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Developments in Ukraine Predicting the decline of America as a result of the military conflict between Kiev and Moscow

Russia's readiness to listen to basic proposals about Ukraine, Kiev's happiness to receive worn-out English ships, no need to mobilize Ukrainian women, embezzlement in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and Moscow's conditions for supplying gas to the European Union are some of the most important events surrounding the war.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, American magazine “The Atlantic” wrote in an analysis: The gradual weakening of US financial and military aid to Ukraine has raised further doubts about their resumption, as the White House’s problems with Congress and the allocation of funds make Washington a truly unreliable ally. and makes it unserious.

According to this publication, by abandoning Ukraine due to political impotence, in fact, the American authorities will agree to the death of more Ukrainians and the destruction of this country. did They will thus convince millions of Europeans that Washington cannot be trusted. At the same time, a message will be sent to Russia and China, and their belief, which has been stated many times, based on the fact that the United States is a declining and collapsing power, will be practically proven.

In the author’s opinion, if the United States refuses to support Ukraine under these circumstances, it will force its allies to perceive the United States not only as an unreliable and unserious ally, but also as a fool. .

While the European Union, which collectively spent more on Ukraine than the Americans, still cannot produce the same number of weapons. But the United States still has ammunition and weapons to send. Washington is now on the verge of refusing to do so, but not because the White House has changed its mind, and the impending end of US aid to Ukraine is not a political decision, but the result of a series of bad decisions that led to the current situation.

At the same time, according to some military experts, the amount of financial aid to Ukraine is no longer important, because the catastrophic lack of manpower in the Ukrainian army, the main problem in this It is a country that the strengthening of the law of general mobilization in Ukraine speaks of this fact.

Next, you can follow the developments related to the 744th day of the war in Ukraine:


Russian Foreign Ministry: Moscow welcomes constructive proposals for The solution is Ukraine

Alexey Polishuk, Head of the Second Department of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, in an interview with the TASS news agency this morning, Sunday , was published, declared: There is no reason to hope for a change in the approach of the Western countries towards the resolution of Ukraine, at the same time, Russia is still receptive to principled and substantive proposals for a diplomatic solution to this conflict.

This diplomat reminded: “The current leadership of Kyiv are the main puppets of Washington, London and Brussels, who benefit from fueling the crisis in Ukraine.” Using Kiev, they are not only trying to solve the problem of imposing a “strategic defeat” on Russia, but also implementing measures aimed at economically weakening their competitors in the countries of the European continent, which have become zombies using the “Russian threat”, and realize the threats. They are not realistic for their own security.”

Polishuk emphasized that Russia has always been receptive to substantive, substantive and realistic proposals to overcome any crisis through political and diplomatic methods. And it will be.

Declaration of readiness of the commander of the Ukrainian Navy to accept decommissioned English ships

Alexey Nizhpapa, the commander of the Ukrainian Navy, announced in an interview with the British “Sky News” TV channel that Kiev would be happy to accept decommissioned British ships in its fleet. We are talking about two old frigates, HMS Westminster and HMS Argyll, which the British Army wants to abandon due to lack of sailors. They will be decommissioned or sold to allies and their crews will serve on new class frigates. , because we understand that there is no fleet without ships. That is why we will be very happy if such a decision is made about the possibility of transferring two frigates to Ukraine.”

Earlier, in December, the ministry British Defense announced that it will deliver two Sandown-class minesweepers to Ukraine to improve security in the Black Sea. These ships are supposed to be purchased for Kiev with the financial assistance of the British Export Credit Agency.

Ukraine’s parliament does not see the need to mobilize women at the moment

Igor Chernov, the Deputy Chairman of the National Security, Defense and Intelligence Committee of the Supreme Parliament of Ukraine has announced that currently women in Ukraine will not be subject to the Mobilization Law and that the country currently has sufficient resources in among men.

This parliamentary official said: “The position of President Zelensky, the National Security Committee and, in my opinion, the majority of parliamentarians, is that in the circumstances Currently, there is no need to involve women in mobilization resources.” According to him, Ukraine has enough human resources for mobilization among men between the ages of 27 and 60 and The mobilization of male citizens in this age group will be sufficient to cover all the needs of the General Staff.

On October 1, 2023, the requirement of military registration of women with medical or pharmaceutical education in Ukraine It came into force. They were obliged to provide the necessary services to the armed forces of this country in their specialized field.

Several officials of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine are suspected of embezzling almost 40 million dollars. were

The Security Service of Ukraine reported last night, Saturday, that several officials of the country’s Ministry of Defense are suspected of stealing at least 1.5 million hryvnias (approximately 40 million dollars ) that this amount was intended for the purchase of ammunition for the armed forces.

According to the investigation, several former and current officials of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and heads of affiliated companies were involved in this transaction. During the purchase of 100,000 cannonballs for the armed forces of Ukraine, these people tried to steal approximately 1.5 billion hryvnias from the budget.

Investigative authorities determined that in August 2022, the authorities concluded a contract for the bulk purchase of artillery shells with the arms supplier Lviv Arsenal, after which the Ministry of Defense transferred the amount stipulated in the contract to the company’s account. However, none of the traded ammunition ever reached Kiev. The foreign company withdrew the received funds and transferred the remaining amount to the accounts of the Ukrainian supplier from one of the banks in Kyiv.

