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Developments in Ukraine | US authorization to attack Russian military targets

Schultz's agreement to use German weapons to attack Russia, warning about Putin's revenge on Macron, spending 11.2 million dollars and using 4,000 security forces for the Swiss conference, and Zelensky's failure to gain the support of Asian leaders are some of the important events surrounding the war. .

– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, John Kirby, strategic communications coordinator in the Security Council Last night, the US national announced in his press conference that the US government has authorized the “special and limited” use of American weapons by the armed forces of Ukraine to attack Russian territory.

Kirbi about the goals Ukrainian army spokesman said: “We are talking about the possibility of using the weapons sent to target military installations, artillery positions and logistics areas that the Russians use to create a security buffer zone for themselves.

The White House official claimed that Kiev has assured Washington that the Ukrainian armed forces understand all instructions and restrictions regarding attacks on targets on Russian soil. announced the geographic attacks against Russia and reminded that Joe Biden’s administration will continue to monitor the situation and support Kiev, depending on the “trend of the situation” and the facts on the battlefield.

Previously, Politico newspaper reported that the US president secretly allowed Ukraine to use US weapons to attack deep into Russian territory. According to this information, this permission is applied to the areas of Russian territory that are adjacent to the Kharkiv region in order to reduce the offensive ability of the Russians to advance in this direction. Follow the 832nd day of the war in Ukraine:


Schultz: Using German weapons against Russia will not lead to an escalation of tension.

German Chancellor Olaf Schultz expressed his opinion in an interview that the use of German weapons “to protect against Russia” in the Kharkiv region will not lead to an escalation of the conflict. He said: “In this matter, we are sure that these aids will not contribute to the escalation of tension, because as the President of the United States (Joe Biden) said, we are talking about the limited use of Western weapons so that we can, for example, protect a large city like Kharkiv do.” 

The Prime Minister reminded that “from the point of view of international law, such decisions have always been possible according to war conditions.” Germany’s friends and allies have been carefully taken, adding: I will not allow any pressure to convince me that this decision is wrong and untimely. What needs to be done politically does not depend on the next date of the dialogue program, but on what makes sense given the current situation in Ukraine. He said that the Berlin authorities have confirmed the use of this country’s weapons by Ukraine to attack the positions of the Russian armed forces in the Kharkiv region. He did not specify whether the German side would generally allow an attack deep into Russian soil or not. Meanwhile, at the end of May, Schultz gave the necessary permission to the Ukrainian army to attack the soil. Russia had opposed Western weapons.

The White House is looking to provide more air defense systems to Kiev

Jake Sullivan, US President’s Security Adviser Melli announced on Monday that the United States is considering the acquisition of multiple air defense systems to secure Ukraine. He said: “The United States is now actively seeking to increase the number and acquisition of air defense systems. According to Sullivan, Kiev needs more air defense systems to protect itself from Russian missile attacks and to save its economic power, which in turn will support its military forces on the frontline. It is also necessary. The idea of ​​supporting Ukraine’s military industry while not helping the country’s economy, he said, “contradicts everything the United States believes about an effective military campaign.”

The French politician called for the suspension of aid to Kiev

Florian Philippe, the leader of the French Patriot Party, this morning on his page on the social network X (formerly Twitter) in the commentary of the video published in the cyberspace He wrote about the situation in the city of Dnieper: Mobilization in Ukraine is going very badly and it is more like kidnapping than asking people to go to the battle front. Employees of the Territorial Recruitment Center (Military Registration Office) are actually arresting Ukrainian men for mobilization and forcibly taking them with them.

He wrote: “Horrible video of kidnapping on a street in the city of Dnieper, Ukraine, showing the execution Violent and inhumane is the law of mobilization in this country”. Filippo warned that the West, with its support for the Kyiv authorities, is pushing the Ukrainian people towards complete destruction.  In this regard, he demanded to stop sending weapons and money to Ukraine, which is suffering from serious financial corruption.

The Biden administration prevented the former American intelligence officer from traveling to Russia

Former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter explained on his podcast last night why US Border Patrol refused to let him fly to Russia.

Ritter said: “They confiscated my passport and As a result, they allowed me to leave the country. This was a deliberate act, not a spontaneous situation. This was a planned action by the US government to prevent me from boarding a plane to attend the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg. And it is clear that they had an order to prevent my trip to Russia.”

