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Netanyahu’s insistence on spreading the fire of regional war by assassinating Iranian advisers in Syria/exclusive report

The recent terrorist attack by the Zionist regime in Syria after last week's IRGC missile attack on the Mossad centers in Erbil, Iraq, shows the efforts of Netanyahu's cabinet to expand the scope of the war in the region.
– International News

According to the Arabic website Tasnim News Agency, the Zionist regime which has not succeeded in achieving its strategic goals in the Gaza war during the past 110 days since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa storm, on Saturday five Iranian advisers, including General Sadiq Omidzadeh, were killed by a missile attack on a three-story building in Al-Mezeh neighborhood of Damascus. », martyred the Quds Force intelligence officer in Syria.

. One of the Palestinian commanders had attacked this neighborhood. During the previous attack, the only son of this Palestinian resistance commander was martyred. Statistics indicate that during the terrorist attack on Saturday in Al-Mezeh area of ​​Damascus, several civilians were also martyred and injured.

رژیم صهیونیستی (اسرائیل) , طوفان الاقصی , کشور سوریه ,

“Kanan Eliusef”, a Syrian journalist and political analyst, told Tasnim reporter in Syria in this regard: In my opinion, the attacks of the Zionist regime at this level, including the Iranian military cadres and commanders It targets a residential area in the center of Damascus, which means that Israel has entered a new stage in the conflicts with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Syrian government and its allies.

He further added: In my opinion, today the Zionist regime feels powerless and powerless after the pressures and failures suffered by the Palestinian resistance groups in the Gaza Strip, that is why it is trying to avoid conflicts in any way possible. to another front, and in this sense, Syria is one of the options of the Zionist regime. On the other hand, by assassinating these commanders, the Zionist regime is trying to bring the crisis to a new level of escalation.

During the terrorist attack on Saturday The Zionist regime martyred Sardar Sadegh Omidzadeh, the intelligence officer of the Quds Force in Syria, along with four of his companions in Al-Mezeh area in the southwest of Damascus city.

Syrian political analyst Youssef Naameh also stated regarding the latest terrorist act of the Zionist regime in Syria: the assassination of Iranian advisers in Damascus on the one hand, the process of confrontation between Syria and the Zionist regime and on the other hand, between Iran and the Zionist regime intensifies I believe that most of the current developments in Syria are closely related to the Gaza battlefield and the attacks that the Islamic Republic of Iran carried out against the Mossad in Erbil, Iraq.

رژیم صهیونیستی (اسرائیل) , طوفان الاقصی , کشور سوریه ,

The Zionist regime targeted this building by firing rockets from the occupied Golan region. Some of the missiles were intercepted by the air defense of the Syrian army and some hit the said building. You are witnessing that during this short period of time, from the terrorist explosions in Iran and the assassination of the martyr Seyed Razi Mousavi in ​​the south of Damascus, the assassination of al-Arouri in the suburbs of Beirut and Haj Sadiq (Omidzadeh), the Zionist regime is trying to destroy the axis of resistance in every possible way. lead to an all-out war in the region and as a result, open the feet of America and all western countries, even NATO and England, to a regional war.

رژیم صهیونیستی (اسرائیل) , طوفان الاقصی , کشور سوریه ,


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The latest terrorist attack by the Zionist regime in Syria after last week’s IRGC missile attack on Mossad centers in Erbil, Iraq. It represents the efforts of Netanyahu’s cabinet to expand the scope of the war in the region.

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Publisher Tasnim News
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