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Abu Sharif: Iran is the only supporter of the Palestinian nation and resistance

The representative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement in Tehran emphasized that in a situation where we are witnessing the continuous betrayal of some Arab and Islamic countries to Palestine, the Islamic Republic of Iran is the only country that supports the Palestinian nation and resistance with all its might.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, Nasser Abu Sharif, the representative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement in Tehran, Speeches at the “Examination of the International Dimensions of the Martyrdom of Ayatollah Raisi and Dr. Amir Abdollahian” at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Tehran in honor of the role and sincere efforts of the martyrs Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, the President and Dr. Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in support of The issue of Palestine was discussed in various regional and international circles. He said that Martyr Seyed Ebrahim Raisi and Martyr Amir Abdullahian played a great and prominent role in the issue of Palestine. In all the periods of his responsibility, the late president worked and served in line with the goals and ideals of the Islamic Revolution, not only for Iran, but also for the entire Islamic Ummah, whether at the threshold of Astan Quds Razavi, or at the head of the judiciary, or as the president. They considered it the central issue of the Islamic Ummah, because this is the theory that Imam Khomeini (RA) was the founder of.

Abu Sharif added that today the Palestine issue is at the top of world issues more than in the past, why should a citizen Should an American set himself on fire because of the Palestinian issue? Why should demonstrations in support of Palestine be held in America and Europe? Why does the president of South Africa decide to cut ties with the Zionist regime? These show the global attention to the Palestinian issue. He pointed out that since the victory of the revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran has introduced the Palestinian issue as the first issue of itself and the Islamic Ummah, which shows the in-depth view of the authorities. It is Iran so that today Palestine has become a global issue.

Abu Sharif further said that one of the most important axes of Iran’s policy is that we must know the enemy, and this issue is in the behavior, actions and beliefs of the Imam. Khomeini (may Allah be pleased with him) was visible.

The representative of the Islamic Jihad movement in Tehran further stated that planting a cancerous tumor of the Zionist regime in the heart of the Islamic Ummah is the most dangerous project of the enemies that threatens the Islamic Ummah. If we pay attention to the words of American officials and other Western countries, including the spokesperson of the White House or the Secretary of State of the United States or the Pentagon, we see that they always emphasize that Israel must always be stronger than all the surrounding countries and all countries must be weaker than this. regime, in the sense that, from their point of view, Iran, Turkey, Syria and other countries should be weakened and destroyed, but the Islamic Republic has defined its enemy since the victory of the revolution, and Imam Khomeini (RA) interpreted the cancerous tumor for They used the Zionist regime.

He added: Imam Khamenei since the beginning of his leadership, the same frameworks and policies of Imam Rahal (RA), honor and dignity for the Islamic Republic of Iran and not allowing the West to interfere in the affairs Iran’s interior and continued to support the Palestinian issue.

Abu Sharif pointed to the many achievements of the Islamic Revolution and the remarkable progress of our country in various sectors and self-sufficiency in various products and said that Iran succeeded in realizing projects that Many countries in the world need the help of Western countries to realize it, which is the most important achievement of Iran in the field of nuclear energy, missile program and scientific advances. Iran’s presence in the region shows its power, despite the fact that Western countries are against the progress of the countries in the region and only want the Zionist regime to be superior to the countries in the region in all fields.

He emphasized. : The fight against the Zionist regime is one of the most important axes of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the martyrs Raisi and Amir Abdullahian fully believed in this issue that supporting Palestine is both an Islamic human duty and a national duty.

Abu Sharif stated that Today, we are witnessing the massive massacre of the Palestinian people in the shadow of the silence of the western claimants, he stated that the Palestinian issue is one of the prominent cases and topics in the structures of the Islamic Republic of Iran, both at the level of the presidency and the foreign ministry, so that after Al-Aqsa storm operation, the activities in support of Palestine, both at the level of the presidential institution and the Iranian Foreign Ministry, multiplied, and Foreign Minister Shahid made many trips in support of Palestine, and in regional and international circles and gatherings, He defended the issue of Palestine. He said about Martyr Raisi that we witnessed the support of this noble martyr for the issue of Palestine in all regional and international circles, his speech at the meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Riyadh expressed Iran’s support for It was Palestine, in that speech he clearly defended the Palestinian issue and demanded armed support for the Palestinian nation and asked the Arab countries, especially the countries that had normalized their relations with the Zionist regime, to cut off their relations.

