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Officials who offered their condolences to Imam Khamenei on the martyrdom-like demise of the Iranian President and his entourage

Since the morning of Monday, May 20, 2024, when the news of the martyrdom-like demise of Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage in a helicopter crash began to circulate, officials and political figures from around the world have been expressing their condolences for this incident:

Nicolás Maduro, the Venezuelan president, was among the first to extend his condolences to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution for the passing of Hujjat al-Islam Raisi.

“I am shocked by the disturbing news of the physical loss of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi. I am deeply saddened by having to say goodbye to an exemplary person, an extraordinary world leader, as our brother Ebrahim is and always will be, an excellent human being, a defender of the sovereignty of his people and an unconditional friend of our country,” said Maduro in his message.

The King of Bahrain has extended a message of condolence to Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian nation and families of the deceased following the martyrdom of Dr. Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and their accompanying delegation.

Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia’ Al-Sudani and Iraqi officials also expressed their grief and sorrow about this incident in a message. They stated, “With deep sorrow and sadness, we have received news of the passing of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, the Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions in the tragic helicopter crash. We declare our solidarity with the brotherly nation of Iran and our brothers in the Iranian government during this painful tragedy”. They also extended their sympathy to Imam Khamenei and the Iranian nation.

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas] also conveyed its condolences to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, the government, and the brotherly people of Iran for the martyrdom of Ayatollah Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the Friday Prayer Leader of Tabriz, and the Governor of East Azerbaijan province.

The President of Uzbekistan offered his condolences to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution over the martyrdom of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, and his accompanying delegation in the plane crash.

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan expressed his condolences to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, on the martyrdom of the President and Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran and their accompanying delegation in the tragic air incident.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah expressed their condolences in separate messages. Hezbollah’s message stated, “First, we offer our condolences to our master, Imam al-Mahdi (pbuh), then to Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the grand marja’s, officials of the Islamic Republic, the patient and honorable Iranian nation, as well as the Muslims and free thinkers of the world.” Nasrallah addressed the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, expressing solidarity with him for the loss of these prominent figures during this sensitive time. He also emphasized, “Our hope, as well as that of all the oppressed, the Resistance Forces and the Mujahideen, lies in you and your wise leadership.”

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad expressed his “heartfelt condolences” to “the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian government and the friendly Iranian people” on the martyrdom of the Iranian president and foreign minister. In his message, he said, “Syria expresses its sincere condolences and sympathy to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the families of the deceased and the families of their accompanying delegation in this painful incident and great loss. He became a martyr in the path of service.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan reacted to this incident in messages and expressed their condolences on the martyrdom of Ayatollah Dr. Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

The President and the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan also expressed their condolences in separate messages. Bayramov, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister stated, “I am deeply saddened by the news of the passing of the Iranian President and the Foreign Minister of Iran, my dear friend Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, as well as other officials. I offer my deepest condolences to our friends, the Iranian people and the families and friends of those who have lose their lives.”

In his message, the King of Jordan said, “I offer my sincere condolences to our brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran, its officials, the government and the nation, for the death of our brother, President Raisi and our brother, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir- Abdollahian and their entourage. May God have mercy on them. We express our solidarity with our brothers in Iran during this difficult time.”

In a message to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Russian President, Vladimir Putin, expressed his condolences for this incident. In his message, Putin called Ayatollah Raisi a true patriot. He added that President Raisi contributed significantly to the development of relations between Iran and Russia.

Abdulmalik Badreddin al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen’s Ansarallah, also sent a message of condolence on the martyrdom of the Iranian president, foreign minister, and a number of their companions in a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran.

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarallah movement added, “We offer our sincere condolences and sympathy for this great loss to all their families and loved ones, and also to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khamenei, may God protect him, and to all the officials of the Islamic Republic and to the Muslims of Iran. We ask the Almighty God to grant everyone patience and perseverance and to grant them (Ayatollah Raisi and his accompanying delegation) a great reward.”

The President of South Africa expressed his condolences to the Imam Khamenei and the Iranian nation. “This is an extraordinary and unimaginable tragedy that the President of a nation with which South Africa has strong bilateral relations and we were honored to welcome him to the BRICS in Johannesburg in 2023, has passed away,” stated Cyril Ramaphosa.

