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Activation of the geopolitical fault in occupied Palestine

Apart from the geostrategic competition between the maintainers of the status quo and the revisionist powers, the clash of interests of the great powers has created new opportunities to improve the regional position of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Mehr News, International Group: The third decade of the 21st century can be called the era of the resumption of the “New Cold War” And the world powers’ efforts to align again in the international system. Although the United States still has the highest GDP and the largest army in the world, the emergence of emerging powers in different parts of the world has challenged the hegemony of the United States in the Eurasia-Indo-Pacific region. has been; Moreover, the increasing level of tensions between America, China and Russia has provoked and activated geopolitical faults in different parts of the world. For example, after the unsuccessful attempt of the West to integrate Ukraine into the North Atlantic Treaty and Russia’s special military operations in this country, now Kiev is at the forefront of the confrontation between Washington and Moscow.

On the other side of the Indian Ocean, while inciting the Uyghur minority against Beijing’s central rule, Washington has also intervened in the internal affairs of Taiwan and disputes in the South China Sea and intends to reach China. to enter military-security games. In a situation where the international order is more and more under the influence of the will of the regional powers, the occurrence of Al-Aqsa storm operation caused the opening has become a new front in the process of geostrategic competition between Washington, Moscow and Beijing. Some analysts believe that the current crisis in the Gaza Strip is the result of the clash of interests between world powers and the West’s attempt to create a new bloc against the rise of emerging powers. On this basis, in the continuation of this report, we will try to take a look at the effect of the Al-Aqsa storm operation on the competition geostrategic America with China and Russia.

Washington’s land stuck in the Middle East quagmire

Strategic rationalism, adopting the appropriate approach and opportunism of the actors in the international arena will provide them with the possibility to increase the national power without the least cost, and compete with restrain and weaken themselves in different fronts. Since 2014 (the Crimean War), the countries of the Euro-Atlantic area, by introducing Moscow as a “hybrid threat” against Europe and America, and then imposing the toughest sanctions regime in history against the Russian economy, reduce Russia’s position from a great world power to the level of a decrepit regional power. Financial support and arms to Kiev and trying to prolong this geopolitical crisis is a clear action by the West to weaken the residents of the Kremlin Palace. Now, after the activation of the geopolitical fault in occupied Palestine, Washington is forced to provide part of the focus and aid of the Western Front to Israel. The grounding of the American army in the eastern Mediterranean and recently in the Red Sea area will provide the necessary opportunity for the Russians to restore their moral standing in the public opinion and propose a lasting ceasefire to the Western countries from a position of power.

After the Russians, China is the second winner of the Al-Aqsa storm war. In the eyes of Chinese statesmen, any disturbance in the process of America’s “pivot to Asia” will provide a new opportunity for Beijing to complete the “One Belt One Road” super project faster while increasing national power-wealth. After the conclusion of the Beijing agreement between Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in Ai the failure of Washington to reach the point of peace in Gaza, now a good opportunity has been provided for the Chinese to If the American fails to end the crisis in Gaza, it will enter the field and cooperate with Russia, Arab countries and Iran to help achieve a lasting ceasefire in occupied Palestine. Also, increasing the gap between the Arab Middle East and Israel; It has delayed the integration of the Zionist regime in the region and the creation of a single block against emerging powers. In such a situation, it seems that Moscow and Beijing prefer to change the balance of power in the region in favor of the resistance axis when the ceasefire is announced.

Moscow-Beijing; The big winners of Al-Aqsa storm

Since the last years of Barack Obama’s presidency, Washington has tried to curb the rise of China and Russia, after signing the JCPOA agreement with Tehran, the project of normalizing relations between the Zionist regime and the Arab Middle East on the agenda. In this superproject, Washington is apparently encouraging the Arab capitals to normalize relations with Tel Aviv in order to contain the regional influence of Iran and the axis of resistance, so that before the arrival of 2030, the single economic block – Security against emerging powers. The official publication of the “Deal of the Century”, “Middle East NATO proposal”, “Abraham’s peace”, “Al-Naqab security meetings”, “I2U2 food security corridor”, ” The unveiling of the IMAC corridor at the G20 summit” and finally the “attempt to normalize Riyadh-Tel Aviv relations” is a series of measures taken by Washington to redefine the order of the Middle East region with the aim of maintaining hegemony. And Centcom dominated the energy market and new communication corridors.

فعال شدن گسل ژئوپلیتیکی در فلسطین اشغالی

وقوع عملیات طوفان الاقصی در هفتم اکتبر ۲۰۲۳ و به دنبال آغاز لشگرکشی ارتش اسرائیل به باریکه غزه سبب تعلیق طرح‌های واشنگتن تا زمانی نامعلوم شد. برخی تحلیلگران معتقدند پس از ضربه نظامی- امنیتی وارد شده به تل‌آویو و در عین نسل کشی بی‌سابقه این رژیم در غزه، ریاض نمی‌تواند ریسک عادی سازی روابط با اسرائیل را در کوتاه مدت بپذیرد. گروهی دیگر اما با رد این نظر معتقدند که پادشاهی عربی سعودی از قبل تصمیم نهایی برای صلح با صهیونیست‌ها را اتخاذ کرده و حتی ممکن است از فرصت آتش‌بس نهایی در غزه برای رسیدن به نقطه صلح با اسرائیل استفاده کند. به گزارش وال استریت ژورنال، تیم سیاست خارجی دولت بایدن به صورت همزمان در حال پیشبرد سه پرونده «آتش‌بس و تبادل اسرا»، «عادی سازی روابط عربستان سعودی- اسرائیل» و «شناسایی دولت مستقل فلسطین» است. اتخاذ چنین رویکردی از سوی دموکرات‌ها ناشی دهنده عدم ناامیدی آنها برای کسب دست آوردی قابل توجه در آستانه انتخابات ۲۰۲۴ است.

Bahre Sakhan

فارغ از رقابت ژئواستراتژیک میان حافظان وضع موجود و قدرت‌های تجدیدنظرطلب، برخورد منافع قدرت‌های بزرگ سبب ایجاد فرصت‌های جدیدی برای ارتقای جایگاه منطقه‌ای جمهوری اسلامی ایران شده است. در دوران جدید تهران و محور مقاومت می‌توانند با داشتن دست برتر در مناسبات منطقه‌ای قدرت چانه‌زنی خود را در برابر بلوک‌ها و بازیگران تأثیرگذار در منطقه افزایش دهند و بدل به کانون بازتعریف نظم جدید منطقه شوند. پیش از این آمریکا قصد داشت تا از طریق دنبال کردن صلح عبری- عربی و وضع رژیم تحریمی علیه اقتصاد ایران، تهران را در وضعیت انزوا و ضعف قرار دهد اما تحولات جاری در شرق مدیترانه حاکی از گسترش دامنه مقاومت تا مرزهای اروپا است. اثبات نقش تعیین کننده و ثبات ساز ایران در معادلات غرب آسیا این فرصت را در اختیار کشور قرار خواهد داد تا بتواند جایگاه خود را در کریدورهای چینی- آمریکایی ارتقا بخشیده و تبدیل به باریگری تعیین کننده در زنجیره تأمین جهانی شود. به عبارت دیگر تأمین امنیت مسیرهای ارتباطی و انرژی بدون در نظر گرفتن منافع ایران و احترام به جایگاه صلح‌ساز مقاومت در خاورمیانه امکان پذیر نیست.


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