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Who sacrifices Palestine, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas?!

Mr. Mahmoud Abbas! Instead of criticizing and claiming against Iran, please review the record of 30 years of negotiation and compromise with the Zionists, maybe you will not be cursed by oppressed Palestinian women and children.

Mehr News, Intergroup The International: The Palestinian Authority, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, claimed in a statement that the policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran prevents the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. This organization also criticized the Supreme Leader of the Revolution’s speech on the 35th anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s death and claimed that Iran’s policy leads to the victimization of the Palestinian people. But who really sacrificed the Palestinian people?

self-governing organizations; 30 years of negotiations with the shrinking of Palestine’s geography

The Palestinian Authority has a life of 30 years. The self-governing organization was established in 1994 following the Oslo Accords between the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Zionist regime as a five-year transitional government, so that the final negotiations between the two sides could take place during this period. The Palestinian Authority’s approach towards the Zionist regime was anti-resistance and emphasis on negotiation and compromise. The result of the negotiations that took place in the last 30 years was the shrinking of Palestine’s geography and the failure to form an independent Palestinian state. In terms of geography, the organization initially emphasized on the borders of 1948, but gradually settled on the borders of 1967 including the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem to form a Palestinian state alongside the Israeli state.

After the deal of the century, which authorized the occupation of 85% of Palestine by the Zionists, the Palestinian Authority and Mahmoud Abbas, the head of this organization, did not take any special measures to prevent the deal of the century, and Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu were intoxicated by an important victory. The negotiation and compromise policy of Mahmoud Abbas practically did not help the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, and the Zionist regime does not even accept the two-state solution and insists on the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in a land other than Palestine.

Al-Aqsa storm and the self-governing organizations

Al-Aqsa storm, more than any other approach, exposed the nature of the self-governing organization and its leader, Mahmoud Abbas. Mahmoud Abbas practically divided Palestine into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and in order to weaken the Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza, he criticized the all-Palestinian Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa storm operation, more than 400 people have been martyred in the West Bank, especially in its northern areas, but the self-governing organization did not take any measures to stop the Zionists’ crime.

When people in the West Bank poured into the streets in protest of the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in the massacre of the Baptist hospital that left more than 500 martyrs; The self-governing organization used tear gas to disperse the people. The security forces of the self-governing organization had also infiltrated the demonstrations among the people in order to further prepare the ground for the suppression of the people.

It was in the last days of March last year that Hamas criticized the election of the new prime minister of the Palestinian Authority without consulting other Palestinian groups and said that this is against the procedure of electing the national government. The Fatah movement and Mahmoud Abbas issued an unprecedentedly harsh response. Together with the Zionists, they wrote to Hamas: “The group that is responsible for the events of October 7 and the re-occupation of Gaza and worse than the Nakbat, does not deserve to criticize us!”

The claims and accusations of Mahmoud Abbas and the organizations under his supervision against Hamas, while the global consensus for the necessity of forming an independent Palestinian state is an important and strategic outcome of the Al-Aqsa storm. The adoption of a resolution in the General Assembly of the United Nations with 143 votes in favor, 9 votes against and 25 abstentions regarding the request to re-examine the full membership plan of Palestine in the Security Council, shows the change of power equations in favor of Palestine in the post-October 7 and storm era. It has al-Aqsa.

Contrary to what the self-governing organization is trying to show the Al-Aqsa storm as a cost, a wrong action and far from the interests of the Palestinians to achieve the state or other rights; But the fact that for the first time the proposal of Palestinian membership as a full state is proposed in the Security Council (although the US vetoed it) shows that the way to achieve a Palestinian state, even within the framework of two states, is not negotiation and compromise, but the Al-Aqsa storm and authority in The opposite is a bully. If the self-governing organization dares to talk about the state and the capital of East Quds due to the recent actions of some European countries in recognizing the state of Palestine (in the form of two states), it is due to the Al-Aqsa storm, what if there was supposed to be negotiation and compromise to form a state. This happened in the last 30 years.

New allegations against Iran; Playing in the psychological puzzle of the Zionists and escaping from the pressure of Palestinian public opinion

The Supreme Leader of the Revolution, who repeatedly emphasized that the storm of al-Aqsa is completely Palestinian in nature and was carried out by Palestinian fighters, in his speech on June 14, the dimensions of the defeat of the Zionist regime in the storm of al-Aqsa and the Gaza war, as well as They explained the important achievements of the Palestinian resistance fighters. However, in the statement of the self-governing organization that controls the West Bank, it is stated that the leader of Iran said: “No one should count on the realization of a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.” This claim is in the words of Supreme Leader Such a statement basically did not exist, and at the same time, it contradicts the explicit positions of Iran and Iranian authorities regarding the necessity of a ceasefire in Gaza.

It seems that this part of the statement of the Palestinian Authority is a claim and a lie that represents playing in the psychological puzzle of the Zionists. These literature and accusations by Mahmoud Abbas and the self-governing organization under his control, which is called “Al-Salta” among Palestinians, are made with the aim of getting rid of the pressure of public opinion regarding their performance in the period after the Al-Aqsa storm in the past 8 months.

The Palestinian Authority has stated in another and final part of its statement: “Completely It is clear that the purpose of these statements is to victimize Palestinians and thousands of women, children and the elderly; The purpose of these statements is to destroy the land of Palestine, and ultimately such statements will not lead to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian nation has been fighting and fighting since 100 years ago, and now it does not need wars that do not help to realize its freedom and independence.”

At first glance, a review of the leadership’s words shows that the self-governing organization has instilled in a strange immorality without considering all the issues of Ayatollah Khamenei in Tehran. It seems that the target of Al-Aqsa storm was a regional issue, not a Palestinian one. Even though he has emphasized many times and even in this speech that the Al-Aqsa storm was a Palestinian action against the occupation and a response to the crimes of the Zionists, and besides that the Al-Aqsa storm had precise and strategic regional effects.

Pay attention to this passage from the leader of the revolution:

“This Al-Aqsa storm happened right in its time and at its moment. Of course, I cannot claim that the designers of Al-Aqsa storm knew what a great thing they were doing or not – I don’t know – but the fact is that what they did was something that nothing else could replace. take it; They destroyed and nullified a big international conspiracy for the West Asian region with the Al-Aqsa storm operation”


The claims of the Palestinian Authority and Mahmoud Abbas against the Islamic Republic of Iran, while Abbas and the organizations have not even tried half as much as the efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran in defending Palestine and its interests, because the defense From the interests of Palestine, it will upset their Zionist masters. Hossein AmirAbdollahian, the martyred Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, worked as hard as the entire Palestinian Authority to defend the independent state of Palestine, the Palestinian people, and highlight the crimes committed by the Zionists against the Palestinians and especially the people of Gaza, and he took the opportunity to attend regional and global forums in This direction has benefited.

Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, you cannot defend the interests of Palestine against the Zionist beasts with a souvenir photo and a smiling face. Instead of criticizing and claiming against Iran, please review the record of 30 years of negotiation and compromise with the Zionists, maybe you will not be cursed by oppressed Palestinian women and children. Today, the Palestinian people do not consider you to be the representative of the Palestinians, but they consider you to be the key and agent of the Zionists and the Americans in the Palestinian territory.

Authors: Seyed Razi Emadi – Mohsen Fayzi


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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