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Iran’s participation in the process of oral hearing on the request of the UN advisory opinion on the continuous violation of the rights of the Palestinian people

Iran intends to participate in the process of dealing with the United Nations General Assembly's consultative theory request from the International Court of Justice regarding the legal effects of the continuous violation of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination by the occupation regime of Jerusalem.
– International news

According to the foreign policy group Tasnim news, Looking for crimes The relentless brutality of the regime occupying Jerusalem and the continuous actions of this regime in flagrant violations of international law and human rights in the occupied territories and its disregard for the resolutions of the United Nations and the veto of numerous resolutions proposed by the United States of America in the Security Council, Assembly The United Nations General Assembly, emphasizing the covenants, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other human rights documents, on December 30, 2022, passed Resolution 247/77 under the title “Israel’s actions that affect human rights in the occupied territories, including Jerusalem” with 87 votes in favor. , 26 votes against, 53 abstentions and 27 abstentions approved that while condemning the occupying actions of the Zionist regime, it demands from that regime all its illegal acts and violations of human rights, including the killing and wounding of civilians, arbitrary imprisonment and detention, and forced displacement of civilians and transfer stop the settlers to the occupied lands, including Jerusalem, etc.

After the approval of the resolution 247/77 of the United Nations General Assembly, immediately the issue of decision regarding the participation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the process of handling the application of the theory The aforementioned consultation was placed on the agenda of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and after exchanging opinions and coordination with the competent authorities, it was decided that the Islamic Republic of Iran would participate in the hearing process, observing its principled considerations and positions towards the cause of Palestine. Based on this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in coordination with the competent institutions, will draw a road map on how to participate in the process of investigation and the oral view of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the focus on holding a referendum in the Palestinian land according to the Supreme Leader’s agenda as the doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy towards Palestine. compiled

The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in its oral opinion, while emphasizing the non-recognition of Israel, Three issues: “The authority of the court to deal with the request of the consultative theory of the General Assembly”, “The illegal actions of the Israeli regime, especially the violation of the principle of the right to self-determination of the Palestinians due to the long-term occupation of Palestine, the change in the composition of the Palestinian population, the change in the nature and status of the holy city of Jerusalem, … and “the obligations of other governments and the United Nations not to cooperate with Israel and not to recognize the resulting situation It will explain and describe Israel’s violation of the mandatory rules of international law and the immediate and unconditional end to the illegal acts of the Zionist regime” from a legal point of view, and finally emphasizes that, from the point of view of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the only solution Legal, practical, democratic and fair for the effective realization of the Palestinian nation’s inherent right to self-determination is to hold a national referendum in the Palestinian land.

The basis legal and history of requesting an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice

According to Article 96 of the United Nations Charter “The General Assembly or the Security Council can ask the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion on any legal issue”. Also, according to Article 65 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, “ the Court can take this action in any legal issue at the request of any organization or institution that the United Nations Charter allows to make such a request or according to the provisions of that Charter issue an advisory opinion”.

From the beginning of the work of the International Court of Justice (1948) until today, 30 cases have been requested. A consultative opinion has been proposed by competent organizations and institutions that the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, based on its national interests, in the process of handling the request of the two consultative theories proposed regarding the “threat to use or use of nuclear weapons dated 1996” and “Declaration of Independence” Kosovo dated 2010″ has participated. The presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the process of handling the request for an advisory opinion Legal works Continuous violation of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination by the occupation regime of Jerusalem, is the third presence of the Iranian government in the process of dealing with requests for advisory theory from the court.

According to the schedule announced by the Diwan Registry, the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on Thursday, March 3, 1402 at 00:00 /13 (Iran time) will present the views of our country.

Iran condemned the veto of the resolution to stop the genocide of Palestinians
Amir Abdullahian called the repetition of the veto of the Gaza ceasefire a diplomatic disaster of the century

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Publisher Tasnim News
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