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Narratives of a brutal rape

This report examines the media narratives of the brutal aggression of the Zionist regime on the consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria.

Mehr News, International Group: It was Monday afternoon when suddenly the explosion of a building near the Iranian embassy in Damascus became the focus of the world media. This matter was important in several aspects. One is that this building was attached to the Iranian embassy, ​​and secondly, this building belonged to the consular section of the Iranian embassy, ​​or in other words, a part of Iranian soil.

The other importance of this news was that the most senior military advisers of Iran and several Syrian citizens and a Lebanese citizen were present in the consular section, as a result of this attack, Nael was martyred. They came.

What makes this event more important from the media point of view is the conditions of the Zionist regime, the location of the attack and the time of the attack.

In a situation where the Zionist regime is under the pressure of international assemblies, the pressure of global public opinion, and domestic opposition, it seems that the Zionist regime intends to start a war with this attack. It will enter a new and perhaps “irreversible” stage, because response from Iran is the least Tel Aviv could expect in this chaotic market.

In order to address this issue, we examine the news coverage of this event at three regional, extra-regional and cyberspace levels;

Media coverage at the regional level

It was Monday afternoon when the Syrian state news agency white”> reported that Syrian air defenses have engaged hostile targets in Damascus airspace. Immediately after that, the media broadcast a news under the title “Heavy explosion near the Iranian embassy in Damascus”.

Title near the Iranian embassy which First, it was broadcast in the news, although it aroused the sensitivity of other media in the region; But since such attacks have happened in the past, it still did not raise the intensity of sensitivity that much.

A few moments later, some media in the region broadcast another news.

Middle East News quoting news sources also reported that a building in “Al-Mezzah” neighborhood of Damascus was targeted, but the news agency The Syrian official and the al-Mayadeen network, which were the leaders of the news of this terrorist attack, quickly pointed out that the consular section of the Iranian embassy was targeted.

Next news from these two media and other Arab media including Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya and Israeli newspapers from Sentence; Ha’aretz, and Yediot Aharonot were published, adding to the concerns. Al-Mayadeen reporter reported that Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, one of the Quds Force commanders, and several senior Iranian military advisors were martyred in the Zionist regime’s attack on Damascus. The news that every Iranian at that moment wished was an April Fool’s Day, but the passage of time showed that this time the media’s narrative is a true story and news about the April 1st lie or the 13th lie It is not.

Haaretz also writes in an analysis entitled “A heavy blow to Iran and Hezbollah”: This attack and assassination of the general Arshad Irani is a sign of a dangerous turn in Israel’s northern front.

This article says: Since October 7, Israel and Hezbollah have taken care to prevent all war. aside, but the air strike in Damascus that killed the commander of the Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon shows that Israel is willing to increase the cost it inflicts on its northern enemy.

Al-Sharq al-Awsat also wrote with the claim that Sardar Zahedi was the link between the Syrian intelligence services and the Lebanese Hezbollah movement: He is the most prominent member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who has been martyred since the assassination of General Soleimani in 2020..

Jerusalem Post also considered the assassination of Sardar Zahedi as a blow to the control of rocket attacks by Lebanese groups on Israel. .

Arabic Sky News was one of the first media to publish the name of Sardar Zahedi with its extensive coverage of this terrorist act. Images of him and Quds Force commander Sardar Qaani showed that they were praying behind the leader of the revolution.

Media coverage at the extra-regional level

Reuters news agency was one of the first western and trans-regional news sources to widely cover Monday’s events in Damascus. covered.

This news agency was one of the first media outlets to report the martyrdom of a number of senior IRGC commanders along with al-Mayadeen. Mohammadreza Zahedi’s sentence was announced and immediately published its confirmation from his security sources.

The American newspaper New York Times also highlighted the perpetrator of the attack and, citing four Zionist officials, blamed Israel for the attack. introduced to the consular department of the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

Washington Post in this regard, referring to the martyrdom of Sardar Zahedi, writes: Israel for years and during its six-month military conflict against Hamas In Gaza, he carried out attacks in Syria against Iran and its allies; But Monday’s attack was notable both for its location — a diplomatic site that should traditionally be exempt from military conflict — and for the importance of the people it targeted.

Axios also covered this news by quoting an American official wrote that the United States informed Tehran that it had “no connection” or “prior information” about the Israeli attack on its consulate in Damascus. It seems that the premise of this media is that Iran holds America responsible for this attack.

Israeli and American officials told Axios that Israel notified the Biden administration minutes before its air strike. gave But he did not ask for a green light from America.

According to Axios, an American official said that Israel did not provide details about the attack to the United States, and that at one time the American side It has been reported that Israeli fighters were already in the air. For example, the Israelis did not tell the United States that they were going to bomb a building on the grounds of the Iranian embassy.

The Guardian newspaper also covered this news and wrote: Iranian leaders in Tehran described the targeting of a diplomatic building as unprecedented. They did and promised that they will retaliate.

Guardian quoted Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian and wrote: This aggression violates all diplomatic standards. And we know international treaties. Benjamin Netanyahu has completely lost his mental balance due to successive failures in Gaza and failure to achieve his Zionist goals.

Tas news agency of Russia also covered this event and talked about Iran’s response and how it responded to these attacks. He said.

narrators of virtual space

These days, virtual space cannot be removed from the media circle. In some cases, the influence that this space has on public opinion due to the quick and direct transfer of information and news without retouching is not less than the official media; But in some cases it has a greater effect. Especially, besides natural persons, organizations and legal institutions also participate in it.

The news of the Zionist regime’s attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus is in this space, especially on the X network (formerly Twitter). which has a more newsy nature than other spaces, was widely noticed by users.

One ​​of the most heinous and brazen reactions to this attack was made by the Persian-speaking spokesman of the Israeli government. In response to these attacks, Ben Sabati writes in X: “This time the attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus; What is the meaning and message of this work and what do you want it to be?”

But others have had different reactions. Ben Ehrenreich (Ben Ehrenreich) from writers and activists on Platform X, writes: And bombing a real embassy today! None of the countries that the United States has illegally labeled as rogue states have ever been so apathetic, reckless, and law-abiding. However, it turned out that the “rules-based order” is not a very clever law for the old colonial measures of massacre.

Abdul Qahar Balkhi, the spokesman of the Taliban’s foreign ministry, also condemned Israel’s action in X, calling it a clear violation of diplomatic norms and an attempt to provoke wider regional insecurity.

George Galloway, a member of the British Parliament, also wrote about this: Undoubtedly, it is not only Iran that will respond to what happened in Damascus, but Russia also cannot. to allow such a brutal violation of the sovereignty of its 50-year-old ally, Syria.

Trita Parsi, an expert on Israel and Middle East issues in America, says: Biden made a big claim and announced that he is trying to prevent war. But now the question is, did Israel attack the Iranian embassy – that is, Iranian soil – to create a response to justify a bigger war? Has Biden also given a green light to Israel regarding the regional war?

Mohamad Safa, a diplomat at the United Nations, also writes about this: Today, Israel bombed Gaza, Lebanon, and also the Iranian embassy in Damascus. It unbelievably violated the Vienna Convention and the sovereignty of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. Only Israel can bomb 4 countries and still be recognized as a victim.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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