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The heavy costs of the Zionist regime’s attack on Lebanon

The senior Lebanese general says that Hezbollah has imposed complex equations on the Zionist enemy with its various anti-Zionist operations and has shown the heavy costs of any Tel Aviv attack on Lebanon.

Mehr News, International Group: Lebanon’s Hezbollah once again shot down the Hermes 900 unmanned aerial vehicle of the Zionist regime. He shot down in his airspace. In this way, the Zionist regime can no longer claim that it can occupy any Arab capital with its music unit, but the last word is said in the arena. Therefore, the Zionist regime and its cabinet are trying to create a war with Lebanon at any cost.

A look at the developments in the field regarding the increase in tension on the northern front is the focus of the dialogue that Mehr News Agency conducted an interview with Mounir Shehadeh, Brigadier General and former head of the Lebanese Military Court, we read the full text of this interview:

The northern front of the Zionist regime near the borders of Lebanon has seen a significant increase in tension since a few weeks ago. While the resistance has the initiative of the rules of engagement with the Zionist enemy, what is the meaning of these developments? And how do you evaluate the messages that each of these parties are trying to convey?

I will start with the developments of Arab al-Aramsha; The point that was the beginning of the new tension of the resistance in southern Lebanon. This attack and creating tension was done with several messages. The leaders of the Zionist regime had made claims and claimed that they were fully prepared for military activities in southern Lebanon, so the Lebanese resistance carried out this operation to let the enemy know that it has high intelligence and can investigate and evaluate everything. Why? which can send its spy planes and drones to the enemy’s airspace and obtain sufficient information about the enemy’s deployment areas and movements.

The question raised here is how the resistance sends these drones and suicide planes. In response, it should be said that Lebanon’s Hezbollah targeted all the spying and surveillance centers and radar disruptions of the Zionist regime since October 8. At that time, some Arab media mocked Hezbollah and claimed that this party targeted several columns in the occupied territories, but the results of this operation were later revealed and the importance of the resistance attack on 90% of the intelligence columns located on the borders of Lebanon. And the Zionist regime was revealed.

Lebanon Hezbollah has targeted the Miron intelligence base more than 7 times and targeted two Israeli spy balloons in Tiberias and Ramish town area. In this way, the Zionist regime has lost the power to control the airspace and receive air information from the borders of Lebanon and occupied Palestine, and in this way, the resistance has succeeded in using its spy planes and suicide drones without activating the missile defense systems and warning sirens on the northern front. to send to the occupied territories. In this way, targeting the spy systems of the Zionist regime plays a major role in the freedom of action of this party’s drones in Lebanese airspace.

Hezbollah managed to obtain important information through its spy planes in the Arab al-Aramsha region and thus targeted this center, which resulted in this 18 soldiers of the Zionist enemy were killed and wounded in the operation. The Israelis acknowledged that the operation was very important, and the resistance announced that it had used new suicide drones and that Hezbollah had expanded its range of attacks. Regarding the destruction of two information balloons of the Zionist regime, we must say that the first balloon was in front of Ramish village and the resistance did a very smart thing by targeting these balloons. At first, they waited for the wind to blow from the south to the north, because in this case, when the balloons are dropped, their special cables will fall towards the Lebanese lands and not fall in the occupied territories. When the wind started to blow, they first tactically targeted the control room, because if that didn’t happen, the control room would automatically delete all the information on the balloon. They first targeted the control room and then the balloon itself with a diamond missile. Then the cables were destroyed so that the favorable wind would pull them towards Lebanon.

The second balloon crashed in Tiberias, 32 kilometers from the Lebanese border. Lebanon’s Hezbollah did not just destroy these balloons, but sent its spy drones to film the fall of these balloons and their fall on the ground after the explosion. This shows that the Lebanese resistance can penetrate deep into the occupied territories and return to Lebanon after filming and collecting the desired information and targets.

The Lebanese Resistance published a video on Al Jazeera that showed how Hezbollah controls all the movements of the Zionist enemy soldiers even in their own rooms and in Beit Hillel. It can rain rockets on the bedrooms of Israeli soldiers. This shows that Hezbollah even knows about the rest room of the soldiers, as it also published pictures of many wounded Zionists on social sites.

Lebanon’s Hizbullah showed that it has obtained accurate information through its spy planes and has a high intelligence power to the extent that it has obtained accurate information through its spy planes. Vehicles entering and exiting enemy centers are also targeted by the resistance. The resistance showed its strength in this operation.

In addition to this, Hezbollah has recently unveiled suicide drones that carry two Sam-5 missiles, so these drones can simultaneously kill 3 attack a different target, in addition to the attack carried out by the drone itself, the camera is mounted on it and transmits images. This technology is also present in Almas rocket.

The messages sent by the Lebanese resistance are deterrent messages for Israel; With that in mind, if you want to start a military operation in Lebanon, we have some surprises that will make you regret it. In this way, I once again raise the point that Israel has used more than 85 of its military capabilities in qualitative and not quantitative dimensions, and now it cannot do anything other than using atomic bombs and chemical weapons, because of all It has used its big weapons in Gaza and Lebanon. On the other hand, Lebanon’s Hezbollah has used a small part of its capabilities, which is less than 25% of this capability, and it has many surprises. All these deterrent messages can make Israel understand that serious consequences await this regime in case of an attack on Lebanon, just as in the Gaza support front, these consequences await it if the scope of the war in Rafah expands.

