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A strong attack by the former Israeli security official on the current cabinet

The former Deputy Chairman of the Internal Security Council of the Zionist regime strongly attacked the current cabinet of this regime and emphasized that after all the troubles you brought upon us, you are now looking for a new adventure.
– International news

according to the Hebrew group Tasnim news, Eran Etzion, the former deputy head of the Internal Security Council of the Zionist regime in I must state the fact that the war cabinet is an imaginary structure, it is a structure that has no legal and legal framework while deciding on the most strategic and decisive issue, which is the attack on Iran.

Etzion wrote further: This is really a disturbing scandal. align:right”>The failed cabinet that brought us the most dangerous disaster in Israel’s history on October 7th has failed miserably in managing the war since then and failed to free the kidnapped, failed to destroy Hamas. And it has failed and disappointed in realizing the goals of the war and the conditions of its end. There has been a rupture.

Besides, the Israeli society has lost the trust in itself, in a way that is contrary to the position of the United States and all its allies in The world is thinking of entering into a conflict with Iran.

This is an unparalleled madness that no regime in the world has reached its level in this field. It is.

This cabinet only has the authority to return the abducted and after that it must return these powers to the people.

if News is to be believed, this review is based on a short-sighted and wrong assessment logic to determine the consequences and The results of these types of Israeli actions are being carried out.

We can say that we have no choice but to respond when it is clear that there is no other option, action. We will not start a regional war, but when this possibility is not only real but also very likely, and when Iran clearly states that it will do such a thing, the United States has also warned against such an event, what is the purpose? Do we follow the action against Iran?

The use of force is not an acceptable goal to enter the war, if we do such an action and Iran also with force If he answers us and even gives Hezbollah a green light to enter the war with us, what will be the goals of the war against Lebanon and Hezbollah? And how can we make it happen?

If the United States is not willing to accept all of Israel’s demands regarding the provision of weapons and the use of veto power in the Council What will happen if security and the rest of the movement are met? Iran or Hizballah?

Is our internal front ready for this war?

Just to clarify, where exactly are the people of Tel Aviv going to be transferred?

The residents of Haifa and Quds Where should we go?

The prime minister and his ministers are afraid of appearing in public, they are afraid of having a conversation, they know the reason for it very well, the society He doesn’t believe them.

People don’t believe any of the words that come out of their mouths, they don’t trust them and demand elections and They are their successors.

What right and authority do you have, whether in the public or moral dimension, to dare to go to war without people trusting you? Have you found it?

Do you know what will happen to us if we fail in the confrontation with Iran or Hezbollah?

The brain and mind cannot comprehend this catastrophe, yet we are now on the precipice of a great catastrophe, greater than we have ever witnessed.

All of it is only because of Netanyahu and the bunch of politicians and generals he has gathered around him.

The author has added at the end: the series of terrible failures and failures that started with the formation of this cabinet and attempted legal coup reached October 7 and continued during the months of the war, that decision The terrible thing happened in the attack (on the Iranian consulate in Damascus) and caused Iran to carry out that retaliatory action. This thread is long-winded, but we must stop it now.

Iran’s full will to respond militarily to Israel in a stronger way
Bagheri’s warning to Israel: the scale of Iran’s response will be in seconds

end of message/


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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