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Short-term consequences of Iran’s harsh response to the Zionist regime

Iran's tough response to the Zionist regime brought numerous short-term consequences, the most important of which is the revelation of regional alignments and military formations and American tactics, along with the deepening of the internal divide of the Zionist regime and positive economic results for the resistance countries.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, the harsh response of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Zionist regime at dawn on April 26, 1403, marked a historical change that, along with the “Al-Aqsa storm”, will change the history of the West Asian region and, consequently, the world. According to Western media, this military action is the largest drone and missile operation in the history of world wars so far. But the greatness and glory of this action is not only related to its operational level, and in fact, the fact that the largest drone attack in the world, against the Zionist regime, is carried out as an agent of protecting the interests of the West and America in the West Asian region, is a bigger aspect of this historical development. .

Although the consequences of Iran’s response to the Zionist regime must be observed in the field and time will clarify most of it, some consequences From now on, they are clearly visible and predictable, which can be checked in 3 short-term, medium-term and long-term periods. The following article examines the short-term consequences of this revenge attack. The meaning of short-term consequences is those consequences that manifested themselves during the attack of Iran, or at least in the next six months, as a result of this attack, they will appear in the regional and global arena.

 obvious Formation of regional alignments

Before this attack, maybe a few decades ago, some rulers of the countries The region was classified as an ally of America and the Zionist regime in the analysis. But in spite of all the existing analysis, these rulers, by announcing the positions of the people, showed themselves outside the existing alignments. With the harsh response of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Zionist regime, these countries showed themselves practically and in the field, and it became clear to all the people of the region that which of the rulers of the region are on the side of the Zionists and their tails are tied with the Zionists. .

Revelation of the US regional military arrangement

Perhaps one of the most important aspects that It was revealed from the harsh response of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Zionist regime, and in the analysis of regional experts, it is considered as the failure of the West and the United States, the revelation of the American military formation in the region. Washington has specific military bases in the West Asian region, which are considered the gathering place of American forces and their military facilities. When there was no war, in theoretical analysis, these bases were considered the focal point of American military actions, but with the start of Iran’s attack at midnight on April 25, 1403, the Biden administration had to, in addition to using its official bases, from start operations in other points as well.

The points through which America entered the field to defend the Zionist regime included two types of actions: The points that were located in certain countries and were carried out through third countries, and the points that were located in open waters and mostly entered into operations through the naval ships of the United States and its allies. These two types of operation centers were not obvious before the harsh response of the Islamic Republic, and they became obvious when the operation started.

Revelation of America’s tactics and operational capabilities

In addition to the US military deployment in the region, part of which was revealed when the Islamic Republic of Iran began to respond harshly, Washington’s operational tactics in the region were also revealed. What kind of military tactics does America enter the field and what weapons and military capabilities does it use in this military tactic was one of the aspects that was revealed in the harsh response of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Achieving resistance to these tactics will bring two advantages for the resistance axis: First, that the resistance axis, by knowing these tactics, will prepare itself to counter With these tactics, it will prepare for future conflicts and second, it will force America and its allies to unveil their new tactics for future wars.


 positive effects Economic for the axis of resistance

With the harsh action of the Islamic Republic of Iran against the Zionist regime for the first time, the process of economic impact on The resistance axis and the Islamic Republic benefited. Since before this attack, all regional conflicts by the US and the Zionist regime were against the axis of resistance, the economic effects were always against the axis of resistance. In each of the past conflicts in the region, especially during the last decade, the economy of the resistance axis countries, apart from the negative economic bubble that was created by the mercenaries of America and the West, due to the blows that were received, witnessed economic decline and The consequences were caused by it.

But this time, for the first time, the economy of the countries in the resistance area caused by the conflict did not witness decline and this economy It was the Zionist regime which experienced the negative consequences of the attack. To resist the economic blows to the axis is a secondary issue. What is clear is that Iran’s tough response, at least in the short term, hit the economy of the Zionist regime, without suffering economic blows.


 Deepening the internal crisis of the Zionist regime 

The Zionist regime is practically in an internal crisis since 2018 following the dissolution of Netanyahu’s cabinet. The lack of political stability caused by party and social differences caused the Zionist regime to hold 5 elections in less than 4 years. With the inauguration of the new cabinet of the Zionist regime in 2022, the issue of judicial reforms and the entry of extremists into the political arena, led to the beginning of large-scale social protests that continued for dozens of weeks. During these crises, which had caused severe internal differences in the Zionist regime, the “Al-Aqsa storm” dealt a serious blow to the Zionist regime on October 7, 2023, and practically increased the differences.

The harsh response of the Islamic Republic of Iran deepened the above-mentioned differences and caused these differences, in addition to the social field, within all 3 cabinets of the Zionist regime (Great Cabinet, Security Cabinet, War Cabinet) also intensify. Cabinets that were gradually smaller to avoid disputes, to make decisions in a smaller area. But now the war cabinet has also suffered serious differences.

Netanyahu to the ministers: commenting on Iran’s attack is prohibited!

In a situation where Netanyahu’s opponents have advanced to the entrance of his house, the Zionist War Cabinet also decided how to respond to the missile revenge – Iran’s drones have also become a serious problem. Maybe that’s why Ronen Bergman, security writer for the Zionist media, says: If the war cabinet meeting to decide on the response to Iran was broadcast live on the media, today 4 million people would go to Ben-Gurion airport to immigrate. They left.

To be continued…

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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