This American expert called the St. Petersburg Economic Forum (SPIEF) a major international event, which is important for many countries of the world. Among the members of the BRICS group, Switzerland has become far more than the Davos summit. He added: “I was supposed to talk to many people on the sidelines of this forum, and I have no doubt that the United States government said: You are not allowed to do such a thing, and that’s why my passport was confiscated.”

Ritter assured. that after contacting some people to find a solution, the next day he will review the situation to fly to Russia. they did not give him, but also confiscated his passport.

Warning to Macron about the consequences of sending military trainers to Ukraine

The American newspaper “Washington Post” wrote in an analysis that Russian President Vladimir Putin may retaliate against Emmanuel Macron’s decision to send French military trainers to Ukraine. The guarantee of Ukraine’s survival was abandoned, what became more immutable from the beginning was the ban on the deployment of Western forces in the country. But now this principled ban looks more shaky than ever because France is considering sending military trainers there. In dealing with Moscow, Western leaders have turned to attack the French trainers sent to Ukraine, and in this case, the French president must answer to public opinion. After the election, Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of NATO, in an interview with “Sky News” channel, expressed confidence that the American support for Ukraine will not stop regardless of the result of the presidential election.

He said: “Supporting Ukraine is in line with the security interests of the entire Western community, and we still expect the United States to continue its support.” Stoltenberg recalled that NATO intends to to increase its support for Kiev in the near future.

Earlier, The Washington Post reported that Donald Trump, if he wins the US presidential election, may influence Kiev and force Zelensky. Give territorial concessions to Moscow and recognize Donbass and Crimea belonging to Russia to end the military conflict in Ukraine. Joe Biden, the current president of the United States, has also confirmed the information of this publication. Biden criticized the view of his rival Trump and said that he is designing a kind of “secret plan” for Ukraine. Russian generals: America and NATO are preparing a new proxy war against Russia.

The United States and NATO are preparing the conditions for conducting new proxy wars against Russia after the end of the conflict in Ukraine. This issue is stated in an analysis written by General Igor Kalesnikov and retired General Vychslav Kruglov for the magazine “Military Thought” which is published monthly by the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

In this article, it is pointed out that the establishment of formations and units The new American military and other NATO members in the territory of Poland, Romania, the Baltic countries, Finland and Sweden is actually an operation that guarantees the readiness of Western forces for possible military conflicts with Russia and Belarus.  The two Russian military officials mentioned that it is for this purpose that provocative actions by NATO member states to block the Kaliningrad region, which is of special strategic importance for Russia, have been possible.

Previously, Anatoly Antonov, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, also said that Kiev officials are very willing to pit NATO against Russia, so they can sit back and watch the conflict.  According to Antonov, Washington’s action regarding allowing Ukraine to use American weapons on Russian soil is completely irresponsible and will lead America into conflict. Switzerland are

The White House announced last night, Monday, that US Vice President Kamala Harris and Presidential Advisor Jake Sullivan will be Washington’s representatives at the Swiss conference on Ukraine.

This statement states: Kamala Harris will travel to Switzerland on June 15 to participate in a peace meeting in Ukraine. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan will also accompany the Vice President on this trip to represent the United States at the Ukraine Peace Summit. They will approve of Ukraine. Meanwhile, a few days ago, the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Mao Ning, said that Beijing will not participate in the Swiss Peace Conference, because this meeting will play an important role in resolving the conflict in Ukraine. will not, because Russia has not been invited to it.

According to media information, Saudi Arabia will also not attend this summit for this reason. 

Peter Szijarto, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, also noted that it is not clear that his country will participate in the Ukraine conference in Switzerland, and he wonders why such a conference should be held in the absence of one of the conflicting parties, and this approach is logical. is not. 

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also said that the Swiss conference, without the presence of Russia, is a futile action.

Kazakhstan may participate in the Ukraine meeting in Switzerland

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan did not consider the possibility of the participation of the officials of this country in the Swiss meeting on the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine unlikely. Consideration of the program of international events and Astana’s official positions will be taken into account in this regard.

He reminded that Kazakhstan historically has close relations with Ukraine and Russia in all aspects, as well as maintaining sovereignty and It supports the territorial integrity of both countries. 

According to this diplomat, this country would like to be closely involved in the international negotiations about the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine.

Switzerland will use 4 thousand troops to protect From the Ukrainian summit

The Swiss Ministry of Defense announced on Monday that the country’s armed forces will send 4,000 soldiers to provide security for the Ukrainian summit that will be held from June 15 to 19 in Borgenstock. Kurd.

