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Israeli soldiers left Gaza; We came back from one step of death

Many Israeli soldiers who have returned from the war in Gaza confirm that they have experienced very terrible conditions in Gaza and at any moment with the nightmare that they will not come out of this war alive, they confirm that they need mental care.

Fars News Agency International Group; “We left Gaza, but I can still smell the corpses in my nose.” This is said by Israeli soldier Tal Neef, who recently left Gaza together with a number of other soldiers after four months of fighting in Gaza.

Today, Tuesday (February 6), Yediot Aharonot newspaper published a report showing scenes of the dire situation of the Israeli reserve forces in Gaza, who may be called to fight again at any moment. explained in their own language.


Nif says that “we were hit hard in Gaza, two of my comrades were killed and four others were wounded. I think I need more time to explain what life is like for me after this. But now I have to say that it is very difficult for me to communicate with people. My mood fluctuates, but most of the time I’m in a bad mood and I’m nervous and my face is very sad. >


This is the situation of many Israeli reservists who have been discharged but know that at any moment they may be called up again and return to the nightmare of Gaza. It is true that the devastating war in Gaza so far has caused More than 27,000 Palestinians have been martyred, but the resistance forces and the Palestinian people stood up against the aggressors, causing a large number of Israeli soldiers to suffer mental and emotional problems, and according to Zionist sources, about 9,000 Israeli soldiers have lost mental health since the beginning of the Gaza war. have received treatment and a quarter of them never returned to combat.



One ​​of the Israeli soldiers returning from the war talks to Yediot Aharonot about his fear due to the explosion of a bomb near him and the firing of a mortar towards him, and explains that he feels like he is hallucinating that It may be with him for the rest of his life. “When I take a shower and come out completely clean, suddenly for 10 seconds I feel the smell of corpses. It was everywhere in Gaza.. During this Four months ago, I told myself several times that I was going to die and that I would not come out of Gaza safe. background: #e6e6e6; padding: 5px; text-align: center; margin: 0px auto; display: table; text-indent: 0″>


Another soldier named Eyal Atzmon, who left Gaza about a month ago, says he is struggling with the effects of this war. “Things happen that you cannot act like Act as if nothing happened. The smells bother me. The smell of the body, mixed with the smell of corpses, gunpowder and fire smoke everywhere.” , describes the current conditions of Israeli soldiers and therapists as “exceptional” and says that “what we know so far about psychological trauma and everything we do with those who fought in the first and second Lebanon wars and the 2014 war against Gaza (the Rock) We have done, on the one hand and what we are dealing with now on the other hand. The situation is completely different”.



According to this therapist, the reason for this is the magnitude of the current war and the changes that the Israeli military is experiencing since October 7. Although between 80 and 90 percent These soldiers return to normal, but 10 to 15% suffer from various complications during their lives.

More than 120 days have passed since the war in Gaza, and during this time medical and health resources have been lacking many times. The Zionist regime has reported that a large number of Israeli soldiers have been referred to psychiatric centers and suffered from shock due to the accident. Rapid heart rate, sweating, sudden increase in blood pressure, uncontrollable body tremors, confusion and inability to move are among the problems. which these soldiers are suffering from.

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