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Shocking statistics from 180 days of Israel’s brutal war against Gaza

The government information office in the Gaza Strip has published the statistics of 180 days of brutal aggression by the Zionist occupation against Gaza, according to which all parts of Gaza have been affected by this cruel war and the goal of the Zionists is to destroy all signs of life in this area.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, the government information office in the Gaza Strip on the 180th day The occupation regime’s brutal war against Gaza published the statistics of the regime’s most prominent crimes and emphasized that the Nazi Zionists have committed 2,922 massacres against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip since October 7. According to the statistics provided by this government institution. published in Gaza, until the 180th day of this aggression, that is, until yesterday, the number of martyrs and missing persons has reached 40 thousand, most of whom are women and children. Also, as a result of the suffocating siege that the occupying enemy has imposed on Gaza, 30 children have died due to hunger. , medical staff, civil defense and journalists, as well as the number of injured and patients who are at risk of death, as well as the huge damages caused to houses, infrastructures, service institutions, mosques, schools, health facilities and ancient places and educational centers, etc. It has been discussed, which is as follows: 2922 cases of massacre against civilians. 39 thousand 975 martyrs and missing. 32 thousand. and 975 martyrs, whose names are officially registered in hospitals.

– Martyrdom of 14,500 children.

– Martyrdom of 30 children due to hunger.

-9560 women’s martyrdom.

-484 medical team members’ martyrdom.

-65 civil defense team members’ martyrdom.

-140’s martyrdom. Journalist.

-7 thousand people are missing.

-75 thousand and 577 injured.

-73 percent of the victims of the destructive war of the Zionist enemy against Gaza are women and children. .

-17 thousand children lost their parents and live without both or one of them.

-11 thousand injured need treatment abroad to save their lives from Gaza.

-10 thousand cancer patients are struggling with death and need urgent medical services.

-1 million 88 thousand 764 people as a result of displacement and siege have contracted infectious diseases.

-8 thousand people have contracted viral hepatitis infection.

-60 thousand pregnant women are at risk due to lack of access to health care 350,000 people are suffering from chronic diseases and are at risk due to the lack of access to medicine. 310 cases of arrest of medical personnel by the occupying army have been recorded. /p>

-12 cases of arrest of journalists by the occupiers have been recorded.

-2 million people have been displaced in the Gaza Strip.

-171 government headquarters were bombed by the enemy army.

-100 schools and universities have been completely destroyed.

-305 schools and universities have been partially destroyed.

-229 The mosque has been completely destroyed. 297 mosques have been partially destroyed. 3 churches have been targeted and destroyed by the invaders. 70,000 residential units have been completely destroyed. 290,000 residential units are damaged and uninhabitable. It has been poured on the people of Gaza. 32 hospitals have been completely out of service. 53 health centers have been out of service. >-159 health institutions have been targeted by the enemy army.

-126 ambulances have been targeted by enemy attacks.

-200 ancient and cultural places have been destroyed by the Zionist army.

Shocking statistics of the human crisis in Gaza in the shadow of hunger and disease

UN rapporteur calls for trial of Israel
United Nations documentary report on Israel’s genocide against the people of Gaza

World Bank yesterday And the United Nations, in a report examining the amount of destruction caused by the occupying regime in its brutal aggression in the Gaza Strip, announced that the cost of damage to buildings and critical infrastructure in the Gaza Strip in just 4 months, from October 2023 to January 2024, was approximately 18.5 billion dollars, which is equivalent to 97% of the gross domestic product of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip together in 2022. According to this report, 72% of the damages are related to residential buildings, 19% to public service infrastructure such as water, health and education and 9% is related to commercial and industrial buildings. Estimates show that almost all parts of Gaza have been affected by this war, and maybe there is a very small part that has not been damaged yet. The bombings left a huge amount of destruction, estimated to be more than 26 million tons. This means that the debris removal operation in Gaza will take years. According to this, women, children, the elderly, and disabled people suffer the most from the disastrous effects of war, and their physical and mental health is greatly affected. has been harmed. Meanwhile, children are the biggest victims, and in addition to psychological problems, their growth and development have also been severely affected by the consequences of war.

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