The representative of Islamic Jihad pointed out the compromise approach of most Arab countries and their compliance with America and the compromise of some of them with the Zionist regime and said that unfortunately the Arab and Islamic countries failed in a big test, a country like Egypt has all its trump cards in the region and lost the world, but Iran, its position and regional position improved, the country of Yemen, despite the fact that it is not in a good situation in terms of economic possibilities, but after about a decade of war that was launched against it, due to Supporting Palestine today has a much higher strategic position than Egypt.

He stated that neutrality in the important issues of the region is not in the interest of the central countries of the region. The Zionist regime’s aggression against the Iranian consulate in Damascus said: We all saw Iran’s show of strength in the operation of the honest promise and crushing the goals of the Zionist regime in front of the eyes of the world. It helps. Abu Sharif emphasized the legitimacy of the struggle of the Palestinian nation and stated that the people and the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip are surrounded and under pressure from all sides, and the only country that defends them with all its might is the Islamic Republic. It is Iran and we, the Palestinian people, are proud of this role of Iran and I believe that Iran will be successful and victorious in achieving its goals. He added that we appreciate Iran’s role in resisting the Zionist regime. We do, two honorable martyrs, Dr. Raisi and Dr. Amir Abdullahian, played a great role in supporting Palestine, they have a special place in the hearts of us Palestinians, and their achievements will be eternal, and we hope that their path will continue until the complete freedom of Palestine and Jerusalem. Let us be honorable.

Allamah “Syed Shabir Bukhari”, the head of the Central Council of the Imamiya Movement of Pakistan, also appreciated the efforts and efforts of martyrs Raisi and Amir Abdullahian in supporting the first issue of the Islamic Ummah, i.e. the Palestinian issue, to the positions of the republic. In support of the important issues of the Islamic world, Islamic Iran pointed to the very beginning of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and said that when Ayatollah Khamenei visited Pakistan during his presidency, 100,000 people went to welcome him at the airport and said many times that this welcome People of Pakistan will not forget. The recent visit of Martyr Raisi to Pakistan has once again revived the memory of Ayatollah Khamenei’s historic trip.

He named honesty and sincerity as one of the most important characteristics of Martyr Raisi and said that after the martyrdom of Mr. Raisi, Muslims Both Shiites and Sunnis cried for him, Martyr Raisi made a lot of efforts to support the Palestine issue and his martyrdom highlighted these efforts.

This Pakistani scholar stated that since the time when Imam Khomeini (may Allah be pleased with him) called the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as the International Quds Day, which means that since 43 years ago, every year in Pakistan, we hold the International Quds Day ceremony and our support for Palestine is clear and obvious.

He added that the recent Al-Aqsa storm operation revealed the hypocrisy of some Arab countries that falsely call themselves supporters of Palestine, while the only country that honestly and practically defends the Palestinian nation and resistance. It is the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He continued: We have martyred for Palestine in Pakistan, including during the World Quds Day ceremony, dozens of Pakistani citizens were martyred in a terrorist attack.

At the end of his speech, this Pakistani scholar pointed out that the martyrdom of Dr. Raisi and his companions will definitely give a new spirit to the Islamic Ummah, and with the help of God, we will pray victory prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque under the banner of the Islamic Revolution of Iran soon.

He added that the martyrs of Raisi and Amir Abdollahian, with their intelligence and ingenuity, removed the obstacles facing the axis of resistance. They removed it and this honor is enough for them that the great operation of Sadiq’s promise took place during their time and Iran rubbed the Zionists’ noses in the ground. These two martyrs filled the vacant place of martyr Soleimani well, because both of them were brought up in the school of Velayat al-Faqih, and we all hope to continue their path. Abbas Al Mousavi, the former Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, who was martyred in the terrorist attack of the Zionist regime, also praised and honored the role and efforts of martyrs Raisi and Amir Abdullahian in supporting the issues of the Muslim Ummah, especially the Palestinian issue. The presence of millions of people in their funeral ceremony surprised the world, this magnificent funeral expressed their sincerity and sincerity and gave this message to the enemies and the world that the people of Iran still stand on principled and revolutionary positions and the unity of the word and obedience to Their wise leaders persist.

He pointed out that these two honorable martyrs seriously defended the Palestinian issue and did not tire in defending their people and the oppressed of the world, especially the Palestinian nation. These elders hurt our hearts, because we lost a supporter and great brothers.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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