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Secretary General of Hezbollah’s message to the conference “Gaza; The symbol of resistance: The unity of blood, weapons, field and purpose has stolen sleep from the eyes of our enemies

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah in a message to the 12th international conference "Gaza; The symbol of resistance" emphasized that today Gaza is a symbol because in Gaza there is an uncompromising pioneer noble resistance and resistance is the code of honor and dignity and the key to victory.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, said in this message : The Al-Aqsa storm engraved the mark of failure on the minds of the Zionists and this mark will not be erased, and the myth of their invincibility was shattered, their civilizational model was torn to pieces, and their awe was shattered. which was read by Seyyed Abdullah Safiuddin, the representative of Hezbollah in Tehran, as follows: Al-Islam wal-Muslimeen Sheikh Mohammad Hassan Rahimian,
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Defense of the Palestinian Nation, Mrs. Dr. Zahra Mostafavi,
Dear participants in this conference, brothers and sisters who have gathered from all over the world,
  Peace be upon you, may God’s mercy and blessings be upon you,
The choice of the slogan “Gaza is a symbol of resistance” for this conference and the timing of its holding at this crucial moment in history when the Palestinian resistance is fighting a huge battle against the genocide by the Zionists shows It is the responsibility of the organizers of this conference. Also, his blessed invitation to stand by the nation and the cause and resistance of Palestine puts great responsibilities on all of us and is a constant call for the forces of the nation to help and support the Palestinian nation and support the heroic resistance that is today with sacrifices, bravery and blood The men and the standing of its nation are shaping the future of the nation and protecting its dignity and strengthening its vitality. Israeli officers and soldiers who have been killed in Gaza by the Palestinian resistance groups are many times more than the statistics of the 1967 Six-Day War.

The Israeli army, which occupied more than 69,000 square kilometers [of Muslim lands] in the six-day war, has been defeated today in a part of the Gaza area, and is unable to achieve any goal or declare occupation [new]. He is unable to even come close to victory and constantly refers to his setbacks as a transition to the next stage. Therefore, the slogan of this conference, “The mountain is a symbol of resistance”, is an apt and correct slogan. Gaza today is a symbol because in Gaza there is an uncompromising pioneer honorable resistance, and it is a symbol because with its resistance it is expressing intransigence and vitality. , the pride, ambition and desire of our nations who are thirsty for honor and victory.

If Gaza did not resist, it would not be a symbol of honor. It is resistance that makes its owners and flag bearers dear. Resistance is the secret of honor and dignity and the key to victory.

Geographically, Gaza is small, but from the point of view of pride and bravery, Gaza today is wider than the rest of the world in terms of dignity, vitality and intransigence.

The enemy and his masters worked on two paths from the beginning of the occupation of Palestine. First, the international legalization of the occupation and its appearance and making it appear as a model civilized regime that can be recognized as a model in the region. and the active and effective Western powers achieved significant successes.

But the second path can be summarized in weakening and suffocating the resistance of the Palestinian people and ending their cause, as well as expelling them from the arena of international interactions with Relying on force with the aim of removing the resistance forces and choosing the option of normalizing relations, which guaranteed the expulsion of influential organizations from the battlefield. That and tearing apart some of its options have been to the point where the Palestinian aspiration, which is the aspiration of the Ummah, was almost turned into a limited Palestinian aspiration of a strange orphan, even a stranger among its own people and brothers.

Normalization option Relations with the enemy caused the Palestinian people’s ideals and rights regarding their land to be threatened and even put in severe danger. A slope that could lead to any of the dangerous paths of the conspiracy, giving up the help of the Palestinian nation and giving up on its rights and ideals and resistance and its future. He messed up all the papers and calculations and turned the threats into an advanced existential opportunity and a turning point to change the paths that the enemy had been working on for years. And this mark will not be erased. The myth [of their invincibility] was broken and the pattern [of their civilization] was shattered and their awe was shattered and their project was shaken and the ideal that they had been trying to suppress for years returned and at the top of all Akhbar became global and woke up the world once again and regained its resounding volume and presence and displayed itself as a wide global ideal present in all geographies and world arenas. .
Al-Aqsa storm, resistance to all efforts to put aside the Palestinian cause, gave a hard slap and emphasized this cause that many people in the west and east and many people from far and near conspired against it, if resistance and weapons And if it wasn’t for his sacrifices, he wouldn’t have survived. What, no one exists in this barbaric bully world except through resistance, and if the right is armed with strength, faith, and the will to resist and stand, no matter how aggressive and rebellious the enemy is, it cannot be defeated.
The enemy of Israel, who today is drowning in murder and crime, killing tens of thousands of children and women, and carrying out a genocide against every living and dead thing, and committing the greatest crimes in modern history, all this to cover up his failures with murder and Erasing the image of humiliated Israel on October 7 with the image of crimes and killings and taking revenge is a project that he and his masters have put all their might into for more than 50 years.
Dear ones! In their invasion of our region, the United States of America and the United Kingdom tore your body and mind into pieces from the length and breadth with the projects of disintegration, distortion, deception and fragmentation, and the hands of the oppressors, the dirty pens, the voice of wage earners and hired intellects helped them in this way. They tore apart every integrated thing with sectarianism, racism, and religiosity and added to the isolation of each individual, and the great commonality of the nation was abandoned in favor of its small differences; At a time when the nation’s identity, power, role and existence were exposed to deep and sudden dangers.

