreements with Kyiv in the future.

The first meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine with his French counterpart in Kiev

Dmitry Koleba and Stephane Sejournay, the foreign ministers of Ukraine and France met in Kiev on Saturday.

Koleba wrote about this on his X page (former Twitter) last night: We talked about Ukraine joining the European Union and NATO, tightening sanctions against Russia, and creating a mechanism for using Russia’s draft assets in Ukraine’s interests. We also agreed to promote and expand the defense cooperation between Ukraine and France.

In the press conference after the meeting, Koleba also called on the G7 countries and the European Union to take measures to stop the supply of goods containing military parts to Russia. According to him, France supports Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and meeting certain deadlines in this direction. It will be long term. On January 11, Sejournay took charge of the French Foreign Ministry and replaced Catherine Colonna.

The New York Times quoted the Ukrainian military as reporting that controversial US-supplied cluster munitions used by the country’s armed forces on the battlefield have been partially effective. They have lost.

One ​​of the Ukrainian commanders explained to this publication: This type of ammunition was previously used to hit the large nuclear units of the Russian army. However, Russian forces are now attacking differently and in small groups, and thus cluster munitions are no longer effective against them.

Furthermore, As this Ukrainian soldier said, the soldiers of the Russian army dig their trenches deeper in the ground, which makes it more difficult to access them. It is difficult on the front because of Russian drones

Georgi Tuka, the former Deputy Minister of Ukraine for Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons, admitted that the situation on the battle front It has become difficult for the armed forces of this country due to the large presence of Russian army drones.

He said: “In general, the situation is very difficult. There is no basis for such stories that next year we will take Crimea and a year later we will be near Moscow.”

Toka explained that Ukraine has lost its main advantage on the battlefield, the use of drones, as the Russian military’s drones outnumber Ukrainian drones by ten times.

Also. Therefore, he expressed doubts that Kiev’s western partners will quickly provide the necessary weapons to counter Russian drones.

Russian Embassy in London: proxy war England will not change the situation on the front because of Ukraine

The Russian embassy in London announced last night that the British government gave Ukraine an opportunity to exit the conflict through does not negotiate and, in fact, still views this country as a geopolitical tool against Russia.

Diplomatic representation office reminded in a statement: The British-Ukraine security agreement signed in Kiev shows that the London authorities do not want Ukraine to have any chance to withdraw from the conflict. have a way of negotiation and have turned this country into a bargaining tool in Anglo-Saxon adventures in the Eurasian region.

The Russian embassy added: London should use the record 2.5 billion pounds allocated to Kiev to solve domestic financial problems in the UK, such as the multi-layered cost of living and care crises. health problems, illegal immigration and energy hunger. At the same time, the financial aid sent to Kiev continues to flow “into a bottomless black hole” against the background of the critical level of corruption in Ukraine. pointed out that the “solidarity trip” made by the outgoing minister Rishi Sunak to Kyiv is primarily aimed at boosting the already plummeting pre-election popularity of the ruling conservatives. However, according to Russian diplomats, following the example of Sonak’s predecessor, Boris Johnson, such measures will not have an effective effect. They stressed that the British leadership will do everything to ensure that the G7 and NATO cannot “wake up from their anti-Russian madness and realize the desperate consequences of their actions”.

Furthermore, the Russian Embassy emphasized that the funds allocated by SONAK for the purchase of military weapons will not change the course of the military conflict in Ukraine, and its tragic end is already clear for Kiev, and the UK will only end the conflict with its actions. prolongs and escalates, which will lead to new victims.

Mathew Morawiecki, the former Prime Minister of Poland, in an interview with the British newspaper “Daily Express” on Saturday, expressed his opinion that the Russian armed forces have a significant advantage in the area of ​​military conflict and counter attack Ukraine’s military, so promoted by Kiev, has also failed completely.

Unfortunately, we have to accept it as a failure, which means that Vladimir Russian President Putin has vast military resources, strategy and deep patience in the field of international politics. Russia has had more resources in terms of defense industries and the number of military forces and has used them well.

