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America’s contradictory positions about Türkiye

Evidence shows that Joe Biden's team has not yet reached a clear conclusion about how to cooperate and develop relations with Turkey.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim News Agency, these days we have witnessed the expression of different and contradictory positions by the authorities. We are Americans about Turkey.

Some officials of Joe Biden’s government declare that there is no problem and disruption in the relationship. But some of them have warned about the future path and claimed that Turkey, away from the eyes of the American inspectors, had significant financial and banking cooperation with Putin’s government and made it possible for Russia to bypass international financial sanctions.

The overall evaluation and analysis of these positions shows that it is still not clear how the Biden government is willing to work with the Erdogan government. On the other hand, some officials of the Justice and Development Party of Turkey They also believe that Joe Biden’s coldness and indifference to Turkey is not a new thing, and during his 33 years as a senator, he has always acted as an anti-Turkey American politician, and by the way, the main idea behind the scenario of military sanctions against Turkey during the Cyprus operation in 1974. It was proposed by Joe Biden.

The US Treasury Secretary’s warning to Turkey
The latest American political positions against Turkey were the words of Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary of Joe Biden’s cabinet. Janet Yellen openly announced in a press conference that some state banks and some private companies close to the ruling party of Turkey, on the orders of the authorities Erdogan’s government has cooperated with Russia and helped Putin’s team to circumvent international financial sanctions. /Tasnim/Uploaded/Image/1403/03/02/1403030217155139730126184.jpg”/>
The Secretary of the US Treasury has announced that Turkey, along with China and the United Arab Emirates, is an actor that helps circumvent financial sanctions against Russia. and this is not an issue that can be hidden from the eyes of American inspectors.

Yellen announced that despite the clear warnings of Washington officials, which were announced both by phone and in person, several banks and institutions in Istanbul and Ankara have played a role in circumventing the sanctions imposed against Russia. This is despite the fact that more than 11 companies and 9 Turkish businessmen were previously sanctioned by the United States under the same pretext. It has secretly reached Turkey and Austria from Central Asia and the Caucasus, and has provided financial aid to Moscow through Raiffeisen Bank in Austria and using the multi-billion dollar assets of Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska. After exerting pressure on the said bank and exposing the Caucasus-Turkey line to the UAE and Austria, the mentioned European bank has unilaterally canceled the 1.5 billion euro stock contract.

America’s steel threat against Turkey
Iron and steel exports are one of the most important pillars of trade relations between Turkey and the United States, and in recent months, Biden administration officials have threatened Ankara twice that if financial relations with Russia continue, heavy customs tariffs will be imposed on steel shipments exported from Turkey. Ask Erdogan to think of a solution to solve this problem. After this action, Jeffrey Flick, the American ambassador in Ankara, announced at the Istanbul business meeting that at least in the current situation, the threat has been removed and no change has been made in the US tariffs on Turkish steel.

Jeffrey Flick And Marisa Lago, the US Deputy Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Affairs, stated in response to Bloomberg HT’s questions that an important part of Turkey’s economic growth in the past few years is due to the activities of American companies that have continued to invest in Turkey.

According to Marisa Lago, it is difficult to reach the goal of trade exchanges of 100 billion dollars between Turkey and the United States. But in 2022, the volume of trade in goods and services exceeded 42 billion dollars. But this American official refused to answer the question why, despite the growth of economic relations, Washington does not want to issue visas to Turkish businessmen. Suffice it to say that there are many requests for visas from Turks and it is not possible to respond to all of them quickly.

What do the universities say? has done, which of course has not been very fruitful and effective so far.

In a round table that was recently held in New York with the presence of Turkish and American academics, the state of relations between Turkey and the United States in recent years and the future of relations in the field of cooperation evaluated educational and cultural.

Sedat Onal, Turkish ambassador in Washington, Ahmet Yildiz, permanent representative of Turkey to the United Nations, Çagatay Özdemir, Turkish consul general in New York, were among the guests of this meeting.

The interesting point here is that the “Turkish House” diplomacy center, which operates directly under the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in order to point out the common points between Turkey and America, has pointed out that Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi is the most famous poet in America and his messages. For the sake of empathy between people and countries, it should be taken into consideration by the officials of the parties! 1403/03/02/1403030217182472630126204.jpg”/>
Fakhreddin Altun, one of the main figures of Erdogan’s team and the director of Turkish presidential communications, announced in a video message for this meeting: “We believe in the potential of relations between Turkey and We maintain the US to develop peace, security and welfare-oriented approaches for regional and global issues within the framework of respect”. . But he immediately said that this is his personal opinion and has nothing to do with his scientific-security position and his views are not the position of the American government!

Bahgat claimed that Iran cannot play a key role in the Middle East. , but Turkey has this power!

He stated: “Turkey and America have similar views in many regions of the Middle East, and neither of these two countries wants a war in the region”.

Also, an American academic figure named Paulo Von Schirach, head of the Institute of World Politics, has announced that Turkey and the United States are affected by world developments and that international relations are going through a period of turmoil, and the basis of that is the relations between the United States and China. This is where Turkey’s friendship with America becomes important.

Turkey – America, differences

Even though Erdogan’s government has tried to improve relations between Ankara and Washington in the past few years, the Americans have still shown no desire to develop relations.

کشور ترکیه ,

A review of the positions of the Ankara authorities shows that there are some serious differences of opinion between Turkey and America, the most important of which are:

A) America is very worried about relations Turkey is Russia and does not want to see the development of political-security and commercial relations between Moscow and Ankara. But maintaining and developing this relationship has high profits and significant benefits for Turkey.

b) The issue of Russian S-400 missiles in Turkey, as well as the sale of 40 F-16 fighter jets to Turkey, is still

C) Turkey wants to return Fethullah Gulen to Turkey or to deport him from Pennsylvania to an African country, but Washington does not respond to Ankara’s request.

d) Turkey wants the end of the American support for the PKK terrorist group and its satellite organizations in Iraq and Syria, but the United States officially and openly does not support this support. continues.

e) Turkey and the United States clearly have fundamental differences regarding the political administration of the island of Cyprus, and Washington, unlike Ankara, believes that Cyprus should be administered in an integrated manner. and dismantle the informal structure of the Turkish government in northern Cyprus. 

All this while the exact date for the possible meeting between Erdogan and Biden has not yet been announced, and it is not clear whether the light of the relationship will be lit or not despite the above differences.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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