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Developments in Ukraine France’s behind-the-scenes goals in supporting Kiev/Trump’s expectation from European countries

The positive vote of French senators to continue aid to Ukraine, Moscow's refusal to participate in the Swiss peace conference, the European Union's commitment of 135 billion to help Kiev, the emergence of the "Iron Curtain" between Russia and the Baltics, and the increase in sexual harassment of women in the Ukrainian army, are some of the important events. are war
– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, members of the Majlis Last night, the French Senate held a hearing on a draft bill based on which the government proposed to continue aid to Ukraine. In this meeting, 293 senators voted in favor of this document, 22 voted against it and 11 senators abstained, and thus this bill was approved by the Senate.

Of course, in Among the legislators, there are also those, including the leader of the Communist Party, who have expressed concern about Paris’ stance on the Ukraine conflict and believe that this action will lead to the worsening of the situation.

Previously last day, it became clear that the representatives of the National Assembly of France supported the bilateral security agreement with Kiev, according to which the provision of military aid to Ukraine for a period of 10 years is considered.

In this regard, Bloomberg news agency wrote in an analysis that French President Emmanuel Macron uses the Ukraine conflict for his political goals in Europe. This article states: Macron is bringing Ukraine to the forefront of the election campaign in the European Parliament and intends to force French far-right lawmakers, including his staunch enemy Marine Le Pen, to clarify their position regarding support for Kiev.

Yesterday, Le Pen criticized Macron during the National Assembly’s vote on the bilateral security agreement with Ukraine and said: the president’s maneuver forced the legislators to choose between support him, otherwise, they will be accused of supporting Russia. A vote against supporting Kiev means giving a signal that Moscow expects. According to Bloomberg, in this way, the French president introduced his rival Le Pen as a direct ally of Russia.

At yesterday’s meeting of the French National Assembly, members of the right-wing faction of the party ” The National Alliance led by Marine Le Pen abstained from voting.

Earlier, in mid-February, France pledged to double 3 billion euros in military aid to Kiev. present in 2024. In addition, Emmanuel Macron and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy signed a bilateral agreement on security guarantees. This document, which was signed for a period of 10 years, includes the supply of military equipment to Ukraine, the training of Ukrainian soldiers and also the strengthening of the country’s defense industry.

You can continue to follow the developments related to the 750th day of the Ukrainian war:


Deputies of the US Congress intend to vote to help Kiev by bypassing the Speaker

Washington Post newspaper this morning US Congress members are planning to bypass House Speaker Mike Johnson to vote on a bill to double funding to provide new military aid to Ukraine, it has been reported.

As ​​noted in this publication, Democrats in the lower house of Congress have introduced a resolution, based on which the bill passed by the Senate in February to allocate $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan have been approved, it can be voted on without Johnson’s approval. To do so, the resolution must be supported by 218 lawmakers. So far, almost 180 members of the House of Representatives have signed it. A similar document has been prepared by a group of congressmen from both parties.

Of course, as the Washington Post wrote, Johnson does not intend to work until the bills related to Complete double funding for US homeland security departments, consider funding for Ukraine and other countries. This issue should be clarified by March 22 at the latest.

Trump: Europeans should allocate the same budget as the United States to help Ukraine

Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, believes that European countries should allocate as much funds as the United States to help Ukraine, otherwise, the situation will be unfair for American taxpayers. It was.

Trump said in an interview with “Newsmax” network that was published this morning: “Europe spends about 100 billion dollars less than we do for Ukraine.” I think this ratio is very unfair for America and for the taxpayers of the United States. It reduces Kyiv’s budget, he explained, emphasizing that Ukraine’s situation is more important for European security, adding: “European countries together should pay as much as Washington does in this regard.”

American senator: Before sending weapons to Ukraine, the state of the country’s military industry should be evaluated

Fox News network Last night reported that US Senator James David Vance from the state of Ohio introduced a bill to assess the state of the US military industry and the readiness of the country’s defense forces against possible threats before deciding whether to send a military aid package to Ukraine.

Vance said: US military reserves are at a very low level. President Joe Biden has spent two years sending more weapons to Ukraine than the country can afford, putting our national security at risk.

