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Developments in Ukraine Switzerland’s proposal to hold a “peace conference” without the presence of Russia

Ukraine's hope to get rid of Russia's nuclear weapons as a condition for signing the peace treaty, France's concern about Russia's victory, the first inspection of the weapons sent by America to Kiev, and Biden's hope for a quick agreement on border security and aid to Ukraine are among the most important events of the war.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, “Viola Amherd”, the president of Switzerland yesterday He announced his country’s desire to hold a “peace conference” on Ukraine in 2024. However, he believes that despite maintaining Bern’s relations with Moscow, it is unlikely that Russia will be invited to this meeting. be lower Moreover, he expressed doubts that such a gathering would achieve great results.

The president of Switzerland reminded that other countries supported the decision to hold this summit and their reaction was positive. Of course, in his opinion, this summit can be considered successful when a wide range of countries, including South Africa, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and China, participate in it.

In this regard, Maria Zakharova, The spokesman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminded last night that it is ridiculous to hear the proposal to hold a “peace conference” about Ukraine, from those who supply weapons to the Ukrainian army and incite the continuation of the war.

Previously, Regarding the outcome of the Davos summit, Zakharova also pointed to the growing awareness of the world community that it is impossible to achieve a lasting solution in Ukraine without Russia’s participation.

According to some experts, holding a “peace conference” is an attempt to defeat Russia, and Moscow will definitely not agree to any decision about peace within its framework, because when it comes to Russia having to meet conditions like : To withdraw from the territory of Ukraine, return to the borders of 1991, accept the payment of compensation to Kiev, etc., this issue is unacceptable for Moscow. According to them, Western countries are well aware of Russia’s military power and know that this country is not in a weak position on the battlefield to agree to these conditions. And follow the seventh day of the war in Ukraine:


In Kiev, the desired outcome of the war was called Russia giving up nuclear weapons. >

Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Defense Ivan Gavrilyuk announced in an interview with the German newspaper Tagesspiegel that Russia should give up its nuclear weapons when concluding a peace agreement after the end of the military conflict. Pointing to the fact that every conflict ends with negotiations, he said: “One day, an agreement will be signed between the countries supporting Kiev and Moscow.” The Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine insists that such a document should contain that Russia should give up its nuclear weapons.

Gavrilyuk also said that Kiev is seriously counting on Germany’s commitment to supply the Ukrainian armed forces with Taurus cruise missiles. In addition, he wants to “see more Western investment in the production of weapons inside Ukraine.” Trump’s promise to resolve the conflict in Ukraine immediately after entering the White House /p>

Former US President Donald Trump has once again promised to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine if he wins the presidential election in the fall, even before his inauguration.

“We will solve this terrible war between Russia and Ukraine before I even take office,” he said at a rally in New Hampshire this morning. I know [Russian President] Putin very well. I am also familiar with [Vladimir] Zelensky’s behavior. We can resolve this issue.” Trump, however, did not say how long it would take to reach a peaceful resolution, nor did he specify how exactly he would resolve the dispute.

He had previously also claimed that he can end the war between Russia and Ukraine within 24 hours.

France: If Ukraine is defeated, Russia 30 will control percent of the world’s grain exports

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Sejournay predicted that if Ukraine fails in the military conflict, Russia will be able to control 30% of the world’s grain exports in In an interview with “Le Parisien” newspaper, Sejourne explained about this: If Ukraine loses the war, 30% of the world’s wheat exports will be controlled by Russia, and France’s grain will be sold in the world markets. will be under threat.

He added: Russia’s victory will be a painful event for our farmers and will lead to inflation and possibly a very serious food problem.

According to the minister “To prevent the prolongation of the conflict, it is necessary to support Ukraine,” the French foreign minister said. According to him, this help is important for President Zelensky because he needs to show his country’s public opinion that he still has the support of the West.

Representatives of the United States and Ukraine inspected the weapons sent to Kiev.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced last night that the United States and the Ukrainian side, amid some concerns about the possibility of illegal transfers of Western weapons to other countries, for the first time a joint inspection of American weapons transferred to Kiev did.

In the statement published on the Telegram channel of the Ministry of Defense, it was recalled: During this inspection, the representatives of Ukraine and the United States checked the serial number, technical condition and maintenance conditions of the supplied equipment, and now the information received in It is being processed.

Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense claims that there have been no comments from US representatives. Representatives of the Ukrainian government promised that similar inspections will continue.

