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terrorist act in Moscow; Which parties benefit?

In recent years, Russians do not remember that such a security and humanitarian disaster has occurred in this country. A disaster whose images have greatly affected not only the people of Russia but also the public opinion of many people in the world.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, late on the third Friday of April 1403 It was one of the most bitter nights in modern Russian history. Not much time has passed since the deadly terrorist attack of Crocus Hall in Moscow, which left 93 dead and more than 100 injured. Humanity has occurred in this country. A disaster whose images have greatly affected not only the people of Russia but also the public opinion of many people in the world. After seeing the images of this terrorist attack, the majority of people are faced with a common question, who could be the designers of this heinous and inhuman act?

Only a few hours after the terrorist act in Moscow. And when many of the world’s media and public opinion were pointing towards Kiev, the unexpected statement of the ISIS terrorist group was placed on the output of many news sites in the world, which ISIS took responsibility for this terrorist attack without stating its reasons and motivations.

Meanwhile, in the early hours of this terrorist incident, other speculations regarding the causes of this action were being formed among experts and political circles. The Russians had pointed the tip of their speculations towards Ukraine and its intelligence agencies, and on the other hand, Kiev considered the design and implementation of this terrorist act to be the responsibility of Moscow’s intelligence apparatus.

Increased victims of attack on the outskirts of Moscow/Putin meets with authorities
Iran condemned the terrorist incident in the suburbs of Moscow


John Kirby, the spokesman of the American National Security Council, denied any involvement of Ukraine in the terrorist incident in Moscow in the early hours after this attack and when the Crocus Hall was still burning in flames. But in the meantime, ISIS was the farthest option that could be called the attack on the Moscow night concert. It can be helpful in identifying the main perpetrators of this terrorist incident. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in Moscow, the capital of Russia, and this terrorist group is now known as the most important suspect in this incident. ISIS terrorist group just when the volume of accusations of the world opinion was directed towards Ukraine and the intelligence apparatus of this country in a statement that is less Three hours after the terrorist incident, it was published on the channels attributed to this group, and they claimed responsibility for the attack on Moscow’s Crocus Hall in a short message.

This group in different places, including Iran and some countries in the region, this speed in accepting responsibility without presenting the purpose and reasons for the terrorist act is a rare thing.

On the other hand, it has been many years since The suppression of the rebellions of a branch of Islamists in Chechnya and the coming to power of Ramzan Kadyrov in this region, as well as the policies of religious tolerance in Russia and the freedom of action of Muslims in different republics of this country and Vladimir Putin’s positive view of Islam, the field of activities of radical Islamists in Russia has been destroyed. Is. For this reason, we are witnessing the widespread presence of Muslims in the form of independent battalions from the Muslim-populated regions of Russia, such as Tatarstan or Dagestan, on the fronts of the war against Ukraine.

Therefore, the terrorist act last night in Moscow had no basis. The unprecedented tension and operations in this country in the past years by radical Islamists make ISIS’ statement face many doubts.

مسکو , تروریسم , داعش | گروه تروریستی داعش , کشور روسیه ,

However, this action can be seen as a blind reaction to Russia’s effectiveness in defeating ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Also, the return of many core members of the ISIS terrorist group who had joined this group from the North Caucasus region can justify last night’s operation. But a big question arises in front of this theory, why did we not witness terrorist actions by this group in the territory of Russia at the height of the Russian army’s operations in the Shamat region, and now that ISIS has almost disappeared in Iraq and Syria, and this This type of action is not strategically beneficial for the small remnant of this group. Will we see an attack of this size?

There is ambiguity and basically they don’t consider this statement to be the work of ISIS and the publication of this type of Akhbar with a wide media coverage of the West in the direction of Distraction of minds is said to be the main supporter of last night’s terrorist attack.

Ukraine and Western supporters

Despite ISIS’s statement in claiming responsibility for the terrorist attack on Moscow’s Crocus Hall, the intelligence services of Ukraine and other western countries are the most important suspects of this action.

Kiev tried to create fear by adopting a strategy not long ago. Among the Russian society, he will drag the war to the cities of this country, so that he may achieve several goals, including creating a gap between the government and the people regarding the war process in Ukraine. Therefore, since several months ago, it has increased its missile and drone attacks on Russian cities, especially Moscow and Belgorod.

The intensity of these attacks increased as the days of the Russian presidential elections approached. But the internal and social cohesion of Russia, which was crystallized in the level of participation in the elections, showed its highest level. Perhaps last night’s terrorist attacks in Moscow can still be interpreted in the same plan of increasing fear and bringing war among Russian cities. Conducting any terrorist operations among the Russian people has not stopped. The assassination of Daria Dugin, the daughter of Alexander Dugin, one of the strategists close to the Kremlin, bombings and terrorist operations on the Crimean bridge, a suicide bomber in a restaurant in Moscow and other examples carried out by the intelligence service of Ukraine and other countries supporting Kiev in Russia in the last two years. It still places this country at the top of the perpetrators and designers of last night’s terrorist operations in Moscow.

