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Oppressed nations need a role model like Shahid Raisi

An analyst of regional issues emphasized that the nations that suffer from the oppression and crimes of arrogance, need a model for perseverance and a simple and clean life.

report Mehr News Agency, Martyr Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi was an exceptional and unprecedented model that appeared in Iran, but he went beyond the borders of this country so that the whole world knows him and every Anyone who is familiar with his personality, achievements, life, principles and values ​​should oblige himself to follow him. He was the martyr of service and never tired of working and serving the people and meeting their needs and demands, and he made it the main priority of his activities in the presidency, just as he sought justice in the judiciary.

Mehr News Conversation with Talal Atrisi, professor of social sciences and researcher of regional issues, has made a study about the personality of Ayatollah Raisi, the full text of which you can read:

The Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon spoke about the role model and importance of martyred President Seyed Ebrahim Raisi. To what extent do you believe in the importance of a role model in the lives of oppressed nations and do our nations need such role models in the process of seeking freedom and fighting arrogance?

In the process of creating a society or an individual at the human and educational level, a constant need for role models is felt. Prophets were always considered as a model in the process of fundamental and deep changes and the transition of man from one belief to another and from slavery and captivity to freedom through monotheism and worship of God Almighty. Throughout history, liberation movements also need leaders and role models to guide them on the path to achieving their goals. These leaders were always the models of these movements and became examples that were accepted and their biographies were written and passed on to future generations.

In this field, Iran has presented important and basic models, including its exceptional leader Imam Khomeini (RA). Imam Khomeini was not a temporary and transitory role model whose role ends with the end of the revolution process and the establishment of the Islamic Republic. The important feature of this model was that even after his death, this process continued under the leadership of Imam Khamenei. Shahid Raisi was also able to present himself as a role model.

You mentioned a set of positive and excellent characteristics for Shahid Raisi and Seyed Hassan Nasrallah also in his speech He mentioned the same things himself. Do you think these characteristics were unique to Ayatollah Raisi? What factors made him achieve this high position among the Iranian nation and other nations of the region?

A model like Shahid Raisi has his characteristics in the current situation of Iran, of course, he goes beyond the borders of Iran, because today’s human has a high ability to communicate with other societies. And he has knowledge of developments in other regions of the world and can get information about the personal life of any leader or famous person in the world.

Shahid Raisi, through the various positions they held and the various responsibilities they pursued in the judicial system, the administration of Astan Quds Razavi and Via in the presidency, is only one character. They were genuine and in terms of perseverance and justice in any situation, his character did not change. He always sought to serve the people and serve the pilgrims of Imam Reza (peace be upon him) and seek justice in the judicial system. He was a just person who fought against corruption and corrupt elements, and this brought him closer to the Iranian people.

This honorable martyr had prioritized serving the oppressed and especially the cause of Palestine and considered it his religious and moral responsibility. These were the special characteristics of Shahid Raisi, of course, we may see some of these characteristics in other people as well. Shahid Raisi followed a special lifestyle for himself, his family and his parents, and this made him a different role model.

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah spoke about the many achievements of Ayatollah Raisi’s government, especially the increase in oil production and export. Do you also believe that the president had these achievements?

The achievements attributed to Ayatollah Raisi, including the construction of houses for the residence of thousands of Iranian families, are quite tangible, and a person can easily observe this process when visiting different regions of Iran. . Ayatollah Raisi had a firm belief in serving the people and meeting their demands, and for this reason, he created many developments in the country in the past few years.

Perhaps for the first time in the history of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, a president was appointed who was completely aligned with the approaches of the leader of the revolution in the domestic and international arenas. He had a special personality, a unique way of life, and his own management method in major domestic and foreign cases, which was completely consistent with the approaches of the revolutionary leader, and this is the fundamental strength of Iran at this critical regional and international stage, especially in the shadow of the circumstances and It was the developments in Palestine.

In foreign policy, Shahid Raisi has focused the priority of his relations on interaction with neighboring countries and regional issues. Was. What were the most important success factors of Shahid Raisi’s team in this field? Do you think that these successes will continue in the future?

Iran has its own foundations in foreign policy, which is based on good neighborliness and at the same time opposing foreign interference, and every president, despite differences in tendencies and Political views believe in this strategy.

It is true that this country has lost an important figure like Ayatollah Raisi, but its strategy will not change and every president in the future must commit to this strategy. be Every person in the future will see the conditions for the continuation of this strategy after the achievements of Ayatollah Raisi’s government and the elimination of tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia more appropriate than before, and should follow Iran’s approach in establishing good neighborly relations and seeking to expand relations with the Middle East. and Islamic countries.

Iran after the loss of Shaheed Raisi and although it suffered a great loss in this situation, it still adheres to its strategy, which is in line with its approaches, goals and hopes. will continue and will try to strengthen stability in the region and maintain security in it and separate the hands of foreign forces from interfering in regional affairs.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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