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Countries openly criticize Israel’s attack on Iran’s consulate in Syria

The emergency meeting of the UN Security Council regarding Israel's attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria was held with strong and explicit criticism of the Zionist actions.

reported by Mehr News Agency, an hour ago, the emergency meeting of the UN Security Council regarding Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria was held with the presence of representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the UN.

In this meeting, the Zionist regime’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria was accompanied by strong and frank criticism from the deputy representative of Iran in the United Nations and other countries.

Deputy representative of Iran in the United Nations: The actions of the Zionist regime lead to the escalation of tension in the region

Zahra Ershadi, Ambassador and Deputy Representative of Iran to the United Nations, said on Tuesday local time at the Security Council meeting about Israel’s attack on the Iranian Consulate in the United Nations: the Islamic Republic of Iran committed these crimes. It strongly condemns the horrible and cowardly terrorist attacks. The Israeli regime has committed a clear violation of the United Nations Charter, international laws, and the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic.

He clarified: The crime committed by the Israeli regime yesterday is more than a crime. This crime and terrorist attack represents a clear insult to the accepted principle of the international community, that is, the immunity of representatives and diplomatic and consular places; The common principle, which is the cornerstone of international relations, is recognized and supported.

Iran’s deputy representative added: This crime also clearly violated the basic principle of diplomatic and consular immunity, as well as the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and the Convention on Prevention and Punishment of crimes against people under international protection is one of the diplomatic factors of 1973.

The representative of Russia also called for pressure from the international community on Israel

At this meeting, the representative of Russia sharply criticized the Zionists’ encroachment on Syrian territory and emphasized that the Israeli forces are very calm and quiet attack on Gaza.

The representative of Russia also called for pressure from the international community on Israel and emphasized that Israel’s actions are unacceptable. are acceptance; Because diplomatic delegations must have immunity in all circumstances.

Meanwhile, Russia emphasizes that Tel Aviv against Syria is designed to expand the conflict, and the West ignores Israel’s actions in provoking tension in the region.

Russia strongly criticized the Westerners for not condemning the Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria

Ambassadors and representatives of the United States, England and France did not condemn the attack of the Israeli regime on the Iranian consulate in this meeting of the Security Council, which led to the sharp reaction of the Russian ambassador to the United Nations.

At this meeting of the Security Council, the ambassador and representative of France to the United Nations, without condemning the crime of the Israeli regime, demanded restraint from all actors in the region regarding the attack on the consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus. He brought the reaction of the Russian ambassador who said to him: Your own consulate was also targeted, what was your reaction?

The ambassador and representative of Russia to the United Nations added to the ambassador of France: You did not say a word in condemning the violation of international laws by Israel, would you have reacted the same if your own consulate was targeted?

Nebenzia continued: America is always proud of its first-hand information, but it has not obtained any information about the attack on the Iranian consulate. And this is not believable.

He said: Westerners not only did not condemn Israel’s attack, but also accuse Iran. You cannot tell the victims not to react if they are attacked.

China called for an end to Israel’s aggression against Syria and Lebanon

China’s deputy representative to the United Nations emphasized in the emergency meeting of the Security Council about Israel’s aggression against Syria and the bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus that Israel should stop the attacks on Lebanon and Syria. stop.

Geng Shuang, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations said: “The Israeli authorities They should immediately stop attacks on targets in Lebanon and Syria, such actions endanger the security of the entire Middle East region.”

According to this Chinese diplomat, Israel’s frequent attacks on targets in Lebanon and Syria are a serious violation of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the countries involved and increase tensions in the region. .

The representative of China said at the meeting of the UN Security Council, which was convened at the request of Russia regarding Israel’s attack on Iran’s diplomatic facilities in Syria: “These actions must be stopped immediately.” be.”

Switzerland strongly condemned the attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus

At this meeting, the representative of Switzerland demanded the implementation of Security Council Resolution 2728 and the establishment of a ceasefire in Gaza.

Swiss representative in the emergency meeting of the Security Council also emphasized regarding the attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus that Switzerland categorically condemns the attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus. Because such measures have raised the level of tension in the region.

Slovenia blamed the attack on the Iranian embassy Strongly condemned

The representative of Slovenia emphasized in the emergency meeting of the Security Council: Slovenia is completely worried about the situation in the region Is. We ask all parties not to fuel tensions and show self-restraint. All parties must respect the Security Council Resolution 2728 and we must witness a ceasefire.

He stated: It is necessary that all members of the United Nations adhere to the United Nations Charter.

Algeria: We strongly condemn the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria

Algeria’s representative at the Security Council meeting also stated: The timing of this attack, while Israel is facing international pressure for a cease-fire in Gaza, shows a deliberate disregard for the request of the entire international community to end hostilities. is.

He added: the purpose of such a deliberate action is clear: to respond to international pressure by raising conflicts, it is clear that the purpose of this action is to drag the entire region into conflict, and it shows the feeling of immunity by The occupying regime is Israel, which considers itself above international laws.

The Algerian diplomat said Israel’s behavior is far from what we expect from a member of the United Nations. The Security Council must respond decisively to these pressures on the principles of sovereignty of countries, immunity of diplomatic places and territorial integrity of countries.

He continued that the integrity of our international order is at risk and there should be consequences for this flagrant disregard for the law so that we can maintain our collective commitment to the law.

United States: Washington did not have any role in the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria

The American representative in the emergency meeting of the Security Council regarding the attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus also claimed that, as the White House announced, Washington It had no role in the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria

He repeated the baseless claims of the White House’s opponents and said: The nature of the attacked building is still unknown to us, in If it is diplomatic, it is unacceptable for us.

The representative of the United States said: We still do not have detailed information about the target building of the attack, and if it is proven that this building belonged to diplomatic places, it will be condemned.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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