Moravitsky, referring to the failure of Ukraine’s counterattack, said in the end: The overall situation in Ukraine is very worrying for Poland and other NATO members because it is “moving in the wrong direction”. will not send to Ukraine

The American publication “The National Interest” wrote in an analysis that the United States will never deploy fifth-generation F-35 fighters will not send to Ukraine, because in this case this technology may be available to Russia.

This article states: America, despite already having these types of aircraft sent to other countries such as Singapore and Norway, but never delivered F-35 to Ukraine. The reason is clear: first of all, the production of these fighters requires large financial investments. The cost to build each F-35 aircraft is about 1.7 trillion dollars. US citizens have long suffered from government funding in favor of Ukraine. They will not support sending such expensive equipment to Kiev.

The second reason, according to this publication, is that the United States may be involved in sending one of the weapons systems. Doubt yourself about Ukraine’s advances against one of its main competitors in the field of military weapons. The possibility of the F-35 going down in a dogfight is inevitable, and a downed F-35 could give Russia an opportunity to redesign the fifth-generation aircraft.

Zakharova: America did nothing to free journalist Lira in Ukraine

Maria Zakharova, spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response When asked by reporters, he announced that the United States deliberately missed the opportunity to save Gonzalo Lira, an American journalist and blogger, and made no effort to free him.

On Friday, it became known that Gonzalo Lira, who was arrested and imprisoned in Ukraine on charges of publishing “pro-Russian content”, was suffering from severe pneumonia and Ignoring this issue by the prison management has cost him his life.

Zakharova pointed out that the American side simply abandoned this citizen to the wolves. , added: “They just so easily, without saying a word, left their own citizen, a journalist, to die in a Ukrainian prison, but in a paradoxical act constantly about [Ivan Gershkovich, Wall Street Journal reporter in Moscow] speak. This incident shows us that freedom of expression and journalism is not a priority for them and they only use this excuse for their political goals.”

The journalist’s death once again showed the nature of the Kiev authorities, he added: “Unfortunately, this is not the last confirmation of the bloody essence of the neo-Nazi dictatorship, and there are many examples of such crimes.”

Elan Musk’s reaction to the death of an American journalist in Ukraine

Elan Musk, the American billionaire on Saturday, the situation of the death of journalist Gonzalo Lira He assessed the American in prison in Ukraine as a sign of complete lawlessness in this country.

In a post on the social network X (formerly Twitter), he pointed to the fact that Joe Biden’s government , the American president could have returned this journalist to the country with just one phone call, but “he didn’t even lift a finger”.

In his opinion, the murder of this American citizen In custody indicates the existence of an uncontrollable gangster regime and complete chaos in Ukraine.

The death of an American journalist in a prison in Ukraine
Disclosure of some differences between America and Ukraine on the eve of the Davos summit
Ukraine developments| The split among European countries over aid to Kiev

Pepsi company banned the mention of the Ukrainian army and support for Kiev in its advertising

PepsiCo has banned Ukrainian marketers from any reference to the armed forces of Ukraine, support for Kiev and other topics related to the military conflict in their product advertisements. has forbidden

According to Ukrainian media, the company has published the text of the restrictions only now, although it had it ready in the fall of 2023, when PepsiCo sought a It was a new advertising and public relations agency in Ukraine. This decision was taken because the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption of Ukraine put the Pepsi company on the “list of war sponsors” in September 2023.

This agency Regularly updates its curated list of “war supporters”. In mid-December, Austria’s Raiffeisen Bank suspended its status on the “war sponsor” list after, according to Reuters, Austria agreed to lift its veto on the 12th package of anti-Russian sanctions in exchange for Kiev’s move.

In November, the Swiss company “Nestle” was added to the list of “war sponsors” of Ukraine. Because, according to this agency, the company did not fulfill its promise to leave the Russian market, and the shelves of Russian stores are still full of Nestlé products.

The German company “Knaf” is also included in this list. Because the company made 117 million dollars in profit for Russia and “clearly stated that it sees no reason to leave its market.” In September, Mars and Pepsi companies were added to this list. The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption believes that these companies have chosen the “wrong side” in the conflict in Ukraine.

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