The threats of the Zionist regime against Lebanon continue, and all Israeli officials, without exception, threaten destruction and destruction. Lebanon and applied new equations. Do you expect that the increase in the level of these threats will lead to the expansion of military operations in the border region and the situation will get out of control? Is there a possibility of widespread war?

We have been threatened more than 80 times by the Minister of War of the Israeli regime and other Israeli officials, but the Zionists know the consequences of any hostile action against Lebanon. Lebanese leaders, including Mohammad Raad, the head of the resistance faction, have declared that if the Zionist regime is stupid and starts military operations in southern Lebanon, the resistance will prevent the Zionists from seeing the light of the sun. Naturally, this is a poetic reaction, and it means that the number of missiles that will be fired at Israel in this situation will be very wide, and these missiles, which are ballistic missiles, will attack many strategic targets in the early hours. gave.

The probability of war depends on Netanyahu, we believe that he is in a crisis and is under a lot of pressure on all fronts. Yemen has started the fourth phase of its attacks and has targeted Israel’s interests in the Mediterranean Sea. They continue to destroy American and British military ships and the naval coalition has not been able to stop the Yemenis. The Yemeni front has completely closed the port of Eilat and is now targeting the Mediterranean Sea.

The losses of the Israelis on the Gaza front are also very heavy and we see that another number of Israeli soldiers have been captured by the Palestinian resistance. There have been many tensions in the Lebanese front, and in the internal front of the Zionist regime, large demonstrations are held in the streets of Tel Aviv, demanding the resignation of the leaders of the Zionist regime and the holding of early elections. The international court and the judgments issued by this court, especially regarding the arrest of the leaders of the Zionist regime, have become another lever of pressure on Netanyahu. In addition to this, the cessation of the war in Gaza will lead to the imprisonment and end of Netanyahu’s political activity, and it is possible that Netanyahu will put this action, that is, attacking Lebanon, on his agenda in order to escape forward in the current difficult situation.

The Lebanese resistance has used various methods to deal with the Zionists’ aggression against Lebanese citizens and their properties. Hezbollah elements skillfully use the tools at their disposal to impose equations on the enemy. How do you evaluate the current situation in the border area and how do you think the leaders of the Zionist regime can implement their promises to return the settlers to their homes and remove the resistance from the border areas?

Resistance carried out two different operations in Ramiya Center and Maliki Center and through the media and the videos it published, it showed that the elements of the resistance were present within a few meters of these centers. have. This had very dangerous signs for the Zionist enemy and conveyed various messages to them:

Firstly, he challenged the frequent statements of the Minister of War of the Zionist regime that the resistance elements have moved away from the border areas of Lebanon and proved it to be a lie. With these two operations, which were carried out a few meters away from the Zionist enemy, Hezbollah proved to the Zionist settlers that their officials are lying and that Hezbollah elements are present within a few meters of the skulls of the Israeli soldiers.

Secondly, when we carefully examine the films of the resistance and learn about the nature of the weapons used by the elements of the resistance, we see that these weapons are classic and old weapons such as There are B7-sized mortars, Picassie machine guns, Kalashnikovs, and artillery. This message shows that even with these weapons, the resistance can attack Zionist centers and kill Zionist soldiers and even capture them. They conveyed this message to the Zionist enemy that if they intend to attack Lebanon, the resistance is ready to return them to the days before 2000 and will carry out extensive attacks on their command and military centers.

In the resistance missile attack on the Branit military barracks with Barkan missiles and the attack on the headquarters of the 769th Brigade in Miskaf, a lot of destruction was caused in this base, and the missile attacks on Mount Miron and The occupied Golan also showed that the resistance can target the Iron Dome radar of the Zionist regime. The resistance in other areas has also targeted the missile defense systems of the Israeli regime, and this shows that when the resistance made Israel’s air control and control system ineffective on the northern front and targeted their intelligence columns and Miron base and two spy balloons, It can easily send its spy and suicide planes to Israel’s airspace.

It has the resistance of a missile interception system that can withstand enemy aircraft and the most modern and to shoot down their most expensive planes, while we see resistance drones passing through the border areas and easily reaching their desired targets. How do you evaluate these conditions? Is this situation as a result of technical capabilities, or the skill and expertise of the military staff has made Hezbollah superior, or has the enemy’s morale declined severely?

The Lebanese resistance recently shot down the second Hermes 900 unmanned aerial vehicle of the Zionist regime. With this action, Hezbollah sent the message to the Zionist enemy that it can target the Hermes planes that fly at an altitude of 30,000 feet, and in this way, it can also target the Israeli F16, F5, and F35 anti-aircraft systems. put your air.

The Israelis thought that this missile was a Saqr missile and not a SAM missile, but the resistance showed that the Israeli Air Force, in the skies of Lebanon, It does not work and Hezbollah has anti-aircraft missiles and can create more surprises with its anti-aircraft missiles.

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon, stated in his last speech that Lebanon is the result of these sacrifices. will see and Lebanon’s sea and land rights will be upheld and their internal crises will not remain as before. How can this happen? And how can the statements of Seyed al-Resistance be seen in the equations of the domestic future in Lebanon?

The Secretary General of Hezbollah meant that the developments after October 7th will never be the same as before. Before October 7th, Resolution 1701 was applied on the Lebanese front, and the Zionist regime, at the same time, repeatedly invaded Lebanon by sea, land and air. Israeli spy planes flew to the Golan in Lebanese airspace and targeted Syrian lands from the Sahl al-Baqaa region. We don’t want to go back to before this stage, so after October 7th, we must fully assert all our rights, including the determination of maritime borders, and secondly, Israel must pledge that it will not violate Resolution 1701 again.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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