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Opening of trade route between Pakistan and Tajikistan

The opening ceremony of Pakistan-Tajikistan direct trade route was held in Dushanbe with the presence of the Minister of Transport and Director General of Pakistan National Logistics Company (NLC).
– International News

According to the regional office of Tasnim News Agency, Pakistani media They announced the opening of the direct trade route between Pakistan and Tajikistan in the presence of “Azeem Ibrahim”, the Minister of Transport of Tajikistan, and “Farukh Shahzad Rao”, the Director General of Pakistan’s National Logistics Company (NLC) in the city of Doshanbe.

According to News published, the first shipment of Pakistani potatoes from this trade route The road between Pakistan and Tajikistan reached Dushanbe, the capital city of Tajikistan after traveling 1400 km in 7 days.

This transit route connects Tajikistan and Central Asia by land and It connects directly to Karachi and Gwadar ports in Pakistan.

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The contract for the establishment of this trade route was signed between the two countries during the visit of the President of Tajikistan to Pakistan in 2022. Tajikistan had previously emphasized that the country’s agreement with the government of Islamabad will provide more opportunities to access Pakistan’s seaports in Karachi and Gwadar and promote multimodal transportation by joining the China-Pakistan Economic Corridors.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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