They tried to divide our nations into pieces with the ideals of separation, but it was only Palestine that was the window of unity and The path of convergence and the base of awakening and ascension remained to the future that our nations are thirsty for; The future of deterrence, dignity, freedom, sovereignty, stability and prosperity.
After decades of concentrated efforts with the full support of America and the West to fragment, divide and destroy the Palestinian cause, now Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen have come to the aid of Gaza more widely than the enemy expected, and the resistance groups have been able to surround this usurping regime with fire for more than 100 days, which is unprecedented. The blood of the martyrs of Gaza in Syria, the blood of the martyrs of Gaza in Iraq, the blood of the martyrs of Gaza in Yemen and the blood of the martyrs of Gaza in Iran, the last of which was the blood of Sardar Seyed Razi Mousavi, all these bloods with the blood of the martyrs of Gaza and the West Bank to unity and They have reached convergence and complete each other.
This is the same unity of blood, weapon, field and purpose that stole sleep from the eyes of our enemies. This is what we should continue and try to increase its volume, depth and extension.

Anyone who believes that this Ummah (Islam) has an option other than resistance, is very, very, very wrong and delusional.

Israel occupied Palestine not with diplomacy but with weapons and power, Israel occupied Beirut in 1982 not with diplomacy but with weapons and power and today it threatens the nation not with diplomacy but with weapons and power .

Israel was withdrawn from Lebanon in 1982 not by diplomacy but by resistance, and Israel will be withdrawn from Gaza and Palestine not by diplomacy but by resistance.

We as Ummm, we have no choice but to resist, we have nothing but resistance in hand and we have nothing but resistance to put our hearts into.

This battle with the enemy is not a one-day or two-day battle, but a continuous and intense battle. and we must remain ready in this battle.

The gathering of fleets of arrogant countries in support of Israel only shows Israel’s weakness and wavering, and this is what should strengthen our will to insist on the option of resistance. What if the conditions for the liberation of Palestine are not available today, but we have the duty to be ready for tomorrow and the days after that. What you have seen and seen many times is a failed attachment that brings nothing but regret, loss, failure and bitterness.

These international institutions cannot be attached because they are dependent on the will of the American leaders. The latest irony and conspiracy of these organizations was the resolution condemning Yemen for attacking Israeli ships in defense of Gaza and legitimizing the attack of the United States and Britain on the brothers of “Ansar Allah” and the brazen and vile disregard of two million Palestinian citizens, who through killings and aggressions Israelis are martyred, wounded, imprisoned, hungry, thirsty and displaced in the desert.

From [Tribune] this blessed conference of the leaders and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran through their pioneering support positions and the original and wise positions of the Imam and I thank the leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei (Dam Zaleh).

Thank you for this conference and for standing and helping the resistance. The Lebanese Islamic Resistance has made a pact that until the victory of Gaza in the position May its help remain.

Our pact with our great Imam Khomeini (may God bless him and grant him peace) is to keep his wills, stay on his path and continue his path; A path whose end will be nothing but victory, honor and dignity. In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful. > And peace be upon you, and God’s mercy and blessings
Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, 7 Rajab 1445″

The twelfth international conference “Gaza; Symbol of Resistance” was held with the presence of a group of families of martyrs of resistance, martyrs who defended the shrine and nuclear martyrs, as well as a group of national and military officials and guests from the World Front of Resistance on behalf of the Palestinian Nation Defense Community.

end of message/


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