On Wednesday, Jake Sullivan, the adviser to the American president, said that Washington will transfer a new package of military aid worth about 300 million dollars to Kiev. Leaving more areas of Ukrainian territory if the conflict continues

Scott Ritter, a former intelligence officer of the US Army, expressed his opinion that if the military conflict continues and does not stop Kyiv, Ukraine may lose several other cities, including Odessa, Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk.

In Ritter’s view, Kyiv authorities still have little chance to preserve this territories, of course, they should stop everything right now and sit at the negotiating table. The conflict is not ongoing and the Russian soldiers will continue to succeed on the battle front and win even despite the new weapons shipments to Ukraine announced by the United States and the European Union in recent days.

This intelligence officer reminded that the West should recognize the military defeat of Ukraine against the Russian army.

Focus: The uncertainty of the West has led to the strengthening of the Russian economy

The German magazine “Focus” wrote in an analysis that anti-Russian sanctions has failed, and financial elites in the West are looking to resume business relations with Russia, waiting for the failure of Ukraine.

According to this publication, Russia continues to show vitality. The economy has continued and the Western sanctions have had a short-term effect on it. Western countries must accept that it is difficult to bring the world’s largest raw material power to its knees, and Russia has found political and economic partners in China, India and Turkey that are ready to strengthen their trade relations with Moscow.

This article states: Ukraine’s failure on the battle front and the failure of Western economic sanctions against Russia and the internal contradictions in Western political circles, which have made it impossible to send more weapons to Kiev, will force the West to come to terms with Vladimir Putin. The President of Russia will agree on the future situation.

Earlier, American billionaire Elon Musk also expressed his opinion that Russia has become stronger than before because of the US sanctions policy.

Borrell: EU commitments to help Ukraine reach 138 billion euros

Joseph Borrell, the main official The foreign policy and security of the European Union announced last night during its talks with the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that the total amount of aid promised by the European Union to Ukraine has reached 138 billion euros.

In this meeting, Burrell reminded the European Union’s commitment to long-term aid to Ukraine in the amount of 138 billion euros and added that in the future even more of this budget will be allocated for this purpose. He also expressed hope that Washington will allocate additional funds to help Kiev as soon as possible.

EU ambassadors’ agreement on additional military aid worth 5 1 billion euros to Kyiv

In addition, Josep Borrell, the head of EU diplomacy, announced yesterday that the ambassadors of the EU member states about the transfer of 5 billion Additional euros to Ukraine to supplement the European Peace Fund for the supply of weapons to Kiev. from Ukraine to increase by another 5 billion euros. Burrell emphasized that the European Union intends to support Ukraine with all its might to achieve victory.

The situation in Ukraine is the subject of talks between the deputy foreign ministers of Russia and Turkey

Mikhail Galuzin, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, visited Ankara on Wednesday with his Turkish counterpart Burak Akcapar about the general situation in the Caucasus region and the crisis in Ukraine. discussed.

According to the information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the issue of the Ukraine crisis, including the prospect of a political and diplomatic solution to this conflict, was discussed by the parties. In this context, the Russian side pointed out the need to stop the “collective West” led by the United States from supplying Kyiv with weapons, as well as canceling the ban on negotiations with Russia by the President of Ukraine, and reminded that Kyiv should be alert to the new geopolitical realities.

In addition, the deputy foreign ministers of Russia and Turkey emphasized the importance of the process of normalizing relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Some aspects of the agenda of Russia-Turkey relations were also discussed “from the perspective of further joint steps to deepen cooperation and constructive dialogue between Moscow and Ankara”.

Latvian Prime Minister: In the future, there will be an “iron curtain” between the Baltic countries and Russia

Evica Silenia, the Latvian Prime Minister emphasized The Baltic Sea is trying to create an “iron curtain” between itself and Russia. Speaking at the Atlantic Council event in Washington, he said: “We (Baltic republics) understand that in the future there will be an “iron curtain” between Russia, Belarus and the Baltic states. We continue to follow this process, which takes time.”

According to him, the first goal is to ensure the security of the region where economic and energy independence Be respected by Russia.

Previously, yesterday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia announced that more than 340 citizens of the Baltic countries, including ministers, members of parliament, dignitaries Social activists and journalists were banned from entering this country. The ministry emphasized that such an action is a reaction to the hostile policy of the Baltic states towards Russia. In particular, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania actively impose sanctions against Russia, interfere in its internal affairs, violate the rights of the Russian-speaking people, and continue to distort historical events.

