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Pakistan and the deployment of 100,000 troops to ensure the security of the Eid days

Pakistani media reported that more than 100,000 security forces have been deployed in various cities of the country to ensure the safety of Eid al-Fitr.
– International News

According to the regional office of Tasnim news agency, after Recent attacks in Pakistan, the government of this country has deployed more than 100,000 security forces in different cities to ensure the security of Eid days.

Pakistan’s intelligence agencies have warned that the opposition Eid holidays will probably attack civilians, government centers, the army and the police of this country. Security measures have also been increased for prominent figures to offer Eid prayers.

Pakistan has seen an increase in terrorist attacks in recent years, mainly carried out by the Pakistani Taliban and Baloch separatists.

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Abdullah Khan, one of the senior defense experts and The managing director of Pakistan’s Institute of Conflict and Security Studies based in Islamabad said: “Militants can target soft targets because a large number of people offer Eid prayers in mosques and open places.”

Pakistan has seen insecurity in different parts of the country in recent months.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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