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The sad story of the hungry and displaced children of Gaza who are left alone

In a report, an English media pointed out that 70% of the victims of Israeli crimes in Gaza are women and children, pointing to the sad story of children who have lost their parents and families and are deprived of all the basic elements for life.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, while many figures and international institutions of the destructive war The occupation regime launched against the defenseless civilians of Gaza is called a “war against children”, the English newspaper Independent announced in a report that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, has destroyed the childhood of many Palestinians after the violence, destruction and relentless famine in Gaza. , stole from them and left wounds for them which guarantees that Israel will never be safe in the future and there is a possibility of the situation against it flaring up at any moment. A pediatrician who worked in Gaza mentioned the sad life of Fatima, a 3-year-old Palestinian girl who lives in one of the UNRWA shelters in Rafah, and her parents and two older brothers were martyred in the attack of the Zionist army on Gaza City.

This English doctor says that Fatemeh was under the rubble for 6 hours and then the rescuers rescued her and brought her to the hospital while her left hand was amputated and today she lives alone in one of the crowded UNRWA shelters; Where there is no access to clean water and food and people have to wait in line for hours to use the toilet.

The sad story of the hungry and displaced children of Gaza who are left alone

According to this pediatrician in Gaza, Fatemeh, like other children, suffers from chronic and infectious diseases such as diarrhea and has a chest infection. In addition to that, he has a very bad mental state and has nightmares and is constantly looking for his mother while he is hungry, thirsty and terrified, but he has lost all his family members.

He continued that all the doctors know. The embryonic period up to 3 years old is very important for the development of children and the brain develops during this period, and therefore any condition that a child experiences at this age will directly affect his body and mind in the future. Currently, 3-year-old Fatemeh, like other children in Gaza, is deprived of all 5 main elements that are necessary for life, namely: security, health, proper nutrition, care and learning from the environment, and playing.

According to this report Gaza women and children make up 70% of the victims of this devastating war and more than 13 thousand children have been massacred in this area. The most common cause of death for children in Gaza is bombing, and a large number of them have died due to diseases caused by the war and starvation. The English doctor warned that children, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and people People with disabilities are more at risk of malnutrition, because Israel continues to prevent the entry of sufficient amounts of food and water into Gaza, in addition to the systematic bombing of bakeries and agricultural production, and 95% of Gazans suffer from food insecurity.

Israel’s war against Gaza children
Shocking statistics of malnutrition among Gazan children who have become skin and skeletons
Painful image of “Yazen al-Kafraneh”; The symbol of oppressed children of Gaza who die of hunger+photo

According to the author of this article, 27 of the more than 30 people who died of hunger in Gaza are children. Fatemeh is one of the thousands of children in Gaza who have lost their parents and families and now live in a shelter with people they do not know. Today, there is no safe place for children in Gaza, and kindergartens and educational centers have been destroyed, and here children are not even allowed to play. Gaza has imposed and closed all the ways for humanitarian aid to enter the north of this region. Two days ago, sources affiliated with the Gaza Ministry of Health announced that 4 more children died of malnutrition in the Kamal Adwan hospital in the north of Gaza, adding to the number of war victims. hunger in this area reaches 34 people.

Of course, this is a statistic that was officially recorded in the hospital, and many people, especially children, in Gaza, especially in the north, died silently due to hunger.

According to the relevant sources in Gaza, the number of victims of hunger in northern Gaza has reached 34 people, 31 of whom are children.

On the other hand, James Elder, the spokesman The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) announced that the children of Gaza are exposed to war, terror and hunger every day; While the world just sits and watches. Gaza is no longer a suitable place for more than one million children to live there.

In the situation that the children of Gaza are the biggest victims of the barbaric crimes of the occupying regime and the hunger war of this regime against Gaza, Commissioner “Philippe Lazzarini” The entire UNRWA agency considered the current war of the Zionist regime in Gaza as a war against children and said that the number of children who died in Gaza in just 4 months is more than all the children who died in all the conflicts of the world during 4 years. /p>

UNRWA announced that malnutrition among children in Gaza has spread rapidly and reached an unprecedented level, and a real famine is lurking.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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