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Kazemi Qomi: The region-oriented approach turns Afghanistan into an influential international actor

The special representative of the president for Afghan affairs explained the objectives of the meeting of the regional contact group in Kabul, which was held at the suggestion and initiative of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
– International news

According to the regional office report of Tasnim News Agency

, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the special representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Afghanistan and the head of the Iranian embassy in Kabul, gave a speech on Monday afternoon at the first working group meeting of the regional contact committee.

The text of Kazemi Qomi’s speech in this meeting is as follows:

Dear colleagues;

It is a source of great happiness for me that not so long after the inclusion of “Tehran’s proposal” in the Gazan 2023 declaration of the Moscow format for the establishment of a regional contact committee, the first meeting of the members of this committee will be held, hosted by Kabul. Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude to the responsible officials in the caretaker government of Afghanistan who officially invited the representatives of the neighboring countries and the region to start this process.

Dear audience;

All of us are well aware that collective destiny has caused our ancestors to live next to each other for thousands of years. Inevitably, this very necessity of geography will make it possible for our children to continue the experience of living together for many centuries. Coexistence and neighborliness with mutual respect and territorial integrity requires adherence to common principles and treaties that have now gained international value and credibility and show the collective understanding of our past generations based on constructive experiences and avoiding the repetition of unfortunate events.

With this precious collection of experiences of our ancestors; The requirements of the times require that now that we have come together for a discussion, we must first think about the necessity of creating that amount of opportunities that will lead to the consistency of our neighborhood by sharing common interests; Then in the collective interest with other nations of the world, let us choose a path that will lead to long-term survival.

Islamic Republic With this introduction, Iran believes that the door of the neighborhood is the exit door from severe crises and a passageway to the painful memories of the suffering and hardships that the people of Afghanistan have continuously experienced in the last half century. This chapter is also a window for the successful re-appearance of Afghanistan on the world stage in order to play an international role and position based on its natural, human and political geography. In fact, if Afghanistan is located at the point of contact and connection with the environment of its neighbors with a regional-oriented idea, it is no longer just a landlocked country, but with a positive and harmonious interaction that implies the acceptance of the traditional and native model of the region and its diverse people with cultures, languages. , religions and values ​​are benevolent, it will reach a position and position that will become an important point of interaction and exchange in the heart of the continent and play an Asian-oriented role.

Based on this attitude; If the currently mentioned “region-oriented” policy is accompanied by the acceptance of its important requirements, its first effect will be that Afghanistan will successfully play a constructive role in the neighborhood environment and will be placed in the position of a continental centrality and will be in the orbit of effective relations in regulating global relations.

Now I would like to answer two main questions from the perspective of the Islamic Republic of Iran as an important and effective country in regulating regional relations. The first question is what is Afghanistan’s position after playing a regionally oriented role in Iran’s regional approach? The way of governance means the participation of competent people from various walks of life among the ethnic groups and religions of Afghanistan. For example, from the perspective of the Iranian people, relying on this requirement; Afghanistan will not only preserve its position as one of the important cultural centers of Asia, but it will also become a path connecting the rich culture and identity of Persian speakers, who for many centuries have created meaningful themes in the geography between Mavar al-Nahr to the subcontinent and Kashgar to the Balkans by producing literature. They took the initiative. This is how the literary school of Ghaznin, the Herat artistic circle, the religious school of Kandahar and the corner of Balkh and Chesht, which for centuries were complementary to Ray and Shiraz, Tabriz and Isfahan, Deccan and Bukhara, Baghdad and Badakhshan, are being revived.

Dear host;

Dear colleagues;

The second important question is; Which is the equal requirement for Afghanistan to play a regionally oriented role and responsibility? The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a founding member of the League of Nations and one of the first signatories of the United Nations Charter at the San Francisco Conference; Regionalism in our neighborhood means success in creating understanding with everyone. This is Zarrin’s main acceptance and tolerance for success in the region-oriented military. In this sense, governance without discrimination inside and good neighborliness and coexistence with neighbors in the region are two essential components in the development of a regional trend, which will definitely be welcomed by the region and beyond the region if it is manifested in a declaration.