It is mentioned that Switzerland invited more than 160 countries to this event and more than 80 of these countries confirmed their participation. For this purpose, during this summit, 4,000 Swiss military forces will protect the security of the guests of this summit. 

In addition, the military will monitor aerial reconnaissance and amphibious operations, the security of Swiss airspace during the meeting will also include continuous patrolling by F/A-18 fighter jets, ground-based air defense equipment (defence air), additional radars and advanced surveillance of the country’s airspace will be guaranteed.

The Ukrainian conference will cost Switzerland at least 11.2 million dollars

in the published statement It has been reported on the official website of the Swiss Parliament that the peace conference to resolve the Ukraine crisis in Burgenstock, Switzerland will cost the authorities between 10 million francs (about 11.2 million dollars) and 15 million francs (about 16.7 million dollars).

According to this information, the cost of holding the conference depends on the number of participating delegations and their level, the parameters of which are not yet final, so the exact cost cannot be mentioned yet. The cost cap is currently expected to be between 10 and 15 million francs, including 10 million for internal security.

Swiss authorities will publish the final list of participants shortly before the start of the conference.

In this statement, it is clear that the Swiss government will not pay for the travel expenses of foreign representatives to participate in this summit or their stay in this country.

The Swiss Senate refuses to provide additional financial assistance Refused to Kiev

The Swiss Senate refused to allocate additional aid to Ukraine. The issue was published on the official website of the Parliament of this country on Monday. It has been determined that 28 MPs were against financial support, 15 voted in favor and two MPs abstained. According to this information, the Parliament’s Security Policy Commission had proposed the creation of a special legal fund for this purpose. But this bill could not get the necessary votes in the voting ceremony on Monday. Therefore, the proposal was withdrawn.

As noted in the document, an additional 5 billion francs (about $5.6 billion) were to be used to finance the reconstruction of Ukraine. But no decision was made to allocate this amount. The statement of the parliament mentioned that this result “is not surprising, because this theory has faced a lot of criticism in recent weeks”. slow but supports financial aid to this country. 

Omerov’s request to Airbus, Boeing and Google to support the production of weapons in Ukraine

Ukraine’s Defense Minister Rostam Omerov during his trip to Singapore with representatives Military and technology companies such as Airbus, Boeing, Google and others met and asked them not to hold back their financial support for the production of weapons in Ukraine.  These meetings were held on the sidelines of the “Shangri-La Dialogue” forum.

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine wrote on his Facebook page: I asked them to invest in the production of weapons in Ukraine and defense companies Create a joint in this field. Umarov noted that he wants Kyiv to have “access to the latest military technologies.” According to him, either production will be carried out in Ukraine, or Ukrainian companies will be attracted to cooperate with global facilities. Umarov admitted that currently the country is cooperating with some foreign defense companies, and the Ukrainian army is testing their weapons, equipment and technologies on the battlefield and providing them with unique reports.

Zelensky may not personally go to the G7 summit

Sergei Nikiforov, press secretary of the President of Ukraine, announced that Volodymyr Zelensky may personally attend the G7 summit ) which will be held in Italy from June 13 to 15.

He said in a television interview on Monday: “Unfortunately, I cannot confirm or deny that Zelensky will physically participate in the G7 summit.”

The press secretary at the same time added that the president will participate in the event either online or offline.

Earlier, Bloomberg reported that Zelensky He will participate in the G7 summit in Italy. According to this news agency, he will use this trip to persuade European countries to agree to double financial aid to Ukraine. Zelensky’s attempt to convince Asian countries to support Kyiv has failed.

The American newspaper Washington Post reported on Monday, citing its sources, that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy failed to address Asian countries during the Singapore Security Conference, also known as the “Shangri-La Talks”. to urge the West to provide similar assistance to Kiev in the military conflict with Russia.

This publication noted that Zelensky failed to convey the same concern among Asian leaders about the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine as there is among Western countries. The subject of this controversy and was especially coldly welcomed by the Minister of Defense of the People’s Republic of China. 

Zelensky admitted at this conference: “Unfortunately, Ukraine does not have any strong relations with China, because the Beijing authorities do not want that.”  He also accused China of obstructing the process of resolving the conflict by not participating in the Ukrainian peace conference in Switzerland. 

Ukraine| Zelensky’s attempt to expand the use of American weapons
Ukraine| Zelensky: The West will not allow an attack on Russian territory
Ukraine developments Zelensky blamed the whole world for the situation in Kharkiv

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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