Prime Minister of Slovakia: Ukraine’s membership in NATO will cause the third world war

Robert Fico, Prime Minister The Slovak minister announced in a television interview last night that he plans to announce the country’s decision to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO in his upcoming meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Schmigal due to the risk of starting World War III.

Fico said: “I will honestly tell him that I am against Ukraine’s membership in NATO and I will use the veto to prevent it, because this action will be the basis of World War III.”

According to him, the main topic of his negotiations with his Ukrainian counterpart, which is scheduled to be held on January 24 in Ozhgorod region, will be the provision of Slovak humanitarian aid to Ukraine. At the same time, the prime minister of Slovakia will confirm his refusal to transfer any military weapons from the country’s stockpiles to Kyiv. And it has been completely unsuccessful.

Complaints of the soldiers of the Ukrainian army about the lack of weapons

Andrey Ermak, the chief of staff of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, in an interview with “Figaro” newspaper announced that the armed forces of this country complain that it is not possible to advance due to the lack of people and enough weapons.

He pointed to the difficult situation of the Ukrainian forces at the front and said: “At the front, Our soldiers complain about the lack of forces and resources and say that they are no longer able to advance.” Ermak also pointed to the superiority of the Russian army in the air and reminded that this is while the Ukrainian armed forces have enough They don’t have cannonballs, anti-mine vehicles, and long-range missile launch systems.

In an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, this official from Zelenskiy’s office blamed Western countries for insufficient military aid to the Ukrainian armed forces. .

At the same time, Mikhail Podoliak, adviser to Zelenskiy’s chief of staff, in turn, in an interview with Bild, called the situation of the Ukrainian armed forces on the front line difficult due to the high intensity of the conflicts.

Biden expects an agreement on border security between Ukraine and the United States next week

According to Reuters news agency, US President Joe Biden said on Saturday that he hopes next week at least In the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats, to reach an agreement on securing the US-Mexico border and providing aid to Ukraine, he said he was willing to accept “broad changes”.

In his speech, Biden “I think we can get something done next week on this, at least in the Senate, and I hope it’s bipartisan support,” he told the mayors of American cities gathered at the White House. Republicans in Congress have blocked emergency funding for Ukraine in an effort to promote new security policies along the US-Mexico border, the report said. They hold the Biden administration responsible for the influx of immigrants into the United States.

Ukraine’s concern that imported F-16s will be destroyed by the Russian military

Yuri Ignat, The spokesman of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced that the military authorities are wary of importing F-16 fighters and large quantities of air defense missiles to the country, because there is a possibility of their destruction by Russian forces.

He said in In an interview with Focus magazine, he said: “Unfortunately, they (the Russian army) work well in the field of intelligence, and placing full ammunition depots in Ukraine would not be of much use, and would be a suitable target for Russian planes.” Ignat explained that in Ukrainian soil will make the F-16 a good target for Russian forces. The official of the Ukrainian Air Force added: “For this reason, Kiev must first prepare the infrastructure and other conditions to receive these fighters. Ukraine hopes to receive 19 planes from Denmark.” The Netherlands and Belgium also promised to deliver several such planes to Kiev.

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Developments in Ukraine Zelensky’s attempt to scare Europe from defeating Kiev in the war
Ukraine developments| Kiev still hopes for continued assistance from Washington

The West does not believe in the success of Ukraine in the fight against Russia

Scott Ritter, retired intelligence officer of the Marines The US Navy said in an interview on Saturday that Western countries are delaying the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine as long as possible because they do not believe that Kiev will succeed in confronting Russia. According to him, the West does not want to waste its military resources in vain. Ritter said: It is unlikely that the transfer of F-16 to Ukraine will come as a surprise to the Russian military. I am sure that Russia has already found a solution to this issue. I think that the West also knows that Russia will have the strength to counter this fighter, and that is probably why Denmark and the Netherlands recently delayed the delivery of the F-16 by six months.

He added: The period is set because maybe within six months either the conflict will end or its outcome will finally be known. The last thing the West needs is to send F-16s to Ukraine and then see them shot down.

The American expert also added that even if Kiev received the F-16s slow, it will be in very limited numbers that cannot change the situation on the battlefield. “Western countries might hand over one or two fighters so that Ukrainian pilots can fly them, take pictures of them and announce to everyone that they have F-16s,” Ritter added. However, the idea that the F-16 will help the Ukrainians crush the Russian military is absurd.”

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