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The Court of Auditors of France deemed unprecedented austerity measures necessary in this country

Referring to the fact that this country is one of the most indebted countries in the European Union, the French Court of Auditors deemed it necessary to implement unprecedented economic austerity policies.
– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, quoted by Germany’s “NTV”, Diwan France’s accounting has called for unprecedented austerity measures in this country.

According to the information of the accounting office, France must save billions of dollars to comply with the so-called deficit criterion. Accordingly, this country is now one of the most indebted countries in the European Union. Therefore, this organization has called for a serious change in the direction of this country. At the same time, the French Court of Auditors criticized the measures taken to fight against climate change. In this way, the French Court of Auditors has called for severe austerity efforts due to the high level of debt in this country. Despite the warnings, the government has relied on very positive growth forecasts, the National Audit Office said in its annual report in Paris. The body also strongly criticized what it described as a lack of planning for climate change adaptation. The report, which for the first time focuses on efforts to address the consequences of climate change, says that the government is not playing the strategic role of setting goals and describing the path to achieve them. Reducing the deficit to 4.4 percent this year has not yet been achieved. A delay in this regard could jeopardize the yield below the three percent threshold in 2027. “Pierre Moscovici”, the head of the French Court of Accounts, said that with a debt level of 109.7% of GDP this year, France “placed itself on the platform of the three debtor countries” next to Greece and Italy. According to him, if, according to the plan, the national deficit is reduced below the three percent ceiling of the European Union by 2027, another 50 billion euros should be saved in the budget by then. Expenditures Ambitious reforms in key sectors are necessary to bring French government spending under control in the long term. “Austerity efforts unprecedented in recent history are necessary,” Moscovici told business newspaper Les Échos. Social assistance and municipalities cannot be exempted from this.

Moscovici also said: Our situation is not only with traditional frugal countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and Austria, but also with Portugal, whose national debt is now below It is 100% of the GDP, it is a contradiction.

He emphasized: Investing in the future, for example in research, environment and social cohesion, should be possible. Moscovici said: Here the question is not about the reduction of investment, but the ability to finance them. To invest in the environment, innovation or education, we absolutely have to reduce debt.”

Also regarding climate change, the French Audit Office complained that better insulation and heating systems New isn’t enough to protect homes and apartments from the consequences of climate change, so the main goal of government aid now is to keep things warm in the cold months while emitting less CO2. Due to the drying of the soil, houses and apartments increasingly need protection against heat waves, floods and cracks in the walls. For this purpose, the Court of Accounts calls for the creation of solidarity funds to support the relocation of residents of coastal strips or conversion ski slopes.

This institution refused to predict the amount of French investment in carrying out these duties. Last year, in the expert report of this institution, three billion euros were mentioned annually for this purpose. The head of the Audit Bureau clearly warned against austerity measures in this field. “Pierre Moscovici” said when presenting this report: “It is a paradox to save where there is a greater need for investment.”

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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