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Rescue of 4 passengers of the plane that crashed in the northeast of Afghanistan

The spokesman of the Taliban government announced that the four passengers of the plane that crashed in Badakhshan province were saved.
– International News

According to the regional office of Tasnim news agency, “Zabih Allah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Taliban government, stated on the X social network that the plane that was involved in the accident was found in “Arz Koh” area of ​​”Kof Ab” city in Badakhshan province.

He added that the group Rescue, four passengers of this plane, including the pilot, were saved.

The spokesperson of the Taliban government stated that efforts to find other passengers of this plane are continuing.

Ria Novosti previously reported that strong wind or lack of fuel probably caused the plane crash in Badakhshan Province.

The Taliban had previously informed about the crash of a passenger plane in Topkhaneh mountain in Zibak city of Badakhshan province.

Details of the passenger plane crash in northeastern Afghanistan
The first US response to the plane crash in Afghanistan
A year passed; “Technical failure” was announced as the reason for the crash of the CIA plane in Afghanistan .

Russian officials announced that the plane that crashed in Afghanistan belonged to the “Athletic” group and there were six people in it.

end of message/.


Publisher Tasnim News
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