In the internal aspect, such a policy proposal is more beautiful than paying attention to the most fundamental recommendation in Islamic Shari’a based on Aya Sharifah. O people, I am a creation, I am dhikr and feminine, and I am fake, I am a tribe and tribe, let’s talk about it. -left:0.1pt; margin-right:28.45pt; text-a..”>Dear Islam came to confirm the equality of men and women. Also, the linguistic, identity, cultural and religious differences among us should be considered divine creatures as a factor of diversity, so that on the basis of that, efforts should be made to search and strive to know other people from tribes and communities. It is not for nothing that the rule based on the Sharia, as an example of the experience of the Islamic leader of Madinah-ul-Nabi; Fair governance has been accompanied by an inclusive view of linguistic and cultural differences. This is the reason why in the first Islamic century, the Muhajir and the Ansar entered into brotherhood, the Yemenite Owais, the Persian Salman, and the Abyssinian Bilal, in the eyes of the great Prophet of Islam (pbuh), and other Muslims were treated as equals and with equal rights. still; Women side by side with the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) took part in fulfilling social responsibilities. Such an all-inclusive system that relies on the text of the Islamic Sharia and is based on the principle of piety, the interpretation of the Sharif Hadith Tashawn al-Ulama al-Abidin is an example of the principle of collective consultation with elders and fatwa companions from all schools of Islam. Based on this, the consolidation of the foundations of Sharia and the drafting of the Usulnameh as a covenant between the people requires the circle of religious scholars to be extended to the scope of all the equal and brotherly religions of Afghanistan.

In fact, following the traditional patterns of this region, the same golden age that changed the social ethics of consultation from a verbal recommendation to a practical conduct, leads to victory and mutual victory. provides The ancients and intellectuals of this region constantly advised tolerance and said: “Our way is in consultation and goodness is in the crowd”.

Today, we, the representatives of the people of this region, gathered in Kabul at the invitation of the host, so that through the consultation between our governments, we will walk the path of benevolence and expediency in such a way that Afghanistan is the point of connection and contact. Therefore, I firmly believe that only with a regular and continuous consultative foundation based on region-oriented logic and thought, it will be possible to accept the responsibility and tasks of a successful model of governance with the satisfaction and success of all members of the Afghan people. The path that starts from the region and receives the attention and support of the world is a safe corridor for omni-centeredness and participation in the world arena while maintaining respect for the territorial integrity and independence of Afghanistan. This result is a successful and equal victory for Afghanistan, the region, the world and most importantly the structure of the international system to test a successful result.

As ​​a result, I would like to emphasize that our goal in this first period of dialogue should be based on maintaining the security of the people of Afghanistan and its neighboring environment, rather than studying to prepare a collective security program in dealing with the structures and Put terrorist organizations as the first topic of “thematic agreements that guarantee common interests” in the discussion agenda.

Therefore, I suggest that the countries of the regional contact committee continue to state that it is appropriate to deal with long-term threats originating in Afghanistan, which are mainly caused by the American occupation and are listed in categories such as the following, Discussion and consensus should be reached:

  • Cultivation, processing, accumulation, buying and selling and trafficking of traditional and industrial drugs;
    • human trafficking, displacement and homelessness of people;
    • fight against The roots of extremism;
    • providing equal and non-discriminatory rights for participation, work and education of various sections of society regardless of gender, race, language and religion; /li>
    • Combating natural disasters and managing environmental issues;

    also these priorities are simultaneously and balanced by the organization The United Nations should be taken into account and any selective treatment and prioritization of new cases that may cause less attention to the root of the Afghanistan problem should be avoided. In fact, it is the shared opinion and the same focus on these topics that will set the stage for the favorable trends for the interaction of the region and the international environment in the future with Afghanistan.

    I will begin my speech by thanking the caretaker government of Afghanistan and the noble nation of this country for hosting them by saying, “Let there be snow in Kabul; It should be gold too. By entering this dialogue, Afghanistan showed that it has paid attention to a new and promising path in regional participation and its requirements.

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Publisher Tasnim News
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