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Examining the structure and categories of the international system from the perspective of Imam Khomeini (RA)

Perhaps the most important issue that Islamic countries are facing in the international arena is related to the distribution of power and the structure of the international system, in which the Imam's statements are very helpful.

Mehr News Agency, International Group – Mohammad Reza Moradi: The international system has gone through different periods until it has reached the current point. The beliefs and principles governing this system have their roots before the emergence of nation-states.

In today’s world, in the field of relations between international views Hobbesian rules. According to this point of view, the only motivation for the actors to act is personal interest and profit, and there is no other motive beyond the interest. In the framework of this view, issues such as justice, peace, security, trust, and honesty are only political jokes that have no use.

Iran as one of the influential countries in the international arena is forced to interact with the world Dealing with countries with the view that this can cause damage and threats to the country. Therefore, one of the ways to stay away from these threats is to re-read the thoughts of the Imam (RA) about important international issues, relying on them, the environment can be span style=”text-align:justify”>Hobbes better understood the relations between the world and entered this field with sufficient knowledge. In this article, the opinion of Imam Khomeini (RA) on the most important issues and categories of the international arena is tried. to be read.

International organizations

One ​​of the current concerns and problems of our country is the way of dealing with international international organizations because Countries have the most relationships with these organizations, but without knowing their nature, countries suffer. Therefore, referring to the thoughts of Imam Khomeini (RA) can be useful here.

Imam Khomeini (RA) existential philosophy of international organizations. considered to be in favor of the powerful and believe: “These populations were created by the powerful to dominate the weak and suck the blood of the deprived people of the world. We have not seen human rights advocates defend the rights of our weak government and oppressed nation.

Also, the Imam (may God bless him and grant him peace) the actions of Western countries towards international organizations and the actions of international organizations in relation to superpower countries in both ways, in order to secure the interests of superpowers. They know and remember Avar: “These organizations they created are for themselves, all for the benefit of the West, nothing for the oppressed.”

Imam Khomeini (PBUH) considered this organization Suri and to play with weak nations. and declare that there is nothing worse than this crime and worse than this brutality in the world. Even Imam Khomeini (may God bless him and grant him peace) called the right of veto of the big countries to resemble the rule of the jungle and in some cases worse than the rule of the jungle. As they say: “Governments of the jungle have one nature, and on that nature they justify their oppression.” But these organizations and those that were created by their hands, by their criminal hands, they destroy all the dignity and humanity of humanity.”

In another place, they emphasize that no sane person can accept that the whole world is just, but The authority of these organizations is in the hands of a few special people who, if these international organizations want to stop them, they will immediately veto it. These very deep statements of the Imam, which are associated with a kind of pathology, can be like a guiding light in the service of the country’s foreign policy. Especially because of the nuclear issue, Iran should be in regular contact with various international organizations.

Western culture

Among other important issues that have always been emphasized by the supreme leader of the revolution, is related to the cultural attack of the West and the harmfulness of this culture for Islam. Imam Khomeini (RA) has also defined the nature of this culture very well. The interpretations used by the Imam regarding western culture are: western culture, ill-educated culture, corrupt western culture and rotten culture of east and west. These interpretations mainly refer to the main feature of Western culture, which is also the major difference between Western culture and Islamic culture.

They first point to the fundamental difference between Islamic and Western culture and look for humanity in the divine school and they believe that the western education has deprived man of his humanity. “Western education has stripped man of his humanity and replaced him with a murderous animal…. The West does not make man, what makes man is the divine schools”.

Another distinct difference that the imam points to is that the material aspects of progress are included in the western culture, but the spiritual aspects are ignored and left aside. “Westerners have progressed materially, but they don’t have spirituality. Islam, as well as monotheistic schools, they want to make people, and the West is completely removed from this meaning.”


Nowadays, war has covered most of the regions of the world, and the root of this insecurity is the power-seeking of Western countries. Imam (RA) has clarified this issue well in some phrases. From Imam Khomeini’s point of view, peace is considered as one of the main indicators in international relations, and the only exception that allows war is collective and individual legitimate defense, which is used as a necessity to preserve the basis of religion and preserve the territory. The other is elementary jihad, which is also used in order to protect the general rights of humanity; However, in terms of its conditions and characteristics, it is not possible to happen for now.

From the point of view of Imam Khomeini (RA), peace remains stable in the case of negation of selfishness and sensual rebellions and the realization of a safe environment. In examining Imam Khomeini’s (RA) works on peace, the first rule governing international relations is the rule of peace and its authenticity, and if the current situation does not require war, its continuation will be mandatory. Understanding in the international scene can always create international peace and security.

From Imam Khomeini’s point of view, the factors that threaten peace are not exclusive to war; In addition to the fact that war is known as the main factor that threatens peace from his point of view, other factors such as arrogance and weakness are considered factors that threaten world peace: “A clan of arrogant and profiteers and the clans that are dependent on them, Don’t expect them to make peace with you, they won’t make peace either. They all have the same plan as the “Pharaohs” who have nothing to compromise on, and they are a group of oppressed people in the society, who are a deprived majority, and this group is with you.”