Latvia asked to consult with the military before sending troops to Ukraine

Latvian Prime Minister Ovica Silinia expressed his opinion at the Atlantic Council event in Washington on Wednesday that NATO policymakers should consult with military officials before deciding whether to send coalition forces to Ukraine.

In response to a question about the possibility of sending NATO military forces to Ukraine, he said: There is a procedure in NATO that mainly concerns the military, not the politicians. I think we still need a military analysis to see whether this action will really help Ukraine. refused to send troops to Ukraine

Kaia Kalas, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia, refused to send Estonian military personnel to Ukraine and said: “I have such a promise I will not because the situation may change.”

He said: “Our military assistance to Ukraine may be considered by Russia as direct intervention in the military conflict. . <...> Of course, we have clearly chosen one side in this conflict, and that side is Ukraine, because Russia is a direct threat to us. <...> Of course, can I say with certainty that there will be no Estonians in Ukraine? no Can I say or promise that we should take different steps if circumstances change? I can’t make any promises yet.”

Estonian Prime Minister stressed that any decision to send military forces to Ukraine must be approved by the government after a comprehensive discussion. . At the same time, Kalas added that there was “never any talk” about sending Estonian ground forces to Ukraine.

The Czech Republic sent ammunition to Ukraine in June. Will

Thomas Puyár, adviser to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, announced that the planned ammunition may arrive in Ukraine in June. He explained: First, the promised money must arrive and contracts must be concluded. After signing the contract, it takes a few weeks to deliver them to Ukraine. Deliveries may begin in June.

Poyar noted that the initiative aims to provide ammunition “from all over the world, wherever it is at a reasonable price and of acceptable quality.” Available” is considered. He stressed that the details of the agreements in this regard will be kept secret.

Previously, Czech Prime Minister Peter Fiala said that the initiative to buy bullets for Ukraine outside of The European Union is supported by more than 15 Western countries. According to him, the purchase of 300,000 bullets has already been decided and about 200,000 more bullets have been promised.

Signing a petition in Ukraine for protection From women in the army against sexual harassment

A petition to create an effective mechanism to combat sexual harassment against women in the armed forces of Ukraine on Wednesday It was registered on the official website of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi. Facilitate numerous reports of sexual harassment and gender-based violence against women in the armed forces of Ukraine.” The authors of this petition noted that dozens of cases of harassment of women in Currently, serving in the army has not been prevented and its perpetrators have not been punished due to the lack of the necessary mechanism. It is also noted that there is a similar mechanism in the armies of countries around the world.

This document was signed by more than 3,000 Ukrainian citizens and sent to Zelensky’s office.

Last week, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that the number of women serving in the armed forces of Ukraine continues to increase and has now reached more than 45,000.

Russia will refuse to participate in the Ukraine conference in Switzerland

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova announced on Wednesday that the country will refuse to participate in the “Ukraine Peace Conference” in Switzerland, even if representatives from Moscow are invited to the event.

He pointed out that Russia does not intend to participate in such a conference, even if it is officially invited, and explained: Russia’s participation in such conferences is not logical, because this event is for the so-called “Zelensky peace formula” lobbies, although the Swiss organizers pretend to seek common denominators from different countries’ peace plans.

The diplomat also noted that Kiev’s proposal regarding the withdrawal of Russian troops from the 1991 borders, Moscow’s accountability and payment of compensation and obligations related to food supply, nuclear safety, Energy, environment and human problems are not acceptable. According to him, the upcoming conference is a continuation of meetings in the form of Copenhagen, which discredited themselves from the beginning, and now it has reached a dead end and has not had any results for its organizers.

Zakharova called the cancellation of Zelenskiy’s decree a condition for peace negotiations

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that any proposal for peace with Ukraine must It should be done by canceling Vladimir Zelensky’s order banning negotiations with the Russian side. Maria Zakharova said: Russia is ready to negotiate to resolve the Ukraine crisis. However, any responsible offer to negotiate should be accompanied by the lifting of Zelensky’s restraining order, the cessation of arms shipments to Ukraine, and clear signals of readiness to take into account modern realities and Russia’s legitimate interests.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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