As ​​a result of complex actions of the security officers, all involved were identified in this transaction. Investigators charged five officials with embezzlement, or the seizure of property by abusing their official position.

Russian diplomat: Kiev by refusing peace in 2022 made a fatal mistake

Dmitry Polyansky, the first deputy permanent representative of Russia to the United Nations, expressed the opinion that the Ukrainian side lost the opportunity to to the peace agreement in 2022, made a fatal mistake.

He said: I advise anyone who doubts that the Kiev regime and its Western supporters lost the opportunity to achieve peace in March-April 2022 and in As a result, make a fatal mistake, do some research on the situation in Ukraine.

Polyansky expressed the opinion that the United States is refusing to help Ukraine because it is the ruling power. In Kiev, it will fall soon, and this situation will bring strategic risks for Washington. 76

Ukraine’s newspaper reported that Ukraine’s coordinating headquarters for the exchange of prisoners of war confirmed that an exchange was planned for January 24. in the framework of which 65 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were supposed to be handed over to the Kyiv authorities. Ukraine’s armed forces were prepared as part of the exchange planned for January 24. The headquarters added that the list published in Russian sources is consistent with their information.

The Ukrainian side had previously claimed that some of the prisoners on this list had already been exchanged, but this matter had not yet been announced to the public.

Slovak Prime Minister’s effort to improve relations with Russia

Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Today In an interview on Saturday, he announced that the country would take steps to improve relations with Russia. is, I will begin to take steps to ease relations with Russia, just as I have improved relations with Ukraine.” Fico admitted that if an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine will be happy if it is established, but Slovakia is too small and weak country to influence this trend. He emphasized that he wants to maintain normal relations with Kiev and Moscow.

At the same time, he emphasized that if Ukraine meets the conditions for gas transit from Russia to Europe at the end In 2024, when the contract with Gazprom expires, it will make a big mistake. According to him, Slovakia and other countries will have to look for practical political solutions in order to continue the transit.

Russia’s readiness to supply gas to the European Union and talk about its delivery conditions

Alexander Novak, Russia’s deputy prime minister for energy issues, announced on Saturday that the country is ready to continue exporting its natural gas to Europe and discuss the terms of its delivery.

He said in a conversation with reporters: I think that we are always ready to continue supplying gas to Europe and not only in the way that the contract for transit through Ukraine ends in 2024.

However, the deputy prime minister noted that there is still no desire from the European Union to talk.

Alfred Stern, the head of the Austrian energy company, previously said that the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine may be stopped due to the continuation of the military conflict. He drew attention to the fact that Moscow and Kiev have not yet signed a new contract for the transfer of gas to Europe, and this issue has caused concerns in some European countries due to the short time left.

The head of the Central Bank of Italy: confiscation of profits of Russian assets will harm the euro

The “Financial Times” newspaper Fabio Panetta, head of the Central Bank of Italy, reported that the confiscation of Russian assets frozen in Europe will reduce the attractiveness of the euro for other countries and encourage them to use the yuan.

He recalled that the conflict in Ukraine showed the European Union the strategic advantages of using the euro. However, Panetta stressed that turning the euro into a weapon would in turn damage its appeal as a reliable international currency. He added that the increased use of the yuan to finance trade relations between China and Russia was “significant in this context” as Beijing promoted its national currency to countries under international sanctions and the use of dollars or euros for It makes them difficult.

However, the Financial Times noted that Panetta was directly referring to EU plans to use 210 billion euros of sovereign Russian assets held in regional financial institutions. He didn’t mention the frozen euro, but his warnings about weaponizing the European currency were made with these plans in mind.

Ukraine developments| Washington is counting on money from its European allies to help Kiev
Ukraine developments| Switzerland’s proposal to hold a “peace conference” without the presence of Russia
Developments in Ukraine| The probability of an agreement to help Kiev in the US Congress is “close to zero” >

The press office of the German Foreign Ministry announced on Saturday that the country accepts the historical responsibility for the crimes of the German Nazi army during the siege of Leningrad.

This statement states: The German government is committed to preserving the memory of Nazi Germany’s military crimes in the Second World War and explicitly assumes its historical responsibility for the crimes committed in the city of Leningrad by the German Wehrmacht.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalled that the German federal government in 2019, in an act of “humanitarianism” towards all the people who survived the siege , supported the plan to renovate the central hospital of St. Petersburg (former Leningrad). >

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday opened a memorial to honor the civilians killed in the Soviet Union 80 years ago who were victims of Nazi genocide during the war. became great patriots, emphasized that even now some countries directly use Nazi methods, a clear example of which is the neo-Nazi authorities in Ukraine, who resort to terror and brutal murders.

کشور روسیه , جنگ روسیه و اوکراین , کشور آمریکا , اتحادیه اروپا ,

The siege of Leningrad lasted for 872 days from September 8, 1941, and killed more than a million people. Breaking the Nazi ring around the city was possible in the sixth attempt of the Soviet Red Army. On January 27, 1944, the siege of this city was finally broken.

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