The idea of ​​Imam (RA), establishing peace and peaceful relations harmonious through confronting oppression And it is tyranny, and they say about the negation of oppression and oppression in relations between nations: “We want to implement these two words under the leadership of the Prophet of Islam, neither to be oppressed nor to be oppressed. We were oppressed throughout history, and today we want not to be oppressed.” And let’s not be cruel. We will not and should not invade any country due to the order that came to us from Islam. We will not invade any country.”

Or in the negation of arrogance, they say: “The health and peace of the world depends on the extinction of the arrogant, and until now there are uncultured domineering people on earth, oppressed by their inheritance that God Almighty has given to them.” They do not arrive with care.”

According to these statements, the realization of peace is nothing more than a dream as long as the western countries seek oppression and tyranny, and we should not be fooled by the slogans of the people favorable Western authorities.

Human rights

Another challenge facing Iran and western countries today is the issue of human rights. In fact, Westerners have always accused Iran of violating human rights regardless of their internal problems, while the human rights considered by the West and Islam are fundamentally different in nature. Imam Khomeini (RA) has expressed this very well. Imam Khomeini (may God be pleased with him) with his understanding of the world around him and with his mastery over the holy law, he was able to establish a government whose main concern was human rights, of course, not man-centered human rights, but God-centered human rights, rights that The guarantee of its implementation is not only dependent on the individual, but it has the possibility to be implemented in a very broad way regardless of different human thoughts.

The scholarly and wise views of Imam Khomeini regarding the right to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to participate in general elections, freedom of political parties, general equality before the law, women’s rights and religious minorities, as well as the methods of guaranteeing the implementation of the human rights system and its public freedoms in the form of atom and complete can be read in sources such as Imam’s book or even Imam Khomeini’s will And it is reflection.


Terrorism is also another issue that today’s humanity is widely affected by, and Imam’s statements in this matter are very enlightening. In today’s world, the westerners have connected martyrdom operations with some resistance forces with terrorism, and in this way they have targeted the issue of martyrdom.

Imam Khomeini’s opinion is exactly in accordance with the content of the Holy Quran. They considered martyrdom to be the greatest and most valuable honor and gift from Almighty God and they believed that if the goal of all humans is martyrdom in the way of God, they will certainly achieve salvation and happiness. will arrive The similarity between martyrdom and terrorism is that both lead to death. But knowing the difference between martyrdom and terrorism is very necessary and important for everyone. Martyrdom is death in the way of God in order to achieve justice, equality, etc., while terrorism is death in the way of destruction, creating terror, chaos, etc. Therefore, terrorism is the same as dying in the way of Satan.

Knowing the difference between martyrdom and terrorism seems very important because many powers The great people of the world, who are terrorists themselves, always want to make terrorism synonymous with martyrdom. On the other hand, the great powers of the world, such as America and Israel, interpret martyrdom as terrorism and believe that if someone strives in the way of God and to defend his rights and country, he is considered a terrorist.

In addition to this movement, the Islamic Revolution of Iran, under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini, provided a very suitable opportunity for a comprehensive jurist for the first time Al Sharayt and prominent who started to establish a political system himself, his votes and thoughts and views on various issues of human rights and public freedoms with Giri from the sources of jurisprudence and in relation to the Islamic political society to present to the lovers of His Holiness.

Imam Khomeini clearly introduces terror and terrorist actions as inhuman behavior. According to him, assassination is an inhuman act and at the same time very cowardly: “Terrorists cannot assassinate the human character of Islamic men.” Those who have touched their failure and death and want to take revenge with this inhumane behavior are suspicious. Make it known to those who do such cowardly things… kill in such a way that they kill suddenly and stealthily .»

International relations

But perhaps the most important issue that Islamic countries are facing in the international field considered related to the distribution of power and system structure among international. In this case, Imam’s statements are very helpful. From Imam Khomeini’s point of view, the distribution of power in the political structure of international relations is unequal and violates the rights of nations and weak countries. The distribution of the material and natural resources of power is not the same in the world, and what has happened in the objective political structure of the international system is the result of unequal political relations, the exercise of domination, the influence of great powers, and the political dependence of the countries under domination.

They say in this context: “Power in the hands of the oppressor leads the world to corruption; If power is in the hands of the powerful who are not wise, polite, it will bring calamity.”

Imam Khomeini (RA) was of the opinion that the army of the oppressors, which consists of two superpowers and several great powers, against the army of the oppressed, which consists of several Islamic countries And the rest of the third world is standing, and they have been looking for more domination over the Muslim countries and the third world: “One of the plans… is to alienate the colonized countries, to make them western and eastern, so that they themselves and They took their culture and power to nothing and considered the two powerful poles, the West and the East, as the superior race and their culture as the superior, and those two powers as the Qiblah of the world, and they introduced dependence on the two poles as an unavoidable obligation…. The sadness is more exciting because they have held back the oppressed nations under domination in everything….


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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