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Deporting the American invaders from Iraq and Chamakhi in the name of the seventh chapter of the United Nations Charter

America's all-out support for the Zionist regime's genocide against the people of the Gaza Strip and aggression against Yemen and the Hashd al-Shaabi headquarters in Iraq and the assassination of resistance commanders in Syria and Lebanon have increased the wave of requests for the occupiers to leave the region, including Iraq.
– International news

>, at the same time as the brutal attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza and the initiation of genocide in this region, the resistance movements in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and Syria, in support of the oppressed people of Gaza and using the strategy of “unity of the fields” to counter They dealt with the aggressors. Yemen and Iraq directly carry out attacks against the resistance forces, and the last of these attacks was targeting Sana’a, the capital of Yemen and several provinces of this country, and attacking some headquarters of the Hashd al-Shaabi forces in Iraq.

Before that, the representatives of the United States and the Zionist regime tried to project a crisis by marking the terrorist incident in Kerman on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Sardar Soleimani, which is a source of embarrassment for the Zionist regime these days. has been The missile attack of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on the headquarters of the spies of the Zionist regime in Iraqi Kurdistan and the terrorists of the Turkestan Party in Idlib (northwest Syria), which has also been widely reflected in the regional and world media, is actually considered a response to these crimes by the Zionists and their followers. which have turned some areas of Iraq, including the city of Erbil in the territory of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq, into a place for their espionage activities.

After the American attacks With the resistance forces in Iraq and the escalation of tensions in the region, many talks are being heard these days regarding the need for the withdrawal of American soldiers and their allies from Iraqi soil. At the same time, people’s requests for the realization of this demand, on various occasions, including the ceremony held on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the assassination of the commanders of Piriz, the martyrs of Sardar Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, by the hands of the Americans and by the personal order of the President of the United States Trump at the time, have reached their peak. It arrived and was mentioned by Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani and some other Iraqi officials and many political figures.

in order to clarify the discussion the presence of foreign forces, including the American military In Iraq, it should be noted that the presence of American forces in this country was based on the 2008 agreement between the two parties known as the Strategic Framework Agreement. This agreement, which is called “Sofa” for short, has 30 articles, including the issue of the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, the fate of this country’s money in the Federal Bank, helping this country settle all international debts, and lifting sanctions under Chapter Seven. The United Nations Charter, which was established after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1991, as well as the management of the Green Zone, and an important clause regarding Washington’s commitment to Iraq’s defense and intervention when needed.

Actually, the entry of Americans and coalition forces into Iraq in 2014 was based on this last article. After the final withdrawal of American forces from Iraq in December 2011, it was decided that only a few groups of American soldiers, whose number was not more than a few hundred people, would remain there to train Iraqi forces and coordinate with the ministries of defense and the country of Iraq. The attacks of the Takfiri-terrorist group ISIS on the cities of the north and west of Iraq in 2014 and the unexpected collapse of the Iraqi forces in the last months of the second government of former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki led to the signing of an agreement between him and George Bush Jr., the president of the United States at the time. Haider al-Abadi, the next prime minister of Iraq, was also forced to ask the Americans for immediate, air and logistical assistance in order to deal with ISIS and protect Baghdad, based on the same clause in the SOFA agreement regarding Washington’s commitment to the defense of Iraq.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Republic of Iran, at the beginning of ISIS attacks, defended the Iraqis comprehensively and with all kinds of weapons, material and spiritual aid from including the northern areas of Iraq, which Masoud Barzani, the head of the Kurdistan Region, has repeatedly acknowledged; prevented the fall of these areas.

In a criminal act, these symbols of the fight against ISIS terrorism were assassinated near Baghdad International Airport. This cowardly threat brought the tensions between the political and armed forces of Iraq to a peak regarding the security agreement with the United States, so that even the Nouri al-Maliki faction in the parliament became one of the main petitioners for the cancellation of this agreement. Voted for the withdrawal of all foreign forces, although some Sunni minority factions did not attend this meeting. Now, 15 years have passed since the signing of the security agreement between Iraq and the United States, according to which most of the American forces were gradually withdrawn from Iraq until 2011, the debates and political and internal conflicts still continue over this agreement, and many They believe that the Americans have arranged this agreement only for their own benefit and have obtained permission to intervene in Iraq’s internal affairs through it. Unlike the first group, some analysts, officials and politicians also believe that this agreement was actually a kind of cover for America’s decision to withdraw from Iraq due to the security disturbances and chaos and the heavy costs of America.

After the peak of requests for the withdrawal of American and coalition troops from Iraqi territory, especially after the recent attacks on the headquarters of Hashd al-Shaabi forces, note Interestingly, various polls were conducted by various media and even SMS messages were sent to Iraqi citizens regarding the opposition or agreement to the presence of American soldiers and the continuation of the mission of the so-called international coalition in Iraq. At the same time as the SMS was sent, similar messages were also published in WhatsApp and Telegram groups and other social communication platforms regarding voting to expel the invaders from Iraq. Terrorist groups and Mossad spies abuse; They have felt extremely dangerous, through their internal representatives in Iraq, they have tried to instill this matter and threatened that if these forces leave Iraq; This country will once again fall under the seventh chapter of the United Nations Charter, and Iraqis should first of all think about the consequences and negative consequences of this event and reread the problems of falling under this clause so that it will be a lesson for them. Dead Saddam, it took a long time for Iraq to withdraw from the seventh chapter of the United Nations Charter; They are trying to remind the issue of Trump’s previous threats to restore sanctions and withdraw funds from Iraq after the request of the then Prime Minister Abdul Mahdi and the Iraqi Parliament to expel the American soldiers and keep the seventh chapter like the sword of Damocles or a scarecrow over the heads of the Iraqis to keep them from to withdraw their demand that the occupation forces leave Iraq.