مسکو , تروریسم , داعش | گروه تروریستی داعش , کشور روسیه ,

But if we want a statement To believe ISIS, we must also consider the fact that in the last two years, after the defeat of ISIS in the territories of Syria and Iraq, many terrorists of this group have been transferred to other places such as Afghanistan, Baku, and the fronts of Ukraine, and along with mercenaries from the countries They are at war with Russia. By accepting the point that ISIS terrorists were in charge of carrying out last night’s operation, we can also consider it believable that the main designer of the Moscow terror operation was the Ukrainian intelligence service with the help of ISIS.

But another One of the reasons that raise the suspicion of planning terrorist operations in Moscow last night by Western services is the warning two weeks ago by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the American Embassy in Moscow to Americans living in Russia about the possibility of terrorist attacks by extremists in places of gatherings, including department stores and concert halls. Immediately after the United States, it was the British embassy that announced the same warning and demanded that British citizens leave Russia.

On what basis and based on which documents, this warning was issued a few days before the election. It was announced that the presidency of Russia is one of the important question marks of the previous night’s incident in Moscow. On the other hand, the implementation of this operation by Daesh, which according to authentic documents has been used by the United States in carrying out terrorist operations in various countries of the world, including Iran, strengthens the speculations for the involvement of Western countries in the Moscow incident.

It should also be added that Victoria Nuland, one of the US Deputy Secretary of State, warned Russia during her retirement speech that an unpleasant “surprise” awaits Moscow.

It should also be He also noted that the previous day Russia and China vetoed the draft resolution of the United States on Gaza. Perhaps the above operation was carried out by an Islamist group in order to change the face of Islam in the public opinion of Russia in order to put pressure on Putin to support the oppressed people of Palestine and push Russia to the sidelines in the above issue. /p>


In the early hours of the terrorist attack on Moscow and when all eyes were on Ukraine as the agent and designer This was an attack, once again the usual and familiar phrase of Westerners came out of the mouth of the Ukrainian authorities. It’s their own work. Ukrainian authorities claimed that Russian intelligence services were working to create a psychological climate against Ukraine, as well as to stir up domestic sentiments in order to create public mobilization with the aim of starting a new operation. They planned the terrorist incident of Crocus Hall. At first glance, this claim of the Ukrainians may seem reasonable, but with a few simple reasons, this threadbare strategy can be discarded. At no level, neither the statesmen nor the media came forward as a news line. The plan of this issue was so trivial that even the mainstream media of the West did not raise it as a hypothesis.

  • Looking at the current conditions of the Russian society, this country can be considered at the highest level of unity and Social solidarity observed throughout the history of modern Russia. Tolerating the most severe global sanctions from the collective West with the aim of creating social disruption in a situation where the country has been in a full-scale war for the past two years. The sign of this unity and social cohesion can be seen in last week’s presidential elections, which turned their backs on all western designs with 75% turnout and 85% election of Vladimir Putin.
  • Army’s successes In the past few months, Russia on various fronts, along with good logistical support and war machines on the one hand, and on the other hand trained manpower in the contact lines, plus 200,000 Russian reserve forces, has made it unnecessary to announce a general mobilization to continue the war with the West. and has given Moscow the upper hand in various fronts.
  • مسکو , تروریسم , داعش | گروه تروریستی داعش , کشور روسیه ,

    Zionist Regime

    But maybe one of the accused of last night’s terrorist attacks should be Russia The Zionist regime knew. After the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the relations between the two sides gradually deteriorated, and its peak can be seen after the start of the Al-Aqsa storm operation and in Russia’s diplomatic and political support to the Palestinian groups. These supports and Russia’s standing with the Islamic countries of the Middle East in accusing Israel’s actions provoked many dissatisfactions among the politicians of this regime in such a way that several members of the Likud party threatened the Kremlin with retaliatory measures.

    The latest of these actions can be seen in the US veto of a draft resolution regarding the Gaza ceasefire, which would have allowed the regime to continue its actions against the people of Gaza. Also, in his speech at noon yesterday, Putin emphasized Russia’s support for the benefit of the people of Gaza. The tool of the policy of spreading terror is against the enemies of this regime, we can also consider the hypothesis that in order to change the attitude and mindset of the public opinion of the Russian society in supporting the people of Gaza and destroying the image of Islam, this operation was carried out in the most outrageous way possible in the capital of Russia by designing services information of the Zionist regime.

    Anyway, just a few hours after the terrorist incident of Crocus Hall in Moscow, there are various speculations about the designers and perpetrators. There are different levels behind this terrorist act. With the passage of time and expert reviews, some of these hypotheses can be confirmed or rejected. But one thing that can certainly be commented on is the change in the trend and intensity of conflicts on the contact lines from Russia.

    Author: Mehdi Saif Tabrizi, researcher of Russia and the Caucasus

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    © Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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