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Mahmoud Abbas: The time has come to stop America’s policy of one roof and two airs

The head of the Palestinian Authority said that everything that happens in Gaza is done with the support of the United States, and called for an end to the double standards of the American policy towards Palestine.


Mahmoud Abbas further added: America’s favoring of Israel hinders many actions and the time has come for America to stop its policy of one roof, two airs and double standards. We should ask Washington, as the main supporter of Israel, to release our money.

He clarified: the occupying regime continues its aggression against the Palestinian nation in the West Bank at the same time.

Abash noted: The Palestinian government did not receive financial support as it expected from international and regional partners. The stability of the people and empowering the Palestinian government to fulfill its duties has become necessary.

The head of the self-governing organization also said: We appreciate all the protests in the world, especially the student protests to support the Palestinian nation. We also ask our brothers and friends to reconsider their relations with Israel.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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