America has also focused on the proposition that although Joe Biden is not like Donald Trump, it should not be forgotten that Biden’s opponents, especially Trump and the Republicans who have control over Congress; The arrow of their attacks will be aimed at Biden’s Middle East policies, including in Iraq, and therefore, in such a situation, the worst options should be expected from the American governments.

One ​​of the levers that the opponents of the withdrawal of American troops resort to is the issue of the possibility of the US interfering in the assets Iraq is worth 7 to 9 billion dollars, which is under the command of the US president, and since 2003, this command has been renewed annually, and if the US does not do this, this money should be given to Iraq’s international creditors. They also point out the US resorting to the use of the dollar weapon for the Iraqi economy and emphasize that if the US wants to impose sanctions like Iran against Iraq; The economy of this country will collapse very quickly.

Now it is the duty of Iraqi lawyers, politicians and intellectuals to First of all, let them clarify the current philosophy of the presence of foreigners in Iraq and providing the necessary cover to support the terrorist elements of ISIS and Mossad, and what are the strategic consequences of this decision of the government, and the agreements related to the presence of American forces and the so-called international coalition forces, as well as The provisions of Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter and when exactly a country falls under Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter, represent and explain the fact that the presence of foreign troops took place at the request of the Iraqi government and now the Iraqi government and people want the withdrawal of these forces. and they consider their continued presence in Iraq to the detriment of this country. adopted regarding one of its charters under the title of “threat to world peace, violation of peace procedures, or acts of violence and force”. According to this charter, in such situations, the work of the Security Council is not limited to recommendations, and this Council can take more serious measures, such as the use of military force, to maintain or restore what it calls global peace and security. do it. The important point of the seventh chapter of the UN Charter is related to its paragraphs 41 and 42. Based on paragraph 41, the Security Council can decide to take measures other than the use of armed force to implement its decisions, such as cutting off political relations or economic communications, and if the measures related to this paragraph are not sufficient, it can refer to paragraph 42, including the use of use force and military options to contain the country or the threat.

The basic point is that in the resolutions It is not simply titled “Under Chapter Seven” and it is referred to as “Under Section 41” and this means that military action against a country is not an easy task and requires a new resolution to be issued, but considering the bitter history of Iraqis from the warmongering of the Saddam regime and Following the adoption of several resolutions against this country, they have the right to be afraid of rumors about being placed under Chapter Seven.

Analysts believe that the reports and analyzes of the American media, along with monitoring the movements of this country in Iraq, such as importing equipment and US army logistics convoys to Iraqi territory, spending huge sums of money for the development of Ain al-Asad Air Base in western Iraq and the lack of complete unity and cohesion among the leaders of Iraqi political groups and factions to expel the invaders and sometimes the monopolies of some Iraqi political and military officials based on the need To America to fight terrorism, it shows that Americans do not intend to leave Iraq easily. The Americans’ concern about the seriousness of the issue of leaving Iraq is more than anything else due to the strategic consequences of the Iraqi government’s decision in this regard, so that if they leave Iraq, they will suffer a lot of losses from a strategic point of view, and the freedom of action is necessary. to organize and cover and support terrorist groups.

Compared to other results, Iraq may be less because this country has other military bases in the region and can use them geographically and operationally in a very short period of time without needing its bases in Iraq. As a result, from a military point of view, in case of withdrawal from Iraq, a great strategic loss may not be caused to the American army, but the political and geopolitical meaning of withdrawal from Iraq is very important for the Americans. This could mean the official announcement of the loss of the Iraqi field and the creation of a vacuum, which Washington believes that if such an event happens, America’s strategic opponents, including Russia and China, will inevitably fill this vacuum.

The withdrawal of American troops from Iraq can also mean that all the casualties and damages that the Americans have suffered and the huge sums that they have spent in Iraq and In their own words, the soft power they have invested in Iraq for 21 years, they will present it all to their opponents in a gold plate. Another issue that the United States and Israel are afraid of is that if the Americans leave Iraq, their espionage activities, especially the activities of the Mossad in northern Iraq, including in the areas controlled by the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq, will be overshadowed. Tehran’s maneuvering area will be easily accessible to the Mediterranean Sea without any problems or obstacles for this country. Many exaggerations have been made, but we should not lose sight of the fact that the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq may be procedurally, legally, and media-wise, and it is very easy to spread it on the tongue, but its implementation may come at a price. There will be a price, but it seems that the Iraqi people are ready to pay this price due to the arrogance of the Americans. Therefore, this issue should be evaluated beyond immediate and emotional reactions, which requires the adoption of measured and coherent decisions by Iraqi parties and factions for the benefit of the nation and the sovereignty of this country.

Alireza Allah Bakhsh

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