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European Union playing again with the burnt nut of sanctions against Iran

A western media wrote in an article: Westerners are again beating the drum of new sanctions against Iran, while 45 years of continuous sanctions against this country have not been able to stop the growth of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, publication ” Germany’s D-Site wrote in an article about this: 45 years of sanctions and punitive measures have not been able to slow down the growth of the Islamic Republic of Iran. However, another effort has been made in this direction at the meeting of the European Union leaders. He appeared in front of the press in the Brussels Council building on Wednesday, he was asked a very clear question and that was, “Mr. Chancellor, how far should the sanctions against Iran be extended now?” Schultz gave a very reproachful answer to this question and said: We have already taken many steps to sanction Iran. Possible next steps should be discussed again and again. It is also clear that these are processes that must be carefully monitored.

It is difficult to say exactly what these words meant. But Schultz, who was clear after the statement that he would now go to the summit with his colleagues and do what Germany has always done in the past on Iran, took a very, very cautious stance. Of course, Schultz also talked about the “terrible attack by Iran” in his statement and said: “This has never happened before.”

In the statement of the European Union summit which was approved last night, it is stated: The European Union will adopt more restrictive measures against Iran, especially regarding drones and missiles.

Charles Michel The head of the European Union Council said: “We must isolate Iran”. The foreign ministers of the Union had announced the previous day that the European Union would impose more sanctions against Iran. It is an international punishment in the world. Western sanctions against Iran have existed since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979. At that time, the US imposed sanctions, and the US later imposed an arms embargo on the country.

Of course, it is Iran’s nuclear program that led to The largest and most severe Western sanctions against this country include arms embargoes, freezing of Iranian assets, travel bans and trade restrictions. In the shadow of these sanctions, Iranian cargo planes were no longer allowed to fly to EU airports and a large number of Iranian nationals were no longer allowed to enter the EU. In 2012, Iranian banks were removed from the SWIFT system that processes international remittances. The vast majority of these sanctions, which were imposed between 2006 and 2015, are supported by UN Security Council resolutions.

However, in 2015, Iran agreed Kurds largely abandoned their nuclear program in the Vienna Agreement – Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). As a result, the United States of America and the European Union suspended their punitive measures against the country. In 2018, US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA. For him, this agreement was not worth the paper it was written on.

Sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program came into effect again. Joe Biden, the current president of the United States, tried to revive the JCPOA, but failed. Happened in Iran in 2022. Finally, the European Union decided to take more punitive measures against Iran due to Iran’s claim of military support for Russia’s war in Ukraine. and military support for Russia are the three main reasons for the sanctions that have been imposed by the European Union and the United States of America against Iran, and now it is time to react to Iran’s drone attack on Israel.

Therefore, the European Union wants to expand the so-called drone sanctions against Iran. The European Union foreign ministers announced this at their meeting on Tuesday and may decide on this next Monday in Luxembourg. The purpose of these extensive sanctions is to limit Iran’s military power.

It is also discussed whether the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps should be classified as a terrorist organization. However, EU foreign policy official Josep Burrell said that this is not possible for legal reasons until Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are prosecuted for what he described as a terrorist attack in one of the 27 member states of the European Union.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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