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Trump was not disqualified in Illinois

The state of Illinois refused to disqualify former US President Donald Trump in the primaries.

According to the report of Fars News Agency International Group, the Illinois State Electoral Council on Tuesday refused to disqualify Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, so that his name would remain on the ballot in the intra-party phase of the presidential election in this state. .

This decision was made while the US Supreme Court is considering his disqualification cases in two other states (Colorado and Maine). This court is going to hear Trump’s appeal against his disqualification order in the state of Colorado next week. According to the clauses of the US Constitution, he cannot be a candidate for election in that state for the internal party stage of the US presidential election. After that, the state of “Maine” announced in a similar ruling that his qualification for placing his name It is not confirmed in the ballots. After these events, Trump’s eligibility to run for office has been questioned in many states.

States that want Trump’s name not to be on the ballot say that his actions on the 6th January 2021 has been an example of inciting riots and riots. On that day, when American lawmakers were in Congress to confirm the results of the 2020 presidential election, a group of Donald Trump supporters attacked Capitol Hill at his instigation.

Supporters of Trump’s disqualification Referring to Clause 3 of Amendment 14 of the US Constitution, they say that he will not be allowed to accept federal positions. In this section of the law, which was approved during the American Civil War, it is stated that those who take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States will not have the right to hold federal office if they “incite sedition or insurrection.”

In Illinois, earlier, a member of the state’s board of elections, a Republican, said there was a “mass of evidence” that Trump should not be allowed to run for president because he has The incitement to riot has violated the constitution. Despite this, he left the final decision on Trump’s disqualification to the council.

This Tuesday, this council, which has 8 members (4 Republican members and 4 Democratic members), made a unanimous decision. It was decided that this council does not have the authority to issue a verdict on the violation or non-violation of the Constitution, and therefore Trump’s name should remain on the ballots. After agreeing to put Trump’s name on the ballot, he issued this statement: “I want to make it clear that I, as a Republican, believe that what happened on January 6th was a riot.”

He also said that the Council does not have the authority to disqualify Donald Trump, despite stating that “this riot” was created at the instigation and assistance of Trump.

The Associated Press has written dozens of complaints so far All over the United States, they have been set up to prevent Trump from being nominated in the elections according to the American Constitution. Trump’s disqualification by the Colorado Supreme Court is one of the few cases in which a state has succeeded in such a lawsuit. In most other states, the courts and election officials have declared that it is not within their jurisdiction to deal with these complaints. United States of America (union of eleven southern states of America between 1861 and 1865) is used. Despite this, since 1919, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution has been used only twice, while experts say that the ambiguous tone contained in this legal clause does not include former presidents.

The US Supreme Court has never commented on a case based on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. Some experts believe that Article 3 does not cover presidents and therefore the US Supreme Court may overturn the Colorado court ruling.

Another important point is that Trump does not need to win the election. No victory in Colorado State. This state is traditionally a Democratic vote base, and in the 2020 elections, he lost the result to Trump with a margin of 13%. It’s more competitive, and losing the state’s vote could hurt his chances of being elected, even though he lost the state to Biden in 2020.

It is expected that until the Supreme Court of the United States makes a clear decision on whether or not Trump can run for office, each state will comment on Trump’s name being placed on the ballot according to its own criteria.

If Trump’s name is removed from the ballots in the states of Colorado and Maine with the approval of the US Supreme Court, he can still win the party’s nomination considering the distance he has with his other rivals in the Republican Party.

It should be remembered that Trump lost the result to Joe Biden in both states in the 2020 presidential election, and it is unlikely that he will need the votes of these two states to win the election.

However, if the Supreme Court approves the removal of Trump’s name in these two states, then the issue will not be limited to the states of Maine and Colorado, and many other states will also be removed. He will get to work.

Trump’s lawyers have made several arguments against efforts to disqualify him. First, paragraph 3 is not applicable to presidents. In paragraph 3, it is clearly stated that those who incite riots or riots cannot run for senators or congressmen or federal positions, but there is no mention of the presidency.

Their second argument It is that even if this law is applicable to the presidency, such actions are “political” and it is necessary to remove people from the electoral roll directly by the people, not by judges who are not elected by the people.

The other thing is that Trump’s lawyers say that the events of January 6 were not incitement to riot or riot, and even if there was a riot or riot, Trump did not participate in it and he was simply exercising his right to freedom of speech. .

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