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South Africa should monitor Israel’s internal developments well

Observing the internal developments of the occupied Palestine, the words and positions of the parliamentary and government officials of the Zionist regime show that the genocide in Gaza starts and is theorized from inside the occupied Palestine and is carried out by the regime's army in Gaza.

Fars News Agency International Group – Analytical Note; The International Court of Justice, the highest international court, issued orders on Friday, January 26, following South Africa’s complaint against Israel for genocide in the Gaza Strip, and the request for immediate measures to prevent the genocide in Gaza.

The Hague Court requested the following from Israel: 1- Taking measures to prevent any encouragement of genocide and its punishment. 2- Issuing permission for humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip. 3- Ensuring that his forces do not commit genocide. 4- Taking measures to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza and 5- Submitting a report on the implementation of the previous four orders, within one month, to the Hague Tribunal. The interior of occupied Palestine shows that not only Israel has not yet taken steps to implement the four court orders, but the opposite is happening. The Israeli Parliament (Knesset), “Dan Iluz”, “Moshe Saada”, “Baz Besmut” and “Amekhai Shogli” requested the immediate suspension of the mechanism of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. Amekhai is also a cabinet minister. This request is contrary to the second order of the Hague Tribunal. Also, yesterday, Sunday, occupied Jerusalem included holding a conference of right-wing parties and figures, and the purpose of holding it was to support the idea of ​​reoccupying the strip. Gaza and the resumption of Israeli settlements in it. Several rabbis from the West Bank, Sderot and other parts of occupied Palestine participated in it.

One ​​of the participants in this conference was Itmar Ben Gower, the Minister of “National Security” of the Zionist regime. Benguir said at the conference last night: We are returning to our homes, in Gush Qatif [southern Gaza Strip] and northern Samarra [northern West Bank], we must return to the land of Israel, because this is our homeland. This is the Torah, this is morality, and this is historical justice, logic and truth. There is also a conflict with the first order of the Hague Tribunal. Forced and targeted displacement of the inhabitants of a land with measures such as war is an example of genocide.

The legal team of South Africa, the owner of the complaint at the Hague Court, by monitoring the internal developments in occupied Palestine and monitoring the positions of the legislators. And Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet ministers will find evidence and documents, which maybe he did not have at the time of the complaint. Presenting these documents will help to make the case of this complaint not simply politicized and based solely on the documents evident in Gaza and in occupied Palestine, it will lead to a verdict of definite condemnation of the regime that, not in 2023 and 2024, but since 1971, has been thinking of forcibly relocating the people of Gaza.

« BBC Arabic reported last October 30, documents from the British Embassy in Tel Aviv dating back to 1971 show that in early September 1971, the then Israeli government told the British about a secret plan to forcibly resettle Palestinians in has Gaza and plans to force them to move to other areas, especially al-Arish in Egypt, 54 km from the Gaza border. At that time, the population of Gaza was 150,000 people, and another 200,000 Palestinian refugees had moved there, totaling 350 people. According to the documents of the British Embassy in Tel Aviv, Shimon Peres, then the adviser of the British Embassy (later the foreign minister, prime minister and president of Israel) at that time, referring to that secret plan, said, “It is time for Israel to do more work in Gaza and less work in Yosh [West Bank] should do it.” This dish is so salty that the newspaper Yediot Aharanot wrote in a note by “Ron Ben Yeshai” on Monday morning (January 29), “This conference is like sending ammunition to the South African legal team in The Hague. Calling for the resumption of settlements in the Gaza Strip, expressing the desire to carry out the operation of transferring the population of Gaza, destroys the legitimacy of Israel in defending itself… To reduce the damage, Netanyahu and his government must publicly express their innocence from this conference. /p>

In addition to the controversial Minister of State Ben Gower, ministers and members of the Likud party (Netanyahu’s party) and the ruling coalition, including the heads of religious Zionism, Utsama Yehudit, Yehudut Hetorat, were present in this conference. The legal team of South Africa and all countries that supported South Africa’s complaint, by documenting these actions and positions, pave the way for the issuance of a verdict and its acceleration against the Zionist regime.

Participants In the occupied Jerusalem conference, they called it the victory conference and chanted the slogan “Transition brings peace”. In this regard, Yediot wrote: These actions will harm the military effort in Gaza and Israel’s effort to break the international isolation, and they may prosecute Israeli leaders and political figures who travel abroad on the charge of participating in “war crimes.” .

At the end of December, South Africa sued Israel for genocide in the Gaza war and demanded an immediate verdict in this regard. Israel now has one month to submit its report to the Hague Court. The report proves that Israel has committed the worst type of war crime, genocide, in the shadow of the increasing death of the people of Gaza due to the lack of aid and other actions of the army. It was the Zionist regime. Ariel Sharon, the prime minister at the time, proposed the plan to withdraw from the Gaza Strip in 2003, and it was approved and implemented in the Cabinet in 2004 and in the Parliament (Knesset) in 2005, and Israel evacuated 21 Israeli settlements and eight thousand Jews in the Gaza Strip, but until today It has placed it under severe siege and controls the air, land and sea space of Gaza.

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