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Trump promised to increase tariffs on Chinese goods

Donald Trump promised to impose new tariffs on China if he is re-elected.

According to the report of the Fars International News Agency, “Donald Trump”, the leading presidential candidate in the preliminary race of the Republican Party of America, said in an interview on Sunday that if he wins the 2024 presidential election, tariffs will be imposed in his new presidential term. will increase imports against Chinese goods.

The former US president, who was interviewed by Fox News on Sunday, raised the possibility that these new tariffs against goods imported from China will probably increase to more than 60%, he said: “We have to do this.” First of his presidency, at the same time as negotiations between Washington and Beijing to end the trade war between them, he increased the tariff of 200 billion dollars of goods imported from China to 25%.

Trump continued the interview. “I mean, look, the stock market almost crashed when it was announced that I won the Iowa primary, and then when I won the New Hampshire primary, the stock market crashed like crazy,” he said on a Fox News program. “

In this interview, the former US president said in response to a question about a report in which the possibility of a 60% tariff against Chinese imports was raised if he becomes president again: “No, I’m saying I’m going to make the tariff even higher than that.” Most likely, in this election, which will be held on November 5, 2024, the competition between him and Joe Biden, the President of the United States, will be repeated.

After Trump imposed tariffs against It increased hundreds of billions of dollars in imported goods from China, the Biden administration maintained these tariffs and imposed new restrictions on the export of advanced semiconductors and equipment for their manufacture to China under the pretext of security concerns.

Trump after winning the Republican primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire on February 6th in the next stage of this election in the state Nevada is held participates.

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