Sultan Haitham, the Sultan of Oman, also expressed his condolences for this bitter incident in a message to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian nation.

The President of Chechnya conveyed his response to the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and his entourage in a message stating: “By the will of the Almighty God, Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, the President of Iran, has ascended to the realm of the righteous. We were deeply saddened upon receiving the news of the tragic passing of this prominent political figure. Ebrahim Raisi was known and respected in the Islamic world. Thanks to his efforts, friendly and commercial ties were strengthened, and a serious round of development between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Iran was strengthened. Without a doubt, his departure is an irreparable loss for all of us.”

Jamil Mazhar, the deputy secretary-general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), sent a message of condolence to Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on Monday. In the message, Mazhar expressed his appreciation for the efforts of martyrs Ayatollah Raisi and Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, describing them as “foreign ministers of the Axis of Resistance.” He emphasized that these two martyrs made significant contributions to the Palestinian cause.

In a statement, António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, offered his condolences to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in the wake of the passing of Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, the President of Iran, and Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and their accompanying delegation. He stated, “The Secretary General is saddened by the death of His Excellency Mr. Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, His Excellency Mr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and their colleagues in a helicopter accident that occurred on May 19, [2024].”

In a message to Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholics around the world, expressed his condolences on the passing of Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, the President of Iran, and his companions in the helicopter crash. In his message, the Pope stated, “I entrust the souls of the deceased to the mercy of the Almighty, and I pray for those who mourn this loss, especially their families. I invite the people of Iran to find solace in spiritual closeness during this difficult time.”

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) expressed its condolences on the martyrdom of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and his companions. It stated, “Our nation [Palestine] recognizes Martyr Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, Martyr Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, as courageous and sincere figures who have always defended their country against conspiracies.”

Sheikh Akram Al-Ka’bi, Secretary-General of the “Nojaba” Movement in Iraq, expressed solidarity with Imam Khamenei in a message of condolence on the martyrdom of the President and his companions. Al-Ka’bi stated, “The martyred Iranian president’s stances on various issues were respectable.”

Sayyid Ammar Hakim, the leader of the “National Wisdom Movement” in Iraq, stated in a message of sympathy with Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, that,”We stand in solidarity with the grief and sorrow of the government and people of Iran.”

Sheikh Qais al-Khazali, Secretary-General of the “Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq” in Iraq, in a message after the martyrdom of Raisi, Amir-Abdollahian, and their entourage, emphasized, “We offer our condolences to Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance) and his deputy Imam Khamenei on this event.”

Hadi al-Amiri, Secretary General of the Badr Organization in Iraq, stated in a message that the organization offers condolences to Imam Khamenei on the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and his companions. He declared, “We believe that the Iranian people, with their patience, and the wisdom and knowledge of their leaders, will overcome the suffering and sorrow caused by this tragedy and will move past its consequences.”

“Falih Al-Fayyadh”, the head of the “Hashd al-Sha’bi” organization in Iraq, expressed his condolences to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution after the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and his companions. He emphasized, “We honor the memory of the men who dedicated themselves to the path of truth and support of the oppressed and the Islamic Ummah [community].”

The Lebanese Amal Movement issued a statement, emphasizing that, “We offer our condolences to the Grand Ayatollah Imam Khamenei on the martyrdom of the President of Iran and the Iranian Foreign Minister and their companions in the helicopter crash. We are confident that this calamity will not weaken the Islamic Republic of Iran’s determination to move towards progress, strength, and support for the independent people of the world in their pursuit of freedom and justice.”

The scholars of Beirut issued a statement, describing the martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi, Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions in the helicopter crash as a painful event. “We share the grief of the Leader, Sayyid Ali Khamenei, and the Iranian people in this calamity. Iran will be able to overcome this stage and continue the path of jihad, fighting Global Arrogance and supporting the oppressed,” they stated.

In a message of condolence to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri, declared, “The Islamic Republic of Iran, Lebanon, and the Islamic Ummah have lost revolutionary and pioneering leaders.”

Mahdi Al-Mushat, the head of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council, expressed condolences to Imam Khamenei, emphasizing, “Martyr Raisi was an example of a brave Muslim leader loyal to the causes of the Islamic Ummah and its goals.”

The countries of Cuba, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Iraq, and Tajikistan also declared national mourning in their countries following